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Offence Legislation Leg Ref Fine $ Points Disqual-
Code Item Penalty
EXCEED .05% (but less than 0.10%) RSA 6(1)(a) 390 0 3 Months Disq 5086 2
EXCEED 0.10% (but less than 0.15%) RSA 6(1)(b) 780 0 6 Months Disq 5087 4
Fail to comply with requirement to hand over keys RSA 5A(5) 390 0 5088 2
Drive motor vehicle with prescribed illicit drug present in your blood or oral fluid RSA 6A(1) 390 0 3 Months Disq 5094 2
Drive motor vehicle while consuming intoxicating liquor RSA 7(1) 390 0 5090 2
Drive motor vehicle while passenger consuming intoxicating liquor RSA 7(2) 195 0 5091 1
Passenger in moving vehicle consume intoxicating liquor RSA 7(3) 195 0 5092 1
Fail to comply with direction to stop RSA 14(1)(b) 390 0 5093 2
Cyclist exceed applicable speed limit for length of road by less than 15 km/h RR 20 97.5 0 B001 20 0.5
Cyclist exceed applicable speed limit for length of road by 15 to 22 km/h RR 20 146.25 0 B020 23 0.75
Cyclist exceed applicable speed limit for length of road by 23 to 29 km/h RR 20 195 0 B040 25 1
Cyclist exceed applicable speed limit for length of road by 30 to 37 km/h RR 20 243.75 0 B041 28 1.25
Cyclist exceed applicable speed limit for length of road by 38 to 44 km/h RR 20 341.25 0 B042 31 1.75
Cyclist exceed applicable speed limit for length of road by 45 km/h or more RR 20 438.75 0 B043 34 2.25
Cyclist fail to keep left when starting left hand turn (from other than multi-lane road) RR 27(1) 97.5 0 B060 36 0.5
Cyclist fail to approach and enter from within left lane (unless otherwise permitted) when turning left at intersection from multi-lane road RR 28(1) 97.5 0 B061 37 0.5
Cyclist fail to approach and enter intersection (unless obstructed) from within slip lane when turning left at intersection from multi-lane road RR 28(1A) 97.5 0 B064 38 0.5
Cyclist fail to approach and enter intersection from with bicycle storage area that is directly in front of left marked lane or of a bicycle lane on left side of road when turning left at intersection from multi-lane road RR 28(2A) 97.5 0 B066 39 0.5
Cyclist fail to make left hand turn as indicated by a turn line RR 29(1) 146.25 0 B065 40 0.75
Cyclist start right hand turn incorrectly (from other than multi-lane road) RR 31(1) 97.5 0 B063 41 0.5
Cyclist fail to approach and enter from within right lane (unless otherwise permitted) when turning right at intersection from multi-lane road RR 32(1) 97.5 0 B070 42 0.5
Cyclist fail to approach and enter intersection from within bicycle storage area that is directly in front of a right marked lane or of a bicycle lane on the right side of the road when turning right from a multi-lane road RR 32(2A) 97.5 0 B072 43 0.5
Cyclist make right hand turn incorrectly RR 33(1) 146.25 0 B071 44 0.75
Cyclist making hook turn incorrectly RR 35(2) 146.25 0 B080 46 0.75
Cyclist make hook turn contrary to sign RR 36 146.25 0 B081 47 0.75
Cyclist start U-turn without clear view and when could unreasonably obstruct traffic RR 37 146.25 0 BC17 48 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way when making U-turn RR 38 146.25 0 B085 49 0.75
Cyclist make U-turn contrary to sign (at dividing strip) RR 39(1) 146.25 0 B087 50 0.75
Cyclist make U-turn contrary to sign (along road) RR 39(2) 146.25 0 B088 51 0.75
Cyclist make U-turn at intersection with traffic lights RR 40 146.25 0 B089 52 0.75
Cyclist make U-turn at intersection without traffic lights (contrary to sign) RR 41 146.25 0 B090 53 0.75
Cyclist start U-turn at intersection from incorrect position RR 42 97.5 0 B093 54 0.5
Cyclist fail to give required right-change of direction signal RR 48(1) 97.5 0 B225 57 0.5
Cyclist fail to stop as required on red traffic light RR 56(1) 146.25 0 B245 63 0.75
Cyclist fail to stop as required on red traffic arrow RR 56(2) 146.25 0 B254 64 0.75
Cyclist fail to stop on yellow traffic light when could have done so safely and/or proceed before permitted RR 57(1) 97.5 0 B264 65 0.5
Cyclist fail to stop on yellow traffic arrow when could have done so safely and/or proceed before permitted RR 57(2) 97.5 0 B265 66 0.5
Cyclist fail to clear intersection as soon as safe after entering on yellow traffic light/arrow RR 57(3) 97.5 0 B279 67 0.5
Cyclist proceed through red traffic light when not permitted (after stopping) RR 59(1) 146.25 0 B294 68 0.75
Cyclist proceed through red traffic arrow when not permitted (after stopping) RR 60 146.25 0 B296 70 0.75
Cyclist proceed against yellow/red traffic light/arrow when not permitted after having stopped before entering intersection RR 61(2) 146.25 0 B299 74 0.75
Cyclist fail to clear intersection as soon as safe after traffic light/arrow changes to yellow/red (having entered on green) RR 61(5) 97.5 0 B319 75 0.5
Cyclist fail to give way when turning at intersection with traffic lights except on green traffic arrow RR 62(1) 146.25 0 B339 76 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to pedestrian as required when turning at an intersection with traffic lights RR 62(1)(a) 146.25 0 B340 77 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way at intersection where traffic lights not wholly working (with traffic light-stop sign displayed) RR 63(2) 146.25 0 B349 78 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required at intersection (not roundabout) where traffic lights not operating or only flashing yellow (and no traffic light-stop sign displayed) RR 63(3) 146.25 0 B366 79 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required turning at flashing yellow traffic arrow at intersection RR 64 146.25 0 B381 80 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to any pedestrian or rider on marked foot crossing with flashing yellow traffic light (other than at intersection) RR 65(2)(a) 195 0 BC25 81 1
Cyclist obstruct pedestrian or rider on marked foot crossing with flashing yellow traffic light (other than at intersection) RR 65(2)(b) 195 0 BC26 82 1
Cyclist overtake/pass a vehicle stopping/stopped at marked foot crossing with flashing yellow light RR 65(2)(c) 195 0 B390 83 1
Cyclist fail to stop as required at twin red lights (other than at level crossing) RR 66(1) 146.25 0 B400 84 0.75
Cyclist proceed through twin red lights after stopping (other than at level crossing) with lights still showing RR 66(4) 146.25 0 B406 85 0.75
Cyclist fail to stop and give way as required at a stop sign/line (at intersection without traffic lights) RR 67(1) 146.25 0 B410 86 0.75
Cyclist fail to stop and give way as required at a stop sign/line (other than at intersection, children's crossing, level crossing or twin red lights) RR 68(1) 146.25 0 B420 87 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required at give way sign/line at intersection (other than a roundabout) RR 69(1) 146.25 0 B470 88 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way at give way sign on bridge/narrow road RR 70 146.25 0 B480 89 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required at give way sign/line (other than at intersection, bridge, narrow road, level crossing, twin red lights) RR 71(1) 146.25 0 B485 90 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required at uncontrolled/unsigned intersection (other than T-intersection or roundabout) RR 72(1) 146.25 0 B510 91 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required at uncontrolled/unsigned T-intersection RR 73(1) 146.25 0 B516 92 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required to vehicle (other than one turning right from road-related area/adjacent land) when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area/adjacent land RR 74(1)(a) 146.25 0 B571 93 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to any pedestrian on road when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area/adjacent land RR 74(1)(b) 146.25 0 B576 94 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to any vehicle/pedestrian on road-related area crossed when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road-related area/adjacent land RR 74(1)(c) 146.25 0 B581 95 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area to pedestrian on the road-related area RR 74(1)(d)(i) 146.25 0 B566 96 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area to vehicle ahead or approaching from the right or left RR 74(1)(d)(ii) 146.25 0 B567 97 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required when entering a road-related area/adjacent land from an uncontrolled/unsigned road RR 75(1) 146.25 0 B586 98-99 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to oncoming vehicle on road when turning right into road-related area / adjacent land RR 75(1)(c) 146.25 0 B587 100 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to vehicle on continuing road at T-Intersection RR 75(1)(d) 146.25 0 B588 101 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to a signed signalling bus pulling out RR 77(1) 97.5 0 B606 102 0.5
Cyclist move into path of police/emergency vehicle displaying flashing red/blue light or sounding alarm RR 78(1) 195 0 B616 103 1
Cyclist fail to move out of path of police/emergency vehicle displaying flashing red/blue light or sounding alarm RR 78(2) 195 0 B622 104 1
Cyclist fail to give way to police/emergency vehicle displaying flashing red/blue light or sounding alarm RR 79(1) 195 0 B628 105 1
Cyclist approach children's crossing too quickly to stop safely RR 80(1) 195 0 B634 106 1
Cyclist fail to stop at children's crossing (when hand-held stop sign displayed) RR 80(2)(a) 195 0 B635 107 1
Cyclist fail to stop at children's crossing (when pedestrian or rider on/entering crossing) RR 80(2)(b) 195 0 BC27 108 1
Cyclist proceed through children's crossing when pedestrian or rider is on or entering crossing and before hand held stop sign no longer displayed or before being signalled to do so RR 80(3) 195 0 BC28 109 1
Cyclist proceed through children's crossing while pedestrian or rider is on or is entering RR 80(4) 195 0 BC29 110 1
Cyclist approach pedestrian crossing too quickly to stop safely RR 81(1) 195 0 B642 111 1
Cyclist fail to give way to pedestrian or rider on pedestrian crossing RR 81(2) 195 0 BC30 112 1
Cyclist overtake/pass a vehicle stopping/stopped at children's/pedestrian crossing RR 82 195 0 B644 113 1
Cyclist fail to give way to pedestrian in shared zone RR 83 146.25 0 B653 114 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required when driving through break in (unsigned/unmarked) dividing strip RR 84(1) 146.25 0 B654 115 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required to vehicle when entering a turning lane from a painted island RR 85 146.25 0 B660 116 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way when entering a median turning bay to oncoming vehicle already in bay RR 86(1) 146.25 0 B663 117 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to vehicle as required when entering a marked lane or line of traffic from either side of road RR 87(1) 146.25 0 B664 118 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to vehicle as required when turning from a median strip parking area into a marked lane/line of traffic RR 87(3) 146.25 0 B685 119 0.75
Cyclist fail to turn left at left turn only sign RR 88(1) 146.25 0 B689 120 0.75
Cyclist fail to turn left when entering intersection in left lane must turn left sign lane RR 88(2) 146.25 0 B690 121 0.75
Cyclist fail to turn right at right turn only sign RR 89(1) 146.25 0 B691 122 0.75
Cyclist fail to turn right when entering intersection in right lane must turn right sign lane RR 89(2) 146.25 0 B692 123 0.75
Cyclist turn at no turns sign RR 90 146.25 0 B693 124 0.75
Cyclist turn left at no left turn sign RR 91(1) 146.25 0 B696 125 0.75
Cyclist turn right at no right turn sign RR 91(2) 146.25 0 B697 126 0.75
Cyclist make U-turn at no right turn sign RR 91(2) 146.25 0 B698 127 0.75
Cycle in direction contrary to traffic lane arrows (other than at roundabout) except when making permitted U-turn or when permitted by a traffic sign or when obstructed RR 92(1) 146.25 0 B699 128 0.75
Cycle past a no overtaking or passing sign when oncoming vehicle on bridge/road RR 93(1)(a) 146.25 0 B701 129 0.75
Cyclist overtake vehicle on bridge/road contrary to no overtaking or passing sign RR 93(1)(b) 146.25 0 B703 130 0.75
Cyclist overtake on bridge contrary to sign RR 94 146.25 0 B705 131 0.75
Cyclist stop on keep clear area RR 96(1) 97.5 0 B706 132 0.5
Cycle on road when road access sign indicates driver/vehicle not permitted RR 97(1) 146.25 0 B707 133 0.75
Cycle contrary to one-way sign unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 98(1) 97.5 0 B708 134 0.5
Cyclist fail to keep left (contrary to sign) unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 99(1) 146.25 0 B709 135 0.75
Cyclist fail to keep right (contrary to sign) unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 99(2) 146.25 0 B710 136 0.75
Cycle past a no entry sign RR 100 146.25 0 B711 137 0.75
Cyclist fail to stop before reaching hand-held stop sign (other than at children's crossing) RR 101(1) 195 0 B712 138 1
Cyclist proceed past hand-held stop sign before permitted to do so (other than at children's crossing) RR 101(2) 195 0 B713 139 1
Cyclist increase speed while being overtaken and before overtaking vehicle has safely returned RR 145 146.25 0 B865 196 0.75
Cyclist fail to enter roundabout as required (from multi-lane road or multi lines of traffic) RR 111(1) 146.25 0 B715 151 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way on entering roundabout to vehicle in roundabout RR 114(1) 146.25 0 B764 156 0.75
Cyclist fail to keep left of central traffic island in roundabout RR 115(1) 146.25 0 B767 157 0.75
Cyclist fail to obey roundabout traffic lane arrows RR 116 146.25 0 B768 160 0.75
Cyclist fail to indicate right-change of lane/traffic line in roundabout RR 117(2) 97.5 0 B772 162 0.5
Cyclist/animal rider (in far left lane) fail to give way to vehicle leaving roundabout RR 119 146.25 0 B774 165 0.75
Cyclist fail to stop and give way at stop sign/line at level crossing RR 121 146.25 0 B776 166 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way at level crossing with give way sign/line RR 122 146.25 0 B786 167 0.75
Cyclist enter level crossing (with warning lights operating) RR 123(a) 195 0 B791 168 1
Cyclist enter level crossing (with gate/boom/barrier in any stage of operation) RR 123(b) 195 0 B793 169 1
Cyclist enter level crossing (when train entering) RR 123(c) 195 0 B806 170 1
Cyclist enter level crossing (when approaching train can be seen/heard and danger of collision) RR 123(d) 195 0 B808 171 1
Cyclist enter level crossing (when blocked or road beyond blocked) RR 123(e) 97.5 0 B816 172 0.5
Cyclist fail to leave level crossing as soon as safe RR 124 195 0 B818 173 1
Cyclist unreasonably obstructing the path of other driver/pedestrian RR 125(1) 97.5 0 B819 174 0.5
Cyclist follow another vehicle too closely to stop safely RR 126 146.25 0 B823 175 0.75
Cyclist enter blocked intersection/or intersection when road beyond blocked RR 128 97.5 0 B824 177 0.5
Cyclist enter children's crossing, marked foot crossing or pedestrian crossing when blocked or road beyond is blocked RR 128A(1) 97.5 0 B825 178 0.5
Cyclist fail to keep to far left side of road (except on multi-lane road or road with at least 2 lines of traffic in same direction) RR 129(1) 97.5 0 B826 179 0.5
Cycle in a right hand lane on multi-lane road (in an over 80 km/h zone or with keep left unless overtaking sign) when not permitted RR 130(2) 146.25 0 B827 180 0.75
Cyclist fail to keep to left of oncoming vehicles as required unless riding on path or nature strip RR 131 195 0 B831 181 1
Cyclist fail to keep left of centre of road (when no dividing line/median strip) RR 132(1) 195 0 B832 182 1
Cyclist fail to keep left of dividing line as required RR 132(2) 195 0 B833 183 1
Cyclist fail to keep left of dividing line as required when making a U-Turn RR 132(2A) 195 0 B836 184 1
Cyclist fail to keep left of median strip (other than painted island) RR 135(1) 146.25 0 B834 185 0.75
Cycle wrong way on a one-way service road RR 136 97.5 0 B835 186 0.5
Cycle on dividing strip at same level as road and marked at each side by continuous line (other than painted island) when not permitted RR 137(1) 97.5 0 B837 187 0.5
Cycle on/over painted island (with single continuous line/2 parallel continuous lines) RR 138(1) 97.5 0 B838 188 0.5
Cyclist overtake when unsafe and when no clear view of any approaching traffic RR 140 146.25 0 B848 189 0.75
Cyclist overtake to left of vehicle when not permitted RR 141(1) 146.25 0 B851 190 0.75
Cyclist overtake to right of vehicle indicating turning right or doing U-turn RR 142(1) 146.25 0 B852 191 0.75
Cyclist pass/overtake (when unsafe) to left of vehicle with do not overtake turning vehicle sign that is indicating turning left RR 143(1) 146.25 0 B855 192 0.75
Cyclist pass/overtake (when unsafe) to right of vehicle with do not overtake turning vehicle sign that is indicating turning right or doing U-turn RR 143(2) 146.25 0 B857 193 0.75
Cyclist overtake too close to another vehicle RR 144(a) 146.25 0 B861 194 0.75
Pass cyclist without sufficient distance RR 144A(1) 195 2 B899 194A 1
Cyclist cut in front of vehicle after overtaking RR 144(b) 146.25 0 B863 195 0.75
Cyclist fail to keep within single marked lane as required (multi-lane road) RR 146(1) 146.25 0 B867 197 0.75
Cyclist fail to drive within single line of traffic as required when 2 or more lines of traffic travelling in same direction (and no marked lanes) RR 146(2) 146.25 0 B868 198 0.75
Cyclist cross continuous line separating 2 marked lanes (multi-lane road) RR 147 146.25 0 B869 199 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way moving from 1 marked lane to another RR 148(1) 146.25 0 B870 200 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way moving from 1 line of traffic to another (when at least 2 lines of traffic travelling in same direction) RR 148(2) 146.25 0 B871 201 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way when diverging (left or right) within a marked lane RR 148A 146.25 0 B873 202 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way to vehicle when any part of other vehicle is ahead when lines of traffic merge RR 149 146.25 0 B872 203 0.75
Ride bicycle more than 1.5 metres abreast of another RR 151(4) 146.25 0 B876 207 0.75
Cyclist fail to comply with overhead lane control device RR 152(1) 195 0 B877 208 1
Cycle in bus lane when not permitted RR 154(1) 97.5 0 B878 210 0.5
Cycle in transit lane when not permitted RR 156(1) 97.5 0 B879 211 0.5
Cycle in truck lane when not permitted RR 157(1) 97.5 0 B880 212 0.5
Cyclist disobey no stopping sign RR 167 97.5 0 B881 214 0.5
Cyclist disobey no parking sign RR 168(1) 48.75 0 B882 215 0.25
Cyclist stop at side of road with continuous yellow edge line RR 169 48.75 0 B884 216 0.25
Cyclist stop in an intersection RR 170(1) 97.5 0 B886 217 0.5
Cyclist stop within 20 metres of traffic lights at intersection when not permitted RR 170(2) 48.75 0 B887 218 0.25
Cyclist stop within 10 metres of intersection (without traffic lights) when not permitted RR 170(3) 48.75 0 B888 219 0.25
Cyclist stop on or within 20 metres of approach or 10 metres after children's crossing when not permitted RR 171(1) 97.5 0 B889 220 0.5
Cyclist stop on or within 20 metres of approach or 10 metres after pedestrian crossing (not at intersection) when not permitted RR 172(1) 48.75 0 B892 221 0.25
Cyclist stop on or within 10 metres of approach or 3 metres after marked foot crossing (not at intersection) when not permitted RR 173(1) 48.75 0 B895 222 0.25
Cyclist stop within 10 metres of approach to or 3 metres after bicycle traffic crossing lights when not permitted RR 174(2) 48.75 0 B898 223 0.25
Cyclist stop on or within 20 metres either side of level crossing RR 175(1) 48.75 0 B909 224 0.25
Cyclist disobey clearway sign when not permitted RR 176(1) 97.5 0 B914 225 0.5
Cyclist stop in loading zone when not permitted RR 179(1) 48.75 0 B915 226 0.25
Cyclist stop in truck zone when not permitted RR 180(1) 48.75 0 B916 228 0.25
Cyclist stop in works zone when not permitted RR 181(1) 48.75 0 B917 229 0.25
Cyclist stop in taxi zone RR 182(1) 48.75 0 B918 230 0.25
Cyclist stop in bus zone when not permitted RR 183(1) 48.75 0 B919 231 0.25
Cyclist stop in permit zone RR 185(1) 48.75 0 B920 232 0.25
Cyclist stop in mail zone RR 186(1) 48.75 0 B921 233 0.25
Cyclist stop in bus/transit/truck lane when not permitted RR 187(1) 97.5 0 B922 234 0.5
Cyclist stop in shared zone when not permitted RR 188 48.75 0 B927 236 0.25
Cyclist double park RR 189(1) 48.75 0 B928 237 0.25
Cyclist stop (near obstruction) in such position to obstruct traffic RR 191 97.5 0 B929 238 0.5
Cyclist stop on bridge/causeway/ramp or similar when not permitted RR 192(1) 97.5 0 B930 239 0.5
Cyclist stop in a tunnel/underpass when not permitted RR 192(2) 97.5 0 B937 240 0.5
Cyclist stop on or near crest/curve (outside built-up area) when not permitted RR 193(1) 97.5 0 B939 241 0.5
Cyclist stop within 1 metre of fire hydrant/indicator/fire plug indicator when not permitted RR 194(1) 48.75 0 B943 242 0.25
Cyclist stop within 20 metres of approach to or within 10 metres after bus stop sign RR 195(1) 48.75 0 B947 243 0.25
Cyclist stop on a painted island RR 197(1A) 48.75 0 B948 245 0.25
Cyclist obstruct access to/from footpath ramp (or similar access) to foot/bicycle path or passageway RR 198(1) 48.75 0 B958 246 0.25
Cyclist stop on/across driveway or similar vehicular access RR 198(2) 48.75 0 B973 247 0.25
Cyclist stop within 3 metres of public post box when not permitted RR 199(1) 48.75 0 B979 248 0.25
Cyclist stop contrary to motor bike parking sign RR 202 97.5 0 B980 252 0.5
Cyclist stop in a parking area for people with disabilities RR 203(1) 97.5 0 BC19 253 0.5
Cyclist stop in a slip lane when not permitted RR 203A 97.5 0 BC20 254 0.5
Cyclist park continuously for longer than permitted by sign RR 205(1) 48.75 0 B981 255 0.25
Cyclist incorrect parallel park (other than median strip parking) RR 208(1) 97.5 0 B999 256 0.5
Cyclist incorrect parallel park in road related area (other than a median strip parking) RR 208A 97.5 0 B998 257 0.5
Cyclist incorrect parallel park (median strip parking) RR 209(2) 97.5 0 BA01 258 0.5
Cyclist incorrect angle parking RR 210(1) 97.5 0 BA21 259 0.5
Cyclist fail to park vehicle wholly within parking bay RR 211(2) 97.5 0 BA73 260 0.5
Cyclist fail to enter/leave median strip park in direction indicated RR 212(1) 48.75 0 BA74 262 0.25
Cyclist use/allow use of a horn (or similar warning device) unnecessarily RR 224 48.75 0 BA76 279 0.25
Cyclist not seated astride and facing forward RR 245(a) 97.5 0 BA96 329 0.5
Cyclist riding with no hands on handlebars RR 245(b) 97.5 0 BA97 330 0.5
Cyclist seated other than on seat RR 245(c) 97.5 0 BA98 331 0.5
Cyclist carrying more persons than bicycle designed to carry RR 246(1) 97.5 0 BA99 332 0.5
Bicycle passenger travel on bicycle in seat not designed for passenger RR 246(2) 48.75 0 BA95 333 0.25
Cyclist carrying passenger on bicycle in seat not designed for passenger RR 246(3) 48.75 0 BA94 334 0.25
Cyclist fail to ride in bicycle lane RR 247(1) 146.25 0 BB01 335 0.75
Cyclist enter bicycle storage area contrary to red traffic light or red traffic arrow except from a bicycle lane RR 247A(1) 146.25 0 BB03 336 0.75
Cyclist fail to give way as required to any vehicle when entering a bicycle storage area RR 247B(1) 146.25 0 BB04 337 0.75
Cyclist in a bicycle storage area on multi lane road fail to give way as required to motor vehicle in any lane other than directly in front of cyclist (except to motor vehicle facing red traffic arrow) RR 247B(2) 146.25 0 BB05 338 0.75
Cyclist ride across children's crossing, marked foot crossing or pedestrian crossing otherwise than in accordance with rule 249 RR 248(2) 97.5 0 BB09 339 0.5
Cyclist riding on pedestrian part of separated footpath RR 249 97.5 0 BB08 340 0.5
Cyclist fail to keep left of footpath or shared path RR 250(2)(a) 97.5 0 BC22 341 0.5
Cyclist fail to give way to pedestrian on footpath or shared path RR 250(2)(b) 97.5 0 BC24 342 0.5
Cyclist fail to keep left of oncoming cyclist (on path) RR 251 97.5 0 BB14 343 0.5
Cyclist riding where forbidden by sign or road marking RR 252(1) 97.5 0 BB18 344 0.5
Cyclist cause traffic hazard (moving into path of driver/pedestrian) RR 253 146.25 0 BB22 345 0.75
Ride bicycle while being towed by another vehicle RR 254(1) 146.25 0 BB24 346 0.75
Ride bicycle while holding onto another moving vehicle RR 254(2) 146.25 0 BB25 347 0.75
Ride bicycle within 2 metres of rear of moving motor vehicle (continuously for greater than 200 metres) RR 255 146.25 0 BB26 348 0.75
Cyclist fail to wear securely fitted and fastened approved bicycle helmet RR 256(1) 146.25 0 BB27 349 0.75
Bicycle passenger (except fare paying passenger in 3 or 4 wheeled bicycle) without securely fitted and fastened approved bicycle helmet RR 256(2) 48.75 0 BB30 350 0.25
Cyclist carrying passenger (except fare paying passenger in 3 or 4 wheeled bicycle) without securely fitted and fastened approved bicycle helmet RR 256(3) 146.25 0 BB28 351 0.75
Cyclist towing bicycle trailer carrying person 10 years or older RR 257(1)(b) 97.5 0 BB29 352 0.5
Cyclist towing person in/on bicycle trailer when trailer can not do so safely RR 257(1)(c) 146.25 0 BB31 353 0.75
Cyclist carrying person in/on bicycle trailer without securely fitted and fastened approved bicycle helmet RR 257(1)(d) 146.25 0 BB33 354 0.75
Ride bicycle with no effective brake RR 258(a) 97.5 0 BB37 355 0.5
Ride bicycle with no warning device in working order RR 258(b) 97.5 0 BB38 356 0.5
Cycle at night without white light visible from 200 metres in front RR 259(a) 146.25 0 BB39 357 0.75
Cycle at night without red light visible from 200 metres at rear RR 259(b) 146.25 0 BB41 358 0.75
Cycle at night without red reflector visible from 50 metres at rear RR 259(c) 146.25 0 BB43 359 0.75
Cyclist fail to comply with red bicycle crossing light RR 260(1) 146.25 0 BB45 360 0.75
Cyclist fail to comply with yellow bicycle crossing light RR 261(1) 146.25 0 BB49 361 0.75
Cyclist fail to cross intersection safely as required (when entered on green and bicycle crossing lights change to yellow/red) RR 262(1) 97.5 0 BB54 362 0.5
Cyclist on nature strip (other than one entering a road from a road-related area or adjacent land or vice versa) fail to give way to other road users/animals on nature strip RR 289(2) 146.25 0 BB62 397 0.75
Cyclist unlawfully ride on traffic island (other than on central island in roundabout) RR 290 97.5 0 BB64 398 0.5
Cyclist ride/tow vehicle with improperly secured/placed load or projecting load likely to injure/damage/obstruct RR 292 146.25 0 BB65 400 0.75
Cyclist fail to remove/have removed from road as soon as safely can any thing fallen/put from vehicle (when possibility of injury/damage/obstruction) RR 293(2) 195 0 BB85 401 1
Cyclist reverse vehicle when unsafe RR 296(1) 195 0 BB99 409 1
Cyclist reverse further than reasonable in circumstances RR 296(2) 146.25 0 BC01 407 0.75
Cyclist use mobile phone (when moving or stationary, but not parked) except to make or receive call from phone secured in mounting or not required to be touched RR 300(1)(a) 146.25 0 BC03 414 0.75
Cyclist lead animal or tether animal while riding bicycle RR 301(3) 146.25 0 BC04 417 0.75
Animal rider fail to give way to pedestrian on footpath/nature strip RR 302 97.5 0 BC05 418 0.5
Ride animal more than 2 abreast (other than on multi-lane road) RR 303(1) 146.25 0 BC07 419 0.75
Ride animal more than 2 abreast (in a marked lane) RR 303(2) 146.25 0 BC08 420 0.75
Ride animal more than 1.5 metres abreast of another animal rider RR 303(4) 146.25 0 BC09 421 0.75
Cyclist fail to obey reasonable direction by police/authorised person for safe and efficient traffic regulation RR 304(1) 243.75 0 BC10 422 1.25
Cyclist ride without due care and attention RR 367(1) 146.25 0 BC11 441 0.75
Cycle without reasonable consideration for other road users RR 367(2) 97.5 0 BC12 442 0.5
Cyclist cross 2 broken parallel dividing lines when not permitted RR 371(1) 146.25 0 BC14 443 0.75
PMD user travel past no personal mobility devices sign RR 244E 48.75 0 PM01 328A 0.25
PMD user travel on certain prohibited roads RR 244F(1) 97.5 0 PM02 328B 0.5
PMD user travel on road prohibited to personal mobility devices RR 244F(3) 97.5 0 PM03 328C 0.5
PMD user fail to keep to left of road RR 244G(1)(a) 48.75 0 PM04 328D 0.25
PMD user travel alongside more than one other pedestrian or vehicle unless overtaking RR 244G(1)(b) 48.75 0 PM05 328E 0.25
PMD user fail to give way to pedestrian RR 244H(1)(a) 48.75 0 PM06 328F 0.25
PMD user fail to travel sufficient distance from pedestrian RR 244H(1)(b) 48.75 0 PM07 328G 0.25
PMD user fail to keep to left of crossing, footpath or shared path RR 244H(2) 48.75 0 PM08 328H 0.25
PMD user travel on part of separated footpath designated for pedestrians unless crossing as specified RR 244I(1) 97.5 0 PM09 328I 0.5
PMD user fail to keep to left of oncoming bicycle riders or other PMD users RR 244J 97.5 0 PM10 328J 0.5
Travel in/on personal mobility device that is being towed by vehicle RR 244K(1) 146.25 0 PM11 328K 0.75
Travel in/on personal mobility device while holding onto moving vehicle RR 244K(2) 146.25 0 PM12 328L 0.75
Travel in/on personal mobility device within 2 metres of rear of moving vehicle (continuously for more than 200 metres) RR 244K(3) 146.25 0 PM13 328M 0.75
PMD user fail to wear securely fitted and fastened approved bicycle helmet unless exempt RR RR244L 146.25 0 PM14 328M 0.75
PMD user carry another person or animal RR 244M 146.25 0 PM15 328O 0.75
PMD user not 16 years or older RR 244N 97.5 0 PM16 328P 0.5
PMD user travel in or on personal mobility device on footpath at more than 15 km/hr RR 244O(a) 97.5 0 PM17 328Q 0.5
PMD user travel in or on personal mobility device on shared path, separated footpath, bicycle path or road at more than 25 km/hr RR 244O(b) 97.5 0 PM18 328R 0.5
Drive at night or in weather-reduced-visibility conditions without flashing or steady white light visible for at least 200m from front of personal mobility device RR 244P(a) 146.25 0 PM19 328S 0.75
Drive at night or in weather-reduced-visibility conditions without flashing or steady red light visible for at least 200m from rear of personal mobility device RR 244P(b) 146.25 0 PM20 328T 0.75
Drive at night or in weather-reduced-visibility conditions without red reflector visible for at least 50m from rear of personal mobility device RR 244P(c) 146.25 0 PM21 328U 0.75
Personal mobility device fitted with object or fitting having sharp protrusions likely to cause bodily harm or injury RR 244R 146.25 0 PM22 328V 0.75
Using mobile phone in hand while using personal mobility device RR 244S(1) 146.25 0 PM23 328W 0.75
Individual fail to comply with notice of demand TA 43G(3) 828.75 0 D500 12 4.25
Body corporate fail to comply with notice of demand TA 43G(3) 1657.5 0 14 Days Registration Suspension D501 12 8.5
Owner or registered operator fail to provide driver information as required (Individual) TA 51(3)(a) 828.75 0 D320 13 4.25
Owner or registered operator fail to provide driver information as required (Body Corporate) TA 51(3)(a) 1511.25 0 D321 13 7.75
Individual owner or registered operator fail to provide, or to diligently ascertain driver information or to report such steps within 7 days (if driver allegedly committed offence under the Traffic Act 1925 or Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999) TA 51(3)(b) 438.75 0 D322 14 2.25
Body corporate owner or registered operator fail to provide, or to diligently ascertain driver information or to report such steps within 7 days (if driver allegedly committed offence under the Traffic Act 1925 or Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999) TA 51(3)(b) 1023.75 0 D323 14 5.25
Individual fail to provide driver identity or information leading to identity (if driver allegedly committed offence under the Traffic Act 1925 or Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999) TA 51(3)(c) 438.75 0 D324 15 2.25
Body corporate fail to provide driver identity or information leading to identity (if driver allegedly committed offence under the Traffic Act 1925 or Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999) TA 51(3)(c) 1023.75 0 D325 15 5.25
Fail to obey reasonable direction by police/authorised person for safe and efficient traffic regulation RR 304(1) 243.75 3 D304 422 1.25
Fail to obey direction of police officer/authorised person (when found committing or when reasonably believed to have committed offence against the Traffic Act 1925, Passenger Transport Act 1997 or Taxi and Luxury Hire Car Industries Act 1995) RR 354(2) 438.75 0 D306 423 2.25
Fail to stop/remain stopped when directed/signalled (inspection, investigation, inquiry) VT 46(2) 243.75 0 D326 487 1.25
Fail to stop/remain stopped when directed/signalled VT 46(2) 438.75 0 D410 488 2.25
Unload/alter position of load on vehicle or combination, or cause/permit vehicle or combination to be unloaded or position of load altered before vehicle is inspected VT 46(3) 438.75 0 D415 489 2.25
Driver fail to produce for inspection a document required to be carried by driver or to be carried in/on vehicle (other than an Australian driver licence, foreign driver licence or ancillary certificate) VT 47(1) 243.75 0 D327 494 1.25
Person apparently in charge of vehicle (other than driver) fail to produce for inspection document required to be carried in/on vehicle VT 47(3) 243.75 0 D328 495 1.25
Fail to produce document for inspection within 7 days VT 47(4) 243.75 0 D329 496 1.25
Registered operator fail to deliver number plate/registration label/certificate of registration/trade plate/short term unregistered vehicle permit or any other required document issued under Act into custody as required VT 48(3) 341.25 0 D331 498 1.75
Fail to deliver plate/label/certificate/permit/other document issued under Act into custody of the Registrar/police officer/authorised officer as required VT 48(3) 341.25 0 D420 499 1.75
Fail to deliver document/record/logbook issued or required to be kept under Act into custody of the Commission/police officer/authorised officer as required VT 48(4A) 341.25 0 D400 500 1.75
Fail to produce for inspection when asked by police/authorised officer, record required to be kept under regulations VT 48(6) 341.25 0 D367 502 1.75
Fail to comply with direction of police/authorised officer at inspection to move vehicle/open compartment/demonstrate operation of vehicle or equipment or to answer question VT 49(6) 438.75 0 D405 503 2.25
Fail to comply with police officer/authorised officer direction to unload/secure all/part of load VT 49A(3) 438.75 0 D425 504 2.25
Fail to produce motor vehicle for inspection (on Registrar's written notice) as required VT 50(8) 341.25 0 D380 505 1.75
Fail to produce trailer for inspection (on Registrar's written notice) as required VT 50(8) 341.25 0 D381 506 1.75
Fail to comply with Registrar's written requirement to provide specified information/evidence/documents for inspection, or attend for identification (to correct/complete relevant register entry) VT 55(3) 243.75 0 D351 507 1.25
Fail to comply with police direction (when temporary closure of public street or prohibition on its use - public event) VT 56A(7) 243.75 0 D390 508 1.25
Fail to comply with police direction (when temporary closure of public street or prohibition on its use - danger or obstruction) VT 56B(2) 243.75 0 D395 509 1.25
Fail to deliver to Registrar by allowed time a document/plate or device as required by a recall notice (on issue of duplicate or replacement) DLVR 174(10) 341.25 0 D360 621 1.75
Drive using mobile phone (when moving or stationary, but not parked) except to make or receive call from phone secured in mounting or not required to be touched RR 300(1)(b) 390 3 V107 414 2
Display on/near road, a light/reflector that was (or was likely to be) reasonably mistaken by a driver for emergency vehicle flashing light TA 41G(1)(a) 146.25 0 C015 1 0.75
Display on/near road, a light/reflector that dazzled/distracted a driver (or was likely to) TA 41G(1)(b) 195 0 C025 2 1
Display on/near road, a light/reflector that misled/confused a driver (or was likely to) TA 41G(1)(c) 195 0 C035 3 1
Display on/near road, a light/reflector that interfered with operation/effectiveness of traffic light/overhead lane control signal/traffic arrow (or was likely to) TA 41G(1)(d) 195 0 C045 4 1
Display a light/reflector on/near a road (after given Transport Commission written notice) TA 41G(2) 243.75 0 D310 5 1.25
Fail to obey direction to adjust/disconnect/move/cover a light/reflector constituting a traffic hazard TA 41G(4) 243.75 0 D314 6 1.25
Place/display anything on/near a road obscuring traffic control device TA 41H(1)(a) 195 0 C055 7 1
Place/display anything on/near a road interfering with operation/effectiveness of traffic control device TA 41H(1)(b) 195 0 C060 8 1
Place/display anything on/near a road preventing (or likely to prevent) an approaching driver clearly seeing traffic control device TA 41H(1)(c) 195 0 C065 9 1
Mark (or otherwise place) on a road, anything purporting to be a road marking TA 41J(1) 243.75 0 C075 10 1.25
Use loudspeaker on or from a vehicle without a permit TA 42(1) 48.75 0 C110 11 0.25
Fail to give required left-change of direction signal RR 46(1) 146.25 2 I001 55 0.75
Fail to turn off left-indicator on completion of direction change RR 46(4) 146.25 0 I040 56 0.75
Fail to give required right-change of direction signal RR 48(1) 146.25 2 I060 57 0.75
Fail to turn off right-indicator on completion of direction change RR 48(4) 146.25 0 I080 58 0.75
Use indicator when not permitted RR 51 97.5 0 I100 59 0.5
Fail to give required stop signal RR 53(1) 146.25 2 I120 60 0.75
Fail to give sufficient stop signal on stopping RR 53(2) 146.25 2 I140 61 0.75
Fail to give stop signal when suddenly slowing RR 53(3) 146.25 2 I160 62 0.75
Unreasonably Obstructing the Path of other Driver/Pedestrian RR 125(1) 146.25 0 C001 174 0.75
Follow another vehicle too closely to stop safely RR 126 195 1 C005 175 1
Long vehicle driver fail to keep required minimum distance behind another long vehicle RR 127(1) 195 1 C006 176 1
Enter blocked intersection/or intersection when road beyond blocked RR 128 146.25 0 C010 177 0.75
Drive wrong way on a one-way service road RR 136 195 0 U001 186 1
Fail to drive within single line of traffic as required when 2 or more lines of traffic travelling in same direction (and no marked lanes) RR 146(2) 146.25 0 U003 198 0.75
Ride motor bike/bicycle more than 2 abreast (on other than multi-lane road) RR 151(1) 146.25 0 U004 205 0.75
Ride motor bike/bicycle more than 2 abreast (in marked lane) RR 151(2) 146.25 0 U005 206 0.75
Ride motor bike more than 1.5 metres abreast of another RR 151(4) 146.25 0 U006 207 0.75
Rider of motor bike unlawfully lane filter along length of road RR 151A(2) 195 2 U007 207A 1
Drive in bicycle lane when not permitted RR 153(1) 146.25 2 U008 209 0.75
Drive in bus lane when not permitted RR 154(1) 146.25 0 U009 210 0.75
Drive in transit lane when not permitted RR 156(1) 146.25 0 U110 211 0.75
Drive in truck lane when not permitted RR 157(1) 146.25 0 U111 212 0.75
Fail to drive in correct lane as marked for that vehicle type RR 159(1) 146.25 0 U112 213 0.75
Fail to enter/leave median strip park in forward direction (when no direction given) RR 212(2) 146.25 0 U113 263 0.75
Fail to effectively apply parking brake/restrain motor vehicle in some way RR 213(2) 146.25 0 F280 264 0.75
Driver leaving motor vehicle fail to switch off engine if will be over 3 metres from motor vehicle RR 213(3) 146.25 0 F275 265 0.75
Fail to remove ignition key (when over 3 metres from motor vehicle unattended by person at least 16) RR 213(4) 97.5 0 F285 266 0.5
Fail to lock doors (when over 3 metres from motor vehicle unattended by a person) RR 213(5) 97.5 0 F286 267 0.5
Fail to lock doors or secure windows (when over 3 metres from motor vehicle unattended by a person) RR 213(5) 97.5 0 F287 267 0.5
Drive at night or in weather reduced visibility conditions without head/tail/number plate lights effectively operating and visible RR 215(1)(a) 195 1 E001 268 1
Drive at night or in weather reduced visibility conditions without clearance/side marker lights effectively operating and visible RR 215(1)(b) 195 1 E005 269 1
Tow vehicle at night or in weather reduced visibility conditions without lights as required on towed vehicle RR 216(1) 195 1 E015 270 1
Use front or rear fog light when not permitted RR 217(1) 146.25 0 E027 271 0.75
Use high-beam headlights within 200 metres of moving vehicle RR 218(1) 195 1 E026 272 1
Use/allow use of lights likely to dazzle another road user RR 219 195 1 E030 273 1
Stop wide vehicle on road at night without clearance and side marker lights effectively operating and visible RR 220(1)(a) 243.75 0 E038 274 1.25
Stop vehicle (other than wide vehicle) on road at night without required parking lights RR 220(1)(b) 195 0 E040 275 1
Use hazard warning lights when not permitted RR 221(1) 146.25 0 E042 276 0.75
Driver fail to have operating school bus warning lights as required when dropping off/picking up a child RR 222(2) 243.75 0 E044 277 1.25
Riding an animal-drawn vehicle at night or in weather reduced visibility conditions without required lighting and reflector RR 223 195 0 E046 278 1
Use/allow use of a horn (or similar warning device) unnecessarily RR 224 146.25 0 E060 279 0.75
Drive vehicle not equipped with 3 portable warning triangles (GVM more than 12 tonnes) RR 226(1) 195 0 E080 282 1
Fail to produce portable warning triangles for inspection RR 226(2) 195 0 E081 283 1
Fail to use portable warning triangles as required (while stopped) RR 227(2) 195 0 E082 284 1
Fail to use portable warning triangles as required (fallen load) RR 227(3) 195 0 E083 285 1
Drive on path (other than cyclist) RR 288(1) 146.25 0 U115 395 0.75
Unlawfully drive on traffic island (other than on central island in roundabout) RR 290 195 0 U116 398 1
Drive/tow vehicle with improperly secured/placed load or projecting load likely to injure/damage/obstruct RR 292 243.75 0 V005 400 1.25
Driver fail to remove/have removed from road as soon as safely can any thing fallen/put from driver's vehicle (when possibility of injury/damage/obstruction) RR 293(2) 195 0 V025 401 1
Tow motor vehicle when unsafe to do so and without having control of the towed vehicle RR 294(1) 243.75 0 V055 402 1.25
Tow motor vehicle when unsafe to do so and without having a relevantly licensed driver steering and operating the brakes of towed vehicle RR 294(1) 243.75 0 V056 403 1.25
Fail to stop before reaching livestock obstructing progress RR 356(1)(a) 195 0 C084 424 1
Proceed past livestock before way cleared to proceed safely RR 356(1)(b) 195 0 C085 425 1
Person leading livestock fail to clear livestock as soon as practicable RR 356(3) 146.25 0 C086 426 0.75
Fail to give effective and sufficient warning of livestock presence on road as required (during daylight) RR 357(1) 243.75 0 C088 427 1.25
Lead livestock on road at night when not permitted RR 358(1) 341.25 0 C089 428 1.75
Lead livestock on road at night with no flashing/rotating amber light warning road users RR 358(2) 341.25 0 C090 429 1.75
Lead livestock on national highway/State highway/subsidiary road without 1 person at front and 1 at rear RR 359(1)(a) 341.25 0 C091 430 1.75
Lead livestock on road (other than national highway/State highway/subsidiary road) without 1 person at front and 1 at rear or without at least 1 person assisted by prescribed dog RR 359(1)(b) 341.25 0 C092 431 1.75
Lead livestock on national highway without permit RR 360(1) 243.75 0 C094 432 1.25
Contravene permit condition for livestock on national highway RR 360(8) 243.75 0 C095 433 1.25
Fail to immediately produce permit for livestock on national highway RR 360(9) 146.25 0 C096 434 0.75
Drive without due care and attention RR 367(1) 195 3 C097 441 1
Drive without reasonable consideration for other road users RR 367(2) 146.25 0 C098 442 0.75
Drive without a driver licence of the relevant class (within 3 months expiry of such licence) VT 8(1) 195 0 L020 451 1
Employ/cause/permit another to drive without a driver licence of the relevant class (within 3 months expiry of such licence) VT 8(3) 195 0 L021 452 1
Fail to comply with conditions of driver licence - interlock required VT 12(1) 243.75 0 L023 453 1.25
Fail to comply with conditions of driver licence VT 12(1) 243.75 0 L024 454 1.25
Fail to comply with conditions of Australian driver licence issued under corresponding law VT 12(2) 243.75 0 L025 454 1.25
Fail to comply with conditions of foreign driver licence VT 12(3) 243.75 0 L026 455 1.25
Employ/cause/permit another to drive in breach of conditions of Australian/foreign driver licence VT 12(4) 243.75 0 L027 456 1.25
Fail to comply with conditions of ancillary certificate VT 16(1) 243.75 0 L031 461 1.25
Employ/cause/permit another to provide driving instruction for reward contrary to conditions of ancillary certificate VT 16(3) 243.75 0 L032 462 1.25
Employ/cause/permit another to drive a public passenger vehicle contrary to conditions of ancillary certificate VT 16(3) 243.75 0 L035 463 1.25
Fail to carry and produce Australian driver licence (other than a restricted driver licence) while driving, or in charge of, a motor vehicle on a public street or instructing a person learning to drive a motor vehicle on a public street VT 46A(1) 97.5 0 L079 490 0.5
Fail to carry and produce restricted driver licence while driving, or in charge of, a motor vehicle on a public street VT 46A(1) 243.75 0 L038 491 1.25
Fail to carry and produce foreign driver licence (and English translation where required) or international driving permit while driving, or in charge of, a motor vehicle on a public street VT 46A(2) 97.5 0 L080 492 0.5
Fail to carry and produce ancillary certificate while driving, or in charge of, a motor vehicle or engaging in other activity for which that certificate is required VT 46A(3) 243.75 0 L081 493 1.25
Fail to deliver into custody as required an Australian driver licence/ancillary certificate or related document VT 48(1) 341.25 0 L040 497 1.75
Fail to have Australian/foreign driver licence or ancillary certificate available for production and fail to produce in court proceedings VT 48(5) 195 0 L045 501 1
Novice driver or novice rider in learner stage fail to display clearly visible L-plates as required DLVR 12(2) 97.5 2 L055 510 0.5
Learner driver (other than novice driver or novice rider) fail to display clearly visible L-plates as required DLVR 12(2) 97.5 2 L095 511 0.5
Novice driver in learner stage driving without accompanying person as required DLVR 12(3) 243.75 0 3 Months Disq L096 512 1.25
Learner driver (other than novice driver) driving without accompanying person as required DLVR 12(3) 243.75 0 L097 513 1.25
Drive with L-plate displayed when not learner driver DLVR 13(1) 97.5 0 L053 514 0.5
Employ/cause/permit motor vehicle to be driven without L-plates displayed as required DLVR 13(2) 97.5 0 L054 515 0.5
Employing, causing or permitting learner driver (including novice driver in novice driver learner stage) to drive without accompanying person as required DLVR 13(2) 243.75 0 L103 516 1.25
Employing, causing or permitting holder of learner motor cycle licence to drive motor cycle on public street carrying another person unless holder permitted by regulation 12(5) of the DLVR DLVR 13(2) 195 0 L104 1
Employing, causing or permitting holder of learner motor cycle licence to drive motor cycle, other than learner approved motor cycle, on public street DLVR 13(2) 195 0 L105 1
Employing, causing or permitting holder of learner motor cycle licence to drive motor cycle on public street unless motor cycle is of a kind prescribed or holder has authorisation DLVR 13(2) 195 0 L059 519 1
Novice driver or novice rider in P1 stage fail to display clearly visible P-plates as required DLVR 17(2) 97.5 2 L060 520 0.5
Employ/cause/permit novice driver or novice rider in P1 stage or P2 stage to drive without displaying clearly visible P-plates as required DLVR 17(5) 97.5 0 L106 0.5
Holder of P1 provisional licence in relation to motor cycle driving, on public street, motor cycle carrying another person DLVR 19(1) 195 0 L069 522 1
Holder of P1 provisional licence in relation to a motor cycle, driving motor cycle on public street otherwise than as permitted by regulation 19(2) of DLVR DLVR 19(2) 195 0 L108 1
Employing, causing or permitting holder of P1 provisional licence in relation to a motor cycle to drive, on public street, motor cycle carrying another person DLVR 19(4) 195 0 L070 524 1
Employing, causing or permitting holder of P1 provisional licence in relation to a motor cycle to drive motor cycle on public street unless holder permitted by regulation 19(2) of the DLVR DLVR 19(4) 195 0 L067 525 1
Holder of code X conditional Australian driver licence fail to carry explanatory notice as required DLVR 33(6) 243.75 0 L073 526 1.25
Fail to notify change of name/residential address, or address for service of notices, within 14 days DLVR 44(1) 146.25 0 L074 527 0.75
Fail to attach change of address sticker to driver licence as soon as practicable, and keep attached DLVR 44(5) 146.25 0 L077 528 0.75
Fail to display identification card (issued to ancillary certificate holder) in vehicle as required DLVR 52(2) 243.75 0 L078 529 1.25
Fail to return driver licence to Registrar within 21 days of service of notice of suspension DLVR 58(1) 243.75 0 L083 530 1.25
Fail to return driver licence to Registrar within 21 days of service of notice of cancellation DLVR 58(1) 243.75 0 L085 531 1.25
Fail to return ancillary certificate to Registrar within 21 days of service of notice of suspension DLVR 58(2) 243.75 0 L087 532 1.25
Fail to return ancillary certificate to Registrar within 21 days of service of notice of cancellation DLVR 58(2) 243.75 0 L089 533 1.25
Fail to return restricted driver licence (and any ancillary certificate) to Registrar within 21 days after revocation by court DLVR 58(3) 243.75 0 L091 534 1.25
Fail to return driver licence (and any ancillary certificate) to Registrar within 21 days after being disqualified from driving by court or by automatic statutory penalty DLVR 58(4) 243.75 0 L092 535 1.25
Fail to return driver licence or ancillary certificate to Registrar for endorsement/replacement within 21 days after service of notice or request DLVR 59(1) 243.75 0 L094 536 1.25
Start vehicle or drive causing unnecessary noise/smoke RR 291 146.25 0 V001 399 0.75
Drive vehicle under learner licence, or P1 provisional licence, while using mobile phone when vehicle moving or stationary, but not parked RR 300(1A) 390 3 L100 414A 2
Novice driver or novice rider in P2 stage fail to display clearly visible P-plates (green) as required DLVR 17(2) 97.5 2 L101 520A 0.5
Holder of P1 provisional licence, in relation to motor vehicle other than a motor cycle, transporting more than one passenger, who has attained the age of 16 years but not attained the age of 22 years, otherwise than as permitted by regulation 18(2) or 18(3) of the DLVR DLVR 18(1) 243.75 2 L109 521A 1.25
Registered operator fail to affix inspection label to vehicle in accordance with instructions issued under regulation 136(8) of DLVR DLVR 136(9)(a) 195 0 L110 1
Permit operation of vehicle on public street for hire or reward if vehicle has not been presented for inspection required under vehicle inspection program DLVR 136(12)(a) 292.5 0 L112 1.5
Permit use of vehicle on public street if vehicle does not pass inspection under vehicle inspection program DLVR 136(12)(b) 292.5 0 L113 1.5
Fail to obey no pedestrians sign RR 228 146.25 0 P001 286 0.75
Pedestrian fail to comply with road access sign RR 229 146.25 0 P002 287 0.75
Pedestrian fail to cross road by shortest safe route/stay on road longer than necessary to safely cross RR 230(1) 48.75 0 P003 288 0.25
Fail to comply with pedestrian traffic lights RR 231(1) 48.75 0 P005 289 0.25
Pedestrian fail to comply with traffic light (when no pedestrian light) RR 232(1) 48.75 0 P025 290 0.25
Pedestrian fail to proceed as required through yellow/red traffic light RR 232(3) 48.75 0 P035 291 0.25
Pedestrian cross road/part of road within 20 metres of crossing RR 234(1) 48.75 0 P050 292 0.25
Pedestrian remain on crossing longer than necessary RR 234(2) 48.75 0 P052 293 0.25
Fail to use pedestrian facility at level crossing RR 235(1) 48.75 0 P053 294 0.25
Pedestrian fail to comply with warning lights at level crossing RR 235(2)(a) 146.25 0 P056 295 0.75
Pedestrian cross level crossing while gate/boom/barrier is closed/opening/closing RR 235(2)(b) 146.25 0 P060 296 0.75
Pedestrian cross when train is on/entering level crossing RR 235(2)(c) 146.25 0 P070 297 0.75
Pedestrian cross level crossing when approaching train is visible or is sounding warning RR 235(2)(d) 97.5 0 P072 298 0.5
Pedestrian cross railway line when crossing or road beyond is blocked RR 235(2)(e) 48.75 0 P075 299 0.25
Pedestrian fail to finish crossing railway line if warning lights or bells start, gate, boom or barrier starts to close or train approaches RR 235(2a) 146.25 0 P055 300 0.75
Pedestrian starts to cross at pedestrian level crossing when red pedestrian light showing RR 235A(2) 146.25 0 P006 301 0.75
Pedestrian fail to finish crossing pedestrian level crossing without delay if red pedestrian light appears after pedestrian starts to cross RR 235A(3) 146.25 0 P007 302 0.75
Pedestrian move into path of driver RR 236(1) 146.25 0 P080 303 0.75
Pedestrian unreasonably obstructing path of driver/another pedestrian RR 236(2) 48.75 0 P081 304 0.25
Pedestrian stand on/move on to road/median strip/painted or traffic island to solicit contributions, business or employment from a person in a vehicle RR 236(4)(a) 97.5 0 P210 305 0.5
Pedestrian stand on/move on to road/median strip/painted or traffic island to display and advertisment RR 236(4)(c) 97.5 0 P212 306 0.5
Pedestrian stand on/move on to road/median strip/painted or traffic island to sell or offer articles for sale RR 236(4)(d) 97.5 0 P213 307 0.5
Pedestrian stand on/move on to road/median strip/painted or traffic island to wash or clean a windscreen RR 236(4)(e) 97.5 0 P214 308 0.5
Get on/into a moving vehicle RR 237(1) 146.25 0 P083 310 0.75
Pedestrian travel along road (other than in/on wheeled recreational device) RR 238(1) 48.75 0 P085 311 0.25
Pedestrian fail to keep far left/far right along road (other than in/on wheeled recreational device) as practicable RR 238(2)(a) 48.75 0 P087 312 0.25
Pedestrian when travelling forward fail to face approaching traffic moving in opposite direction to which pedestrian is travelling RR 238(2)(ab) 48.75 0 P088 313 0.25
Pedestrian travel more than 2 abreast on road (other than in/on wheeled recreational device) RR 238(2)(b) 48.75 0 P089 314 0.25
Pedestrian on bicycle path or bicycle part of separated footway when not permitted RR 239(1) 48.75 0 P091 315 0.25
Pedestrian fail to keep out of path of bicycle (when crossing bicycle path or bicycle part of separated footpath) RR 239(3) 97.5 0 P093 316 0.5
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device or wheeled toy on a road past a no wheeled recreational devices or toy sign or road marking RR 240A 48.75 0 P101 317 0.25
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device on road (not road-related area) with dividing line/median strip/or one-way road with more than 1 marked lane RR 240(1) 97.5 0 P100 318 0.5
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device on road (not road-related area) with a speed limit over 50km/h RR 240(1) 48.75 0 P190 318 0.25
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device on road (not road related area) at night RR 240(2)(b) 48.75 0 P102 319 0.25
Fail to keep left when travelling in/on wheeled recreational device on road (not road-related area) RR 241(1)(a) 48.75 0 P112 320 0.25
Travel more than 2 abreast of a pedestrian or vehicle in/on wheeled recreational device on road (not road-related area) RR 241(1)(b) 48.75 0 P116 321 0.25
Fail to keep to left of footpath or shared path when travelling in/on wheeled recreational device RR 242(1)(a) 48.75 0 P124 322 0.25
Fail to give way to a pedestrian (other than one in/on wheeled recreational device or wheeled toy) when travelling in/on wheeled recreational device on footpath or shared path RR 242(1)(b) 48.75 0 P132 323 0.25
Rollerblader (or similar) travelling on pedestrian part of separated footpath RR 243(1) 97.5 0 P140 324 0.5
Rollerblader (or similar) fail to keep out of path of bicycle when travelling on bicycle path or part of separated footpath designated for bicycles RR 243(2) 97.5 0 P145 325 0.5
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device that is being towed by a vehicle RR 244(1) 146.25 0 P169 326 0.75
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device while holding onto a moving vehicle RR 244(2) 146.25 0 P170 327 0.75
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device within 2 metres of rear of moving vehicle (continuously for more than 200 metres) RR 244(3) 146.25 0 P171 328 0.75
Pedestrian fail to obey reasonable direction by police/authorised person for safe and efficient traffic regulation RR 304(1) 243.75 0 P155 422 1.25
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device on a road-related area in no wheeled devices zone RR 365(1) 48.75 0 P180 438 0.25
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device without due care and attention RR 366(a) 97.5 0 P195 439 0.5
Travel in/on wheeled recreational device without reasonable consideration for other road users RR 366(b) 48.75 0 P200 440 0.25
Use unregistered motor vehicle (registration not suspended/cancelled) VT 27(1) 243.75 0 R155 464 1.25
Use unregistered trailer (registration not suspended/cancelled) VT 27(1) 243.75 0 R159 466 1.25
Permit use of unregistered trailer (registration not suspended/cancelled) VT 27(1) 243.75 0 R160 467 1.25
Permit use of unregistered motor vehicle (registration not suspended/cancelled) VT 27(1) 341.25 0 R156 469 1.75
Contravene condition on use of vehicle imposed under corresponding law (registration/trade plate/short term unregistered vehicle permit) VT 28(3) 243.75 0 R163 470 1.25
Permit contravention of condition on use of vehicle imposed under corresponding law (registration/trade plate/short term unregistered vehicle permit) VT 28(3) 243.75 0 R166 471 1.25
Contravene/permit contravention of requirement/condition on use of vehicle registered under foreign law VT 29(3) 243.75 0 R170 472 1.25
Use motor vehicle in breach of registration condition VT 30(1) 243.75 0 R174 473 1.25
Permit use of motor vehicle in breach of registration condition VT 30(1) 243.75 0 R175 474 1.25
Use trailer in breach of registration condition VT 30(1) 243.75 0 R176 475 1.25
Permit use of trailer in breach of registration condition VT 30(1) 243.75 0 R177 476 1.25
Use motor vehicle in breach of short term unregistered vehicle permit condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R178 477 1.25
Use trailer in breach of short term unregistered vehicle permit condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R179 478 1.25
Permit use of motor vehicle in breach of short term unregistered vehicle permit condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R180 479 1.25
Permit use of trailer in breach of short term unregistered vehicle permit condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R181 480 1.25
Use motor vehicle in breach of trade plate condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R182 481 1.25
Use trailer in breach of trade plate condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R183 482 1.25
Permit use of motor vehicle in breach of trade plate condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R184 483 1.25
Permit use of trailer in breach of trade plate condition VT 30(2) 243.75 0 R185 484 1.25
Use registered vehicle that has been altered/had alteration to its configuration/use with increased motor tax liability (without upgrade or temporary upgrade permit in force) VT 36(1) 341.25 0 R186 485 1.75
Permit use of registered vehicle that has been altered/had alteration to its configuration/use with increased motor tax liability (without upgrade or temporary upgrade permit in force) VT 36(1) 341.25 0 R188 486 1.75
Fail to stamp/display new identification number as required by Registrar (when no, or altered/defaced, identification number) DLVR 80(2)(a) 243.75 0 R190 537 1.25
Fail to make existing identification number illegible and stamp/display new reference number as specified and required by the Registrar (when number is same as for other vehicle) DLVR 80(2)(b) 243.75 0 R191 538 1.25
Fail to install and keep installed an "operations plate" on conditionally registered vehicle as required DLVR 84(6) 243.75 0 R192 539 1.25
Fail to ensure a "certificate of approved operations" carried at all times in conditionally registered vehicle DLVR 84(6) 243.75 0 R193 540 1.25
Registered operator fail to ensure within 7 days that vehicle number plate for that vehicle is permanently affixed as required DLVR 89(1) 195 0 R346 1
Registered operator fail to ensure any vehicle number plate cover is clear, clean, untinted, flat over entire surface and has no characteristics preventing production of clear number plate photograph by photographic detection device DLVR 89(2)(a) 195 0 R347 1
Registered operator fail to ensure that no object obscures/reduces visibility of any vehicle number plate and that number plate has no characteristics preventing production of clear number plate photograph by photographic detection device DLVR 89(2)(a) 195 0 R348 1
Registered operator fail to ensure that no object obscures/reduces visibility of any vehicle number plate and that number plate has no characteristics preventing production of clear number plate photograph by photographic detection device DLVR 89(2)(b) 195 0 R349 1
Apply substance to number plate that prevents production of clear number plate photograph by photographic detection device DLVR 89(3) 195 0 R200 547 1
Use vehicle without number plates issued for the vehicle affixed and displayed as required DLVR 89(4)(a) 195 0 R350 1
Permit use of vehicle without number plates issued for the vehicle affixed and displayed as required DLVR 89(4)(a) 195 0 R351 1
Use vehicle not complying with number plate/cover regulations (other than affix and display) DLVR 89(4)(b) 195 0 R352 1
Permit use of vehicle not complying with number plate/cover regulations (other than affix and display) DLVR 89(4)(b) 195 0 R353 1
Registered operator transferring registration fail to comply with requirements for transfer of vehicle registration DLVR 101(4) 146.25 0 R238 562 0.75
Proposed transferee fail to comply with requirements for transfer of vehicle registration DLVR 101(6) 146.25 0 R240 563 0.75
Person taking possession of vehicle under court order/powers conferred by security interest fail to comply with requirements for transfer of vehicle registration DLVR 101(7) 146.25 0 R242 564 0.75
Fail to destroy registration label as soon as practicable after surrendering registration DLVR 71(6) 97.5 0 R244 565 0.5
Driver fail to give/send formal warning notice to registered operator as soon as practicable DLVR 118(3) 195 0 R246 566 1
Driver fail to give/send vehicle defect notice to registered operator as soon as practicable DLVR 119(8) 195 0 R247 567 1
Remove/deface a defective vehicle label without being authorised DLVR 120(5) 243.75 0 R248 568 1.25
Holder of trade plate fail to ensure trade plate used only for prescribed purposes DLVR 124(1) 243.75 0 R250 585 1.25
Use trade plate for other than authorised purpose DLVR 124(2) 243.75 0 R251 586 1.25
Permit use of trade plate for other than authorised purpose DLVR 124(2) 243.75 0 R252 587 1.25
Use unregistered vehicle under the authority of a trade plate without plate being temporarily fixed to rear of vehicle in appropriate position or displayed in a way acceptable to the Registrar DLVR 124(3) 195 0 R253 588 1
Permit use of unregistered vehicle under the authority of a trade plate without plate being temporarily fixed to rear of vehicle in appropriate position or displayed in a way acceptable to the Registrar DLVR 124(3) 195 0 R255 589 1
Holder of short term unregistered vehicle permit fail to ensure such permit is affixed, carried or removed as required DLVR 126(5) 195 0 R257 590 1
Use vehicle under short term unregistered vehicle permit without permit affixed or carried as required DLVR 126(6) 195 0 R262 591 1
Permit use of vehicle under short term unregistered vehicle permit without permit affixed or carried as required DLVR 126(6) 195 0 R263 592 1
Registered operator fail to affix and keep affixed as required vehicle inspection label (under vehicle inspection program) DLVR 136(9) 146.25 0 R264 593 0.75
Registered operator fail to affix inspection label to vehicle in accordance with instructions DVLR 102(7)(a) 195 0 R271 594 1
Registered operator fail to keep inspection label affixed (unless removal of label authorised under regulation 136(10) of DLVR) to vehicle until date vehicle next inspected under vehicle inspection program DVLR 136(9)(b) 195 0 R354 1
Remove/deface current inspection label (under vehicle inspection program) without authority DLVR 136(10) 195 0 R265 596 1
Use vehicle on public street that has not passed inspection (after completion of that inspection) under vehicle inspection program DLVR 136(12) 195 0 R266 597 1
Permit use of vehicle on public street that has not passed inspection (after completion of that inspection) under vehicle inspection program DLVR 136(12) 195 0 R267 598 1
Operate vehicle on public street for hire or reward if vehicle has not been presented for inspection required under vehicle inspection program DLVR 136(12)(a) 292.5 0 R355 1.5
Use modified vehicle not complying with relevant vehicle standard or if modification is unacceptable to the Registrar DLVR 104 243.75 0 R268 600 1.25
Use vehicle on public street if vehicle does not pass inspection under vehicle inspection program DLVR 136(12)(b) 243.75 0 R274 601 1.25
Permit use of modified vehicle not complying with relevant vehicle standard or if modification is unacceptable to the Registrar DLVR 138 243.75 0 R270 602 1.25
Fail to notify Registrar within 14 days of change of circumstance affecting information recorded in register (about registered operator/registered vehicle) DLVR 141(1) 146.25 0 R272 603 0.75
Fail to notify Registrar within 14 days after any change affecting information recorded about a short term unregistered vehicle permit (re vehicle or holder) DLVR 141(3) 146.25 0 R280 604 0.75
Fail to notify Registrar within 14 days of change of circumstance affecting information recorded in the register about holder of trade plate/business carried on by holder of trade plate DLVR 141(4) 146.25 0 R285 605 0.75
Fail to return number plates as required after cancellation or expiry without renewal DLVR 142(1) 146.25 0 R287 606 0.75
Fail to return trade plates as required after cancellation or expiry without renewal DLVR 142(3) 146.25 0 R288 607 0.75
Fail to return number plate/trade plate as required by terms on issue DLVR 142(4) 146.25 0 R289 608 0.75
Fail to return number plate/trade plate as and when required by Registrar's written notice DLVR 142(5) 195 0 R290 609 1
Fail to return certificate of registration as required by Registrar (on cancellation or expiry without renewal) DLVR 143 195 0 R291 610 1
Use vehicle for which temporary upgrade permit in force contrary to conditions of permit DLVR 146(7) 243.75 0 R299 612 1.25
Permit use of vehicle for which temporary upgrade permit in force contrary to conditions of permit DLVR 146(7) 243.75 0 R300 613 1.25
Use vehicle for which temporary upgrade permit in force without ensuring permit carried in vehicle DLVR 146(8) 195 0 R301 614 1
Permit use of vehicle for which temporary upgrade permit in force without ensuring permit carried in vehicle DLVR 146(8) 195 0 R302 615 1
Fail to affix and keep affixed distinctive number plates to truck as required (farm vehicle rebate) DLVR 153(4) 146.25 0 R303 616 0.75
Fail to return truck distinctive number plates within 14 days of cessation of entitlement to farm vehicle rebate (motor tax) DLVR 153(6)(b) 146.25 0 R304 617 0.75
Fail to affix and keep affixed distinctive number plate to vehicle as required (interchangeable trailer/plant trailer) DLVR 154(4) 146.25 0 R305 618 0.75
Fail to return number plate on cessation of entitlement to rebate (interchangeable trailer/plant trailer) within 14 days DLVR 154(6)(b) 146.25 0 R306 619 0.75
Fail to return distinctive number plate (interchangeable trailer/plant trailer rebate) within 14 days of Registrar's written notice that rebate ceased DLVR 154(9)(a) 146.25 0 R307 620 0.75
Use uninsured motor vehicle MALC 29(1) 243.75 0 R310 988 1.25
Cause/allow use of uninsured motor vehicle MALC 29(1) 243.75 0 R315 989 1.25
Use uninsured trailer MALC 29(1) 243.75 0 R320 990 1.25
Cause/allow use of uninsured trailer MALC 29(1) 243.75 0 R325 991 1.25
Use insured motor vehicle with increased premium liability MALC 29(1) 341.25 0 R330 992 1.75
Cause/allow use of insured motor vehicle with increased premium liability MALC 29(1) 341.25 0 R335 993 1.75
Use insured trailer with increased premium liability MALC 29(1) 341.25 0 R340 994 1.75
Cause/allow use of insured trailer with increased premium liability MALC 29(1) 341.25 0 R345 995 1.75
Buy or offer to buy article or service from inside a vehicle from a person standing on a road RR 236(5) 97.5 0 O140 309 0.5
Buy or offer to buy article or service from in or on a vehicle from a person standing on a road RR 236(5) 97.5 0 O141 309 0.5
Driver fail to wear properly adjusted and fastened seatbelt (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 264(1) 390 3 O001 363 2
Passenger (aged 16 or over) fail to wear properly adjusted and fastened seatbelt (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 265(1) 390 0 O005 364 2
Driver fail to ensure passenger aged 16 years or over is restrained as required. (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 265(3) 390 3 O030 365 2
Driver fail to ensure passenger under 16 years is restrained as required (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 266(1) 438.75 3 O025 366 2.25
Driver permit carriage of child 4 years or under in front seat when rear seat is available RR 266(1) 438.75 3 O026 366 2.25
Travel in/on part of motor vehicle not designed primarily for carriage of passengers/goods RR 268(1) 390 0 O075 367 2
Travel in/on unenclosed part of vehicle designed primarily for carriage of goods when not permitted RR 268(2) 390 0 O077 368 2
Travel in/on motor vehicle with part of body outside window/door RR 268(3) 146.25 0 O081 369 0.75
Drive with part of passenger's body outside window/door (other than bus) RR 268(4) 146.25 0 O090 370 0.75
Drive with passenger in/on part of vehicle not designed primarily for carriage of passengers or goods RR 268(4A) 438.75 3 O137 371 2.25
Drive with passenger in/on part of vehicle designed primarily for goods carriage unless part is enclosed or passenger occupies suitable seating position and wears seatbelt RR 268(4B) 438.75 3 O138 372 2.25
Alight from moving vehicle RR 269(1) 146.25 0 O092 373 0.75
Cause hazard by opening/leaving open a vehicle door or getting out of/off a vehicle RR 269(3) 195 0 O094 374 1
Bus driver moving bus while doors not closed RR 269(4) 195 0 O102 375 1
Motor bike, or quad bike, rider fail to wear securely fitted and fastened approved motor bike helmet (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 270(1)(a) 195 3 O142 376 1
Motor bike, or quad bike, rider fail to ensure passenger wearing securely fitted and fastened approved motor bike helmet (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 270(1)(b) 195 3 O143 377 1
Motor bike, or quad bike, passenger fail to wear securely fitted and fastened approved motor bike helmet (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 270(2) 195 0 O144 1
Ride motor bike, or quad bike, not sitting astride seat and facing forward (including when stationary, but not parked) RR 271(1)(a) 195 0 O145 379 1
Ride motor bike, or quad bike, without at least one hand on handlebars (including when stationary, but not parked) RR 271(1)(b) 195 0 O146 380 1
Ride motor bike without both feet on driver footrests RR 271(1a)(a) 195 0 O112 ?? 1
Motor bike pillion passenger not sitting astride seat and facing forwards (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 271(2)(a) 146.25 0 O114 381 0.75
Motor bike pillion passenger not keeping both feet on passenger footrests (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked) RR 271(2)(b) 146.25 0 O116 382 0.75
Ride motor bike, or quad bike, when pillion passenger not facing forwards sitting astride seat and not having both feet on passenger footrests (when vehicle moving/stationary, but not parked RR 271(3) 146.25 0 O147 383 0.75
Ride motor bike, or quad bike, with more than one passenger (excluding in sidecar or seat other than pillion seat) RR 271(4) 195 0 O122 384 1
Ride motor bike, or quad bike, with sidecar passengers or other non-pillion passengers exceeding number designed to carry RR 271(5) 195 0 O123 385 1
Ride motor bike with pillion passenger who is under 8 years RR 271(5A) 195 3 O121 386 1
Motor bike passenger not safely seated in sidecar RR 271(5B) 146.25 0 O125 387 0.75
Ride motor bike when passenger not safely seated in side car RR 271(5C) 146.25 0 O126 388 0.75
Ride quad bike with passenger who is under 6 years old RR 271(5)(D) 195 3 O148 388A 1
Ride quad bike with passenger who is not safely seated RR 271(5)(D) 390 3 O149 388B 2
Passenger in/on vehicle interfere with driver's control or obstructing driver's view of road/traffic RR 272 195 0 O124 389 1
Motor vehicle driver tow a trailer when unsafe to do so and when unable to control trailer's movement RR 294(2) 243.75 0 V057 404 1.25
Motor vehicle driver tow vehicle with overlong towline and not having required warning material RR 295(1) 195 0 V059 405 1
Drive with a person or animal in the driver's lap RR 297(1A) 195 0 V077 409 1
Drive motor vehicle without clear view of road and traffic ahead, behind and to each side RR 297(2) 195 0 V080 410 1
Ride motor bike or quad bike with animal on motor bike that interferes with rider's control or prevents clear view of road RR 297(3) 195 0 V078 411 1
Drive motor vehicle towing trailer with person in/on it when not permitted RR 298 195 0 O130 412 1
Drive motor vehicle with TV/VDU image visible to driver or likely to distract another driver RR 299(1) 195 0 V086 413 1
Lead animal or tether animal while driving motor vehicle RR 301(1) 146.25 0 V108 415 0.75
Passenger lead animal whilst in/on moving motor vehicle RR 301(2) 146.25 0 V109 416 0.75
Drive ride-on lawnmower on road (excluding road-related area but including shoulder, footpath, bicycle path) when not permitted RR 364(1) 146.25 0 U117 437 0.75
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by less than 10 km/h RR 20 97.5 2 S121 16 0.5
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 10 to 14 km/h RR 20 146.25 2 S002 18 0.75
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 15 to 22 km/h RR 20 195 3 S020 21 1
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 23 to 29 km/h RR 20 341.25 3 S040 24 1.75
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 30 to 37 km/h RR 20 585 5 S061 27 3
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 38 to 44 km/h RR 20 828.75 6 3 Months Disq S081 30 4.25
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 45 km/h or more RR 20 1121.25 6 4 Months Disq S100 33 5.75
Drive vehicle or tow trailer having radar detector (or similar) or with a device for preventing effective use of speed measuring device RR 225(1) 1121.25 0 S500 280 5.75
Passenger in vehicle or trailer having a device for detecting or preventing effective use of, a speed measuring device RR 225(2) 1121.25 0 S501 281 5.75
Exceed 40 km/h within 50 metres of bus on road displaying school bus warning sign and warning light by less than 10 km/h RR 374(1) 97.5 2 S214 444 0.5
Exceed 40 km/h within 50 metres of bus on road displaying school bus warning sign and warning light by 10 to 14 km/h RR 374(1) 146.25 2 S202 445 0.75
Exceed 40 km/h within 50 metres of bus on road displaying school bus warning sign and warning light by 15 to 22 km/h RR 374(1) 195 3 S203 446 1
Exceed 40 km/h within 50 metres of bus on road displaying school bus warning sign and warning light by 23 to 29 km/h RR 374(1) 341.25 3 S205 447 1.75
Exceed 40 km/h within 50 metres of bus on road displaying school bus warning sign and warning light by 30 to 37 km/h RR 374(1) 585 5 S208 448 3
Exceed 40 km/h within 50 metres of bus on road displaying school bus warning sign and warning light by 38 to 44 km/h RR 374(1) 828.75 6 3 Months Disq S210 449 4.25
Exceed 40 km/h within 50 metres of bus on road displaying school bus warning sign and warning light by 45 km/h or more RR 374(1) 1121.25 6 4 Months Disq S211 450 5.75
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by less than 10 km/h near emergency or related vehicle/worker RR 20 97.5 2 S321 0.5
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 10 to 14 km/h near emergency or related vehicle/worker RR 20 146.25 2 S302 0.75
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 15 to 22 km/h near emergency or related vehicle/worker RR 20 195 3 S320 1
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 23 to 29 km/h near emergency or related vehicle/worker RR 20 341.25 3 S340 1.75
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 30 to 37 km/h near emergency or related vehicle/worker RR 20 585 5 S361 3
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 38 to 44 km/h near emergency or related vehicle/worker RR 20 828.75 6 3 Months Disq S381 4.25
Exceed applicable speed limit applying to driver for length of road by 45 km/h or more near emergency or related vehicle/worker RR 20 1121.25 6 4 Months Disq S300 5.75
Fail to slow to safe stopping speed when approaching police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle displaying flashing light or sounding alarm (rider of a bicycle) RR 79A(1)(a) 195 0 S310 1
Fail to slow to safe stopping speed when approaching police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle displaying flashing light or sounding alarm (any other driver) RR 79A(1)(b) 341.25 3 S311 1.75
Fail to give way to police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle worker in vicinity of vehicle displaying flashing lights or sounding alarm (rider of a bicycle) RR 79A(2)(a) 195 0 S312 1
Fail to give way to police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle worker in vicinity of vehicle displaying flashing lights or sounding alarm (any other driver) RR 79A(2)(b) 341.25 3 S313 1.75
Pass or overtake police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle displaying flashing light or sounding alarm at speed greater than 40km/h (rider of a bicycle) RR 79A(3)(a) 195 0 S314 1
Pass or overtake police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle displaying flashing light or sounding alarm at speed greater than 40km/h (any other driver) RR 79A(3)(b) 341.25 3 S315 1.75
Fail to maintain safe speed when passing or overtaking police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle displaying flashing light or sounding alarm so as to cause danger to police/emergency/assistance vehicle worker in vicinity (rider of a bicycle) RR 79A(5)(a) 195 0 S316 1
Fail to maintain safe speed when passing or overtaking police/emergency/assistance/escort vehicle displaying flashing light or sounding alarm so as to cause danger to police/emergency/assistance vehicle worker in vicinity (any other driver) RR 79A(5)(b) 341.25 3 1.75
Disobey no stopping sign RR 167 146.25 0 F001 214 0.75
Disobey no parking sign RR 168(1) 97.5 0 F003 215 0.5
Stop at side of road with continuous yellow edge line RR 169 146.25 0 F005 216 0.75
Stop in an intersection RR 170(1) 146.25 0 F007 216 0.75
Stop within 20 metres of traffic lights at intersection when not permitted RR 170(2) 146.25 0 F008 218 0.75
Stop within 10 metres of intersection (without traffic lights) when not permitted RR 170(3) 146.25 0 F009 219 0.75
Stop on or within 20 metres of approach to or 10 metres after children's crossing when not permitted RR 171(1) 146.25 0 F010 220 0.75
Stop on or within 20 metres of approach to or 10 metres after pedestrian crossing (not at intersection) when not permitted RR 172(1) 146.25 0 F013 221 0.75
Stop on or within 10 metres of approach to or 3 metres after marked foot crossing (not at intersection) when not permitted RR 173(1) 146.25 0 F016 222 0.75
Stop within 10 metres of approach to or 3 metres after bicycle traffic crossing lights when not permitted RR 174(2) 146.25 0 F019 223 0.75
Stop on or within 20 metres either side of level crossing RR 175(1) 146.25 0 F030 224 0.75
Disobey clearway sign when not permitted RR 176(1) 146.25 0 F035 225 0.75
Stop in loading zone when not permitted RR 179(1) 97.5 0 F036 226 0.5
Exceed time in loading zone RR 179(2) 97.5 0 F037 227 0.5
Stop in truck zone when not permitted RR 180(1) 97.5 0 F039 228 0.5
Stop in works zone when not permitted RR 181(1) 97.5 0 F040 229 0.5
Stop in taxi zone RR 182(1) 97.5 0 F041 230 0.5
Stop in bus zone when not permitted RR 183(1) 97.5 0 F042 231 0.5
Stop in permit zone RR 185(1) 97.5 0 F043 232 0.5
Stop in mail zone RR 186(1) 97.5 0 F044 233 0.5
Stop in bus/transit/truck lane when not permitted RR 187(1) 97.5 0 F045 234 0.5
Stop in bicycle lane when not permitted RR 187(2) 146.25 0 F049 235 0.75
Stop in shared zone when not permitted RR 188 97.5 0 F050 236 0.5
Double park on road RR 189(1) 146.25 0 F051 237 0.75
Stop (near obstruction) in such position to obstruct traffic RR 191 146.25 0 F052 238 0.75
Stop on bridge/causeway/ramp or similar when not permitted RR 192(1) 146.25 0 F053 239 0.75
Stop in a tunnel/underpass when not permitted RR 192(2) 146.25 0 F060 240 0.75
Stop on or near crest/curve (outside built-up area) when not permitted RR 193(1) 146.25 0 F062 241 0.75
Stop within 1 metre of fire hydrant/indicator/fire plug indicator when not permitted RR 194(1) 97.5 0 F066 242 0.5
Stop within 20 metres of approach to or within 10 metres after bus stop sign RR 195(1) 97.5 0 F069 243 0.5
Stop (other than cyclist/animal rider) on bicycle path/footpath/shared path/dividing strip or nature strip (other than own) in built-up area when not permitted RR 197(1) 97.5 0 F072 244 0.5
Stop on a painted island RR 197(1A) 97.5 0 F073 245 0.5
Obstruct access to/from footpath ramp (or similar access) to foot/bicycle path or passageway RR 198(1) 97.5 0 F080 246 0.5
Stop on/across driveway or similar vehicular access RR 198(2) 97.5 0 F095 247 0.5
Stop within 3 metres of public post box when not permitted RR 199(1) 97.5 0 F101 248 0.5
Stop heavy/long vehicle other than on road shoulder (when not in built-up area) RR 200(1) 195 0 F102 249 1
Stop heavy/long vehicle on road (in built-up area) longer than 1 hour RR 200(2) 146.25 0 F104 250 0.75
Stop contrary to bicycle parking sign RR 201 97.5 0 F106 251 0.5
Stop contrary to motor bike parking sign RR 202 97.5 0 F107 252 0.5
Stop in a parking area for people with disabilities RR 203(1) 195 0 F108 253 1
Stop in a slip lane when not permitted RR 203A 146.25 0 F110 254 0.75
Park continuously for longer than permitted by sign RR 205(1) 48.75 0 F109 255 0.25
Incorrect parallel park (other than median strip parking) RR 208(1) 97.5 0 F125 256 0.5
Incorrect parallel park in road related area (other than median strip parking) RR 208A 97.5 0 F126 257 0.5
Fail to parallel park facing direction of travel (active 26/7/17) RR 208(1) 97.5 0 F128 256 0.5
Incorrect parallel park (median strip parking) RR 209(2) 97.5 0 F200 258 0.5
Incorrect angle parking RR 210(1) 97.5 0 F220 259 0.5
Fail to park vehicle wholly within parking bay RR 211(2) 97.5 0 F272 260 0.5
Use more parking bays than necessary RR 211(3) 97.5 0 F273 261 0.5
Fail to keep left when starting left hand turn (from other than multi-land road) RR 27(1) 146.25 2 M001 36 0.75
Fail to approach and enter from within left lane (unless otherwise permitted) when turning left at intersection from multi-lane road RR 28(1) 146.25 2 M002 37 0.75
Fail to approach and enter (unless obstructed) from within slip left lane when turning left at intersection from multi-lane road RR 28(1A) 146.25 2 M004 38 0.75
Fail to make left hand turn as indicated by a turn line RR 29(1) 195 2 D007 40 1
Start right hand turn incorrectly (from other than multi-lane road) RR 31(1) 146.25 2 M003 41 0.75
Fail to approach and enter from within right lane (unless otherwise permitted) when turning right at intersection from multi-lane road RR 32(1) 146.25 2 M010 42 0.75
Make right hand turn incorrectly RR 33(1) 195 2 M011 44 1
Fail to make hook turn, contrary to Hook turn only sign RR 34(1) 195 0 M012 45 1
Start U-turn without clear view and when could unreasonably obstruct traffic RR 37 195 2 M020 48 1
Fail to give way when making U-turn RR 38 195 3 G001 49 1
Make U-turn contrary to sign (at dividing strip) RR 39(1) 195 2 D002 50 1
Make U-turn contrary to sign (along road) RR 39(2) 195 2 D003 51 1
Make U-turn at intersection with traffic lights RR 40 195 2 D004 52 1
Make U-turn at intersection without traffic lights (contrary to sign) RR 41 195 2 D005 53 1
Start U-turn at intersection from incorrect position RR 42 146.25 2 M022 54 0.75
Fail to stop as required on red traffic light RR 56(1) 195 3 D006 63 1
Fail to stop as required on red traffic arrow RR 56(2) 195 3 D015 64 1
Fail to stop on yellow traffic light when could have done so safely and/or proceed before permitted RR 57(1) 146.25 3 D025 65 0.75
Fail to stop on yellow traffic arrow when could have done so safely and/or proceed before permitted RR 57(2) 146.25 3 D027 66 0.75
Fail to clear intersection as soon as safe after entering on yellow traffic light/arrow RR 57(3) 146.25 0 D040 67 0.75
Enter intersection contrary to red traffic light RR 59(1) 195 3 D045 68 1
Enter marked foot crossing contrary to red traffic light RR 59(1) 195 3 D046 68 1
Enter intersection contrary to red traffic arrow RR 60 195 3 D047 70 1
Driver of motor vehicle enter bicycle storage area contrary to red traffic light RR 60A(1) 195 3 D048 72 1
Driver of motor vehicle enter bicycle storage area contrary to red traffic arrow RR 60A(2) 195 3 D049 73 1
Proceed against yellow/red traffic light/arrow after having stopped before entering intersection RR 61(2) 195 3 D050 74 1
Fail to clear intersection as soon as safe after traffic light/arrow changes to yellow/red (having entered on green) RR 61(5) 146.25 0 D070 75 0.75
Fail to give way when turning at intersection with traffic lights except on green traffic arrow RR 62(1) 195 3 G003 76 1
Fail to give way to pedestrian as required when turning at an intersection with traffic lights RR 62(1)(a) 195 3 G004 77 1
Fail to give way at intersection where traffic lights not wholly working (with traffic light-stop sign displayed) RR 63(2) 195 3 G013 78 1
Fail to give way as required at intersection (not roundabout) where traffic lights operating or only flashing yellow (and no traffic light-stop sign displayed) RR 63(3) 195 3 G030 79 1
Fail to give way as required when turning at flashing yellow traffic arrow at intersection RR 64 195 3 G045 80 1
Fail to give way to any pedestrian or cyclist on marked foot crossing with flashing yellow traffic light (other than at/near intersection) RR 65(2)(a) 243.75 3 X068 81 1.25
Obstruct pedestrian or cyclist on marked foot crossing with flashing yellow traffic light (other than at/near intersection) RR 65(2)(b) 243.75 3 X069 82 1.25
Overtake/pass a vehicle stopping/stopped at marked foot crossing with flashing yellow traffic light (other than at/near intersection) RR 65(2)(c) 438.75 3 X067 83 2.25
Fail to stop as required at twin red lights (other than at level crossing) RR 66(1) 195 3 D090 84 1
Proceed through twin red lights after stopping (other than at level crossing) with lights still showing RR 66(4) 195 3 D096 85 1
Fail to stop and give way as required at a stop sign/line (at intersection without traffic lights) RR 67(1) 195 3 D100 86 1
Fail to stop and give way as required at a stop sign/line (other than at intersection, children's crossing, level crossing or twin red lights) RR 68(1) 195 3 D110 87 1
Fail to give way as required at give way sign/line at intersection (other than a roundabout) RR 69(1) 195 3 D160 88 1
Fail to give way at give way sign on bridge/narrow road RR 70 195 3 D170 89 1
Fail to give way as required at give way sign/line (other than at intersection, bridge, narrow road, level crossing, twin red lights) RR 71(1) 195 3 D175 90 1
Fail to give way as required at uncontrolled/unsigned intersection (other than T-intersection or roundabout) RR 72(1) 195 3 G054 91 1
Fail to give way as required at uncontrolled/unsigned T-intersection RR 73(1) 195 3 G100 92 1
Fail to give way as required to vehicle (other than one turning right from road-related area/adjacent land) when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area/adjacent land RR 74(1)(a) 195 3 G155 93 1
Fail to give way to any pedestrian on road when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area/adjacent land RR 74(1)(b) 195 3 G160 94 1
Fail to give way to any vehicle/pedestrian on road-related area crossed when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area/adjacent land RR 74(1)(c) 195 3 G165 95 1
Fail to give way when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area to pedestrian on the road-related area RR 74(1)(d)(i) 195 3 G150 96 1
Fail to give way when entering (uncontrolled/unsigned) road from road-related area to vehicle ahead or approaching from the left or right RR 74(1)(d)(ii) 195 3 G151 97 1
Fail to give way as required when entering road-related area/adjacent land from an uncontrolled/unsigned road RR 75(1) 195 3 G170 98-99 1
Fail to give way to oncoming vehicle on road when turning right into road-related area / adjacent land RR 75(1)(c) 195 3 G172 100 1
Fail to give way as required to vehicle on continuing road at T-Intersection RR 75(1)(d) 195 3 G174 101 1
Fail to give way to a signed signalling bus pulling out RR 77(1) 146.25 3 G190 102 0.75
Move into path of police/emergency vehicle displaying flashing red/blue light or sounding alarm RR 78(1) 243.75 3 G200 103 1.25
Fail to move out of path of police/emergency vehicle displaying flashing red/blue light or sounding alarm RR 78(2) 243.75 3 G206 104 1.25
Fail to give way to police/emergency vehicle displaying flashing red/blue light or sounding alarm RR 79(1) 243.75 3 G212 105 1.25
Approach children's crossing too quickly to stop safely RR 80(1) 243.75 3 X001 106 1.25
Fail to stop at children's crossing (when hand-held stop sign displayed) RR 80(2)(a) 438.75 3 X002 107 2.25
Fail to stop at children's crossing (when pedestrian or cyclist on/entering crossing) RR 80(2)(b) 438.75 3 X070 108 2.25
Proceed through children's crossing when pedestrian or cyclist is on or entering crossing and before hand held stop sign no longer displayed or before being signalled to do so RR 80(3) 243.75 3 X071 109 1.25
Proceed through children's crossing while pedestrian or cyclist is on or is entering RR 80(4) 438.75 3 X007 110 2.25
Approach pedestrian crossing too quickly to stop safely RR 81(1) 243.75 3 X009 111 1.25
Fail to give way to pedestrian or cyclist on pedestrian crossing RR 81(2) 438.75 3 X073 112 2.25
Overtake/pass a vehicle stopping/stopped at children's/pedestrian crossing RR 82 438.75 3 X011 113 2.25
Driver fail to give way to pedestrian in shared zone RR 83 195 3 G218 114 1
Fail to give way as required to vehicle when driving through break in (unsigned/unmarked) dividing strip RR 84(1) 195 3 G219 115 1
Fail to give way as required when entering a turning lane from a painted island RR 85 195 3 G225 116 1
Fail to give way when entering a median turning bay to oncoming vehicle already in bay RR 86(1) 195 3 G228 117 1
Fail to give way to vehicle as required when entering a marked lane or line of traffic from either side of road RR 87(1) 195 3 G229 118 1
Fail to give way to vehicle as required when turning from a median strip parking area into a marked lane/line of traffic RR 87(3) 195 3 G250 119 1
Fail to turn left at left turn only sign RR 88(1) 195 2 D200 120 1
Fail to turn left when entering intersection in left lane must turn left sign lane RR 88(2) 195 2 D201 121 1
Fail to turn right at right turn only sign RR 89(1) 195 2 D202 122 1
Fail to turn right when entering intersection in right lane must turn right sign lane RR 89(2) 195 2 D203 123 1
Turn at no turns sign RR 90 195 2 D204 124 1
Turn left at no left turn sign RR 91(1) 195 2 D207 125 1
Turn right at no right turn sign RR 91(2) 195 2 D208 126 1
Make U-turn at no right turn sign RR 91(2) 195 2 D209 127 1
Drive in direction contrary to traffic lane arrows (other than at roundabout) except when making permitted U-turn or when permitted by a traffic sign or when obstructed RR 92(1) 195 2 D210 128 1
Drive past a no overtaking or passing sign when oncoming vehicle on bridge/road RR 93(1)(a) 195 2 D212 129 1
Overtake vehicle on bridge/road contrary to no overtaking or passing sign RR 93(1)(b) 243.75 2 D214 130 1.25
Overtake on bridge contrary to sign RR 94 243.75 2 D216 131 1.25
Stop on keep clear area RR 96(1) 146.25 2 D217 132 0.75
Drive on road when road access sign indicates driver/vehicle not permitted RR 97(1) 195 0 D218 133 1
Drive contrary to one-way sign unless rider of a postal vehicle, bicycle or animal riding on path or nature strip RR 98(1) 195 2 D219 134 1
Fail to keep left (contrary to sign) unless rider of a postal vehicle, bicycle or animal riding on path or nature strip RR 99(1) 195 2 D220 135 1
Fail to keep right (contrary to sign) unless rider of a postal vehicle, bicycle or animal riding on path or nature strip RR 99(2) 195 2 D221 136 1
Drive past a no entry sign RR 100 195 2 D222 137 1
Fail to stop before reaching hand-held stop sign (other than at children's crossing) RR 101(1) 243.75 3 D223 138 1.25
Proceed past hand-held stop sign before permitted to do so (other than at children's crossing) RR 101(2) 243.75 3 D224 139 1.25
Drive overheight vehicle past clearance or low clearance sign RR 102(1) 633.75 2 D226 140 3.25
Drive vehicle past bridge load limit (gross mass) sign/gross load limit sign in excess of displayed gross mass RR 103(1) 633.75 2 D230 141 3.25
Drive vehicle past bridge load limit (mass per axle group) sign in excess of mass indicated RR 103(2) 633.75 2 D232 142 3.25
Drive vehicle (other than bus) past no trucks sign in excess of GVM indicated RR 104(1) 243.75 0 D234 143 1.25
Drive vehicle (other than bus) past no trucks sign in excess of length indicated RR 104(2) 243.75 0 D236 144 1.25
Drive truck past no trucks sign RR 104(3) 243.75 0 D237 145 1.25
Truck driver fail to comply with trucks must enter sign RR 105 243.75 0 D239 146 1.25
Increase speed while being overtaken and before overtaking vehicle has safely returned RR 145 195 0 M160 196 1
Drive bus past no buses sign in excess of indicated GVM RR 106(1) 243.75 0 D240 147 1.25
Drive bus past no buses sign in excess of indicated length RR 106(2) 243.75 0 D241 148 1.25
Drive bus past no buses sign RR 106(3) 243.75 0 D242 149 1.25
Fail to comply with buses must enter sign RR 107 243.75 0 D243 150 1.25
Fail to enter roundabout as required (from multi-lane road or multi lines of traffic) RR 111(1) 195 0 Z001 151 1
Fail to give sufficient left change of direction signal before entering roundabout (when leaving at first exit) RR 112(2) 146.25 2 Z050 152 0.75
Fail to continue left-indicate signal (when making turn at first exit of roundabout) RR 112(3) 146.25 2 Z051 153 0.75
Fail to give sufficient right change of direction signal before entering roundabout (when travelling more than halfway through) RR 113(2) 146.25 2 Z052 154 0.75
Fail to continue right-indicate signal (when travelling more than halfway through roundabout) RR 113(3) 146.25 2 Z053 155 0.75
Fail to give way on entering roundabout to vehicle in roundabout RR 114(1) 195 3 Z060 156 1
Fail to keep left of central traffic island in roundabout RR 115(1) 243.75 2 Z063 157 1.25
Fail to obey roundabout traffic lane arrows RR 116 195 2 Z064 160 1
Fail to indicate left-change of lane/traffic line in roundabout RR 117(1) 146.25 2 Z068 161 0.75
Fail to indicate right-change of lane/traffic line in roundabout RR 117(2) 146.25 2 Z070 162 0.75
Fail to indicate left when leaving roundabout (if practicable) RR 118(1) 146.25 2 Z072 163 0.75
Fail to turn off left indicator after leaving roundabout RR 118(2) 146.25 0 Z073 164 0.75
Fail to stop and give way at stop sign/line at level crossing RR 121 195 3 X020 166 1
Fail to give way at level crossing with give way sign/line RR 122 195 3 X030 167 1
Enter level crossing (with warning lights operating) RR 123(a) 438.75 3 X035 168 2.25
Enter level crossing (with gate/boom/barrier in any stage of operation) RR 123(b) 438.75 3 X037 169 2.25
Enter level crossing (when train entering) RR 123(c) 438.75 3 X050 170 2.25
Enter level crossing (when approaching train can be seen/heard and danger of collision) RR 123(d) 438.75 3 X052 171 2.25
Enter level crossing (when blocked or road beyond blocked) RR 123(e) 438.75 3 X060 172 2.25
Fail to leave level crossing as soon as safe RR 124 243.75 0 X062 173 1.25
Enter children's crossing, marked foot crossing or pedestrian crossing when blocked or road beyond is blocked RR 128A(1) 146.25 0 X012 178 0.75
Driver (other than motor bike rider) fail to keep to far left side of road (except on multi-lane road or road with at least 2 lines of traffic in same direction) RR 129(1) 146.25 2 M135 179 0.75
Drive in a right hand lane on multi-lane road (in an over 80 km/h zone or with keep left unless overtaking sign) when not permitted RR 130(2) 146.25 2 M136 180 0.75
Fail to keep to left of oncoming vehicles as required unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 131 243.75 2 M140 181 1.25
Fail to keep left of centre of road (when no dividing line/median strip) RR 132(1) 243.75 2 M141 182 1.25
Fail to keep left of dividing line as required RR 132(2) 243.75 3 M142 183 1.25
Fail to keep left of dividing line as required when making a U-Turn RR 132(2A) 243.75 3 M145 184 1.25
Fail to keep left of median strip (other than painted island) RR 135(1) 243.75 3 M143 185 1.25
Drive on dividing strip at same level as road and marked at each side by continuous line (other than painted island) when not permitted RR 137(1) 146.25 0 D244 187 0.75
Drive on/over painted island (with single continuous line/2 parallel continuous lines) RR 138(1) 146.25 0 D245 188 0.75
Overtake when unsafe and when no clear view of any approaching traffic RR 140 243.75 2 M144 189 1.25
Overtake when unsafe to do so 140 243.75 2 1.25
Driver (other than cyclist) overtake to left of vehicle when not permitted RR 141(1) 195 2 M146 190 1
Overtake to right of vehicle indicating turning right or doing U-turn RR 142(1) 195 2 M147 191 1
Pass/overtake (when unsafe) to left of vehicle with do not overtake turning vehicle sign that is indicating turning left RR 143(1) 195 2 M150 192 1
Pass/overtake (when unsafe) to right of vehicle with do not overtake turning vehicle sign that is indicating turning right, or doing U-turn RR 143(2) 195 2 M152 193 1
Overtake too close to another vehicle RR 144(a) 195 2 M156 194 1
Cut in front of vehicle after overtaking RR 144(b) 195 2 M158 195 1
Fail to drive within single marked lane as required (multi-lane road) RR 146(1) 146.25 0 D255 197 0.75
Cross continuous line separating 2 marked lanes (multi-lane road) when not permitted RR 147 146.25 2 D256 199 0.75
Fail to give way moving from 1 marked lane to another RR 148(1) 195 3 G254 200 1
Fail to give way moving from 1 line of traffic to another (when at least 2 lines of traffic travelling in same direction) RR 148(2) 195 3 G255 201 1
Fail to give way to vehicle when diverging (left or right) within a marked lane RR 148A 195 3 G257 202 1
Fail to give way to vehicle when any part of other vehicle is ahead when lines of traffic merge RR 149 195 3 G256 203 1
Drive on/over continuous white edge line when not permitted RR 150(1) 146.25 0 D257 204 0.75
Fail to comply with overhead lane control device RR 152(1) 243.75 3 D258 208 1.25
Fail to enter/leave median strip park in direction indicated RR 212(1) 195 0 D270 262 1
Public bus driver fail to stop as required at red B light RR 281 195 3 D272 390 1
Public bus driver fail to stop as required at yellow B light RR 282 146.25 3 D277 391 0.75
Public bus driver unlawfully proceed through red/yellow B light (after having stopped) RR 284 195 3 D282 392 1
Public bus driver (having stopped before entering intersection) proceed before permitted by B light/traffic arrow to do so RR 286(2) 195 3 D290 393 1
Public bus driver (already stopped in intersection) fail to proceed as soon as safely possible after B light/traffic arrow changes to red/yellow RR 286(3) 146.25 0 D300 394 0.75
Driver on path (other than cyclist or driver entering a road from a road-related area or adjacent land or vice versa) fail to give way to other road users/animals on path RR 288(4) 195 3 G260 396 1
Driver on nature strip (other than animal rider or driver entering a road from a road-related area or adjacent land or vice versa) fail to give way to other road users/animals on nature strip RR 289(2) 195 3 G262 397 1
Reverse vehicle when unsafe RR 296(1) 195 0 M170 406 1
Reverse vehicle further than reasonable in circumstances RR 296(2) 146.25 0 M171 407 0.75
Drive without proper control of vehicle RR 297(1) 195 0 M172 408 1
Fail to stop/remain stopped as directed on approaching restive/alarmed animals RR 361(3) 146.25 0 D279 435 0.75
Turn right or left at traffic lights intersection at more than 20 km/h RR 363(1) 146.25 2 M174 436 0.75
Driver cross 2 broken parallel dividing lines when not permitted RR 371(1) 195 3 D284 443 1
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle with tyres exceeding pressure requirements VOR 7 195 0 V601 622 1
Use/cause or permit the use of oversize vehicle that is light vehicle without booms fully retracted and the vehicle and load reduced to smallest practical dimensions VOR 8(1) 243.75 0 V602 623 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle or light combination loaded so as not to minimise its dimensions VOR 8(2) 243.75 0 V603 624 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle, inclusive of load, in contravention of vehicle width requirements VOR 10(1) 341.25 0 V604 625 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light motor vehicle in contravention of length requirements VOR 11 341.25 0 V606 626 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light semi-trailer or dog trailer length in contravention of trailer length requirements VOR 12(1) or (2) 195 0 V607 627 1
Use/cause or permit the use of light combination in contravention of combination length requirements VOR 13 341.25 0 V608 628 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle in contravention of rear overhang requirements VOR 14 (1), (3), or (4) 341.25 0 V609 629 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of dog or pig trailer in contravention of trailer drawbar length requirements VOR 15(1) or (2) 195 0 V611 630 1
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle or livestock carrier in contravention of vehicle height requirements VOR 16(2) 341.25 0 V612 631 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light motor vehicle or light combination in contravention of ground clearance requirements VOR 17(2) 195 0 V613 632 1
Use/cause or permit the use of overmass light vehicle or light combination (exceeding mass by not more than 1 tonne) VOR 19 146.25 0 V614 633 0.75
Use/cause or permit the use of overmass light vehicle or light combination (exceeding mass between 1 and 2 tonnes) VOR 19 292.5 0 V616 634 1.5
Use/cause or permit the use of overmass light vehicle or light combination (exceeding mass between 2 and 3 tonnes) VOR 19 487.5 0 V617 635 2.5
Use/cause or permit the use of overmass light vehicle or light combination (exceeding mass between 3 and 4 tonnes) VOR 19 633.75 0 V618 636 3.25
Use/cause or permit the use of overmass light vehicle or light combination (exceeding mass between 4 and 5 tonnes) VOR 19 828.75 0 V619 637 4.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle in breach of wheel load mass or axle load mass limit (exceeding mass by not more than 1 tonne) VOR 20(1) 146.25 0 V621 638 0.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle in breach of wheel load mass or axle load mass limit (exceeding mass between 1 and 2 tonnes) VOR 20(1) 292.5 0 V622 639 1.5
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle in breach of wheel load mass or axle load mass limit (exceeding mass between 2 and 3 tonnes) VOR 20(1) 487.5 0 V623 640 2.5
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle in breach of wheel load mass or axle load mass limit (exceeding mass between 3 and 4 tonnes) VOR 20(1) 633.75 0 V624 641 3.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle in breach of wheel load mass or axle load mass limit (exceeding mass between 4 and 5 tonnes) VOR 20(1) 828.75 0 V626 642 4.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle with tyre load exceeding maximum load capacity as determined by tyre manufacturer VOR 20(2) 195 0 V627 643 1
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle or light combination without load placed, secured or restrained in accordance with standards recommended in the Load Restraint Guide VOR 24(2) 243.75 0 V628 644 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle or light combination so loaded as to allow load to fall from vehicle, move or flap or sway so as to be likely to cause danger to person/property VOR 25(1) 438.75 0 V629 645 2.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle or light combination so loaded as to allow sand, soil, rocks, stones or gravel to fall or be blown from vehicle VOR 25(2) 243.75 0 V631 646 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle with dangerous projection VOR 27 390 0 V642 647 2
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle with front load projection exceeding 1.2 metres (during daylight) VOR 29(2)(a) 243.75 0 V632 648 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle with rear load projection exceeding 1.2 metre in contravention of flagging requirements (during daylight) VOR 29(2)(b) 243.75 0 V633 649 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle with front load projection exceeding 1.2 metres (at night) VOR 29(3)(a) 341.25 0 V634 650 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light vehicle with rear load projection exceeding 1.2 metre in contravention of red light attachment requirement (at night) VOR 29(3)(b) 341.25 0 V636 651 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light combination with coupling not securely fastened VOR 30 341.25 0 V637 652 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of light motor vehicle to tow light trailer in excess of towing capacity of motor vehicle or towing attachment fitted to motor vehicle VOR 31(2) 243.75 0 V638 653 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of light motor vehicle to tow more than one other vehicle when not permitted VOR 32 243.75 0 V639 654 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle contrary to conditions of exemption VOR 69(1) 195 0 V585 655 1
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination in breach of exemption mass limits (exceeding mass by not more than 1 tonne) VOR 70(1) 146.25 0 V575 656 0.75
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination in breach of exemption mass limits (exceeding mass between 1 and 2 tonnes) VOR 70(1) 292.5 0 V590 657 1.5
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination in breach of exemption dimension limits VOR 70(1) 438.75 0 V595 658 2.25
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination in breach of exemption mass limits (exceeding mass between 2 and 3 tonnes) VOR 70(1) 487.5 0 V600 659 2.5
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination in breach of exemption mass limits (exceeding mass between 3 and 4 tonnes) VOR 70(1) 633.75 0 V605 660 3.25
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination in breach of exemption mass limits (exceeding mass between 4 and 5 tonnes) VOR 70(1) 828.75 0 V610 661 4.25
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination in contravention of warning sign requirements VOR 71(1) 195 0 D445 662 1
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination displaying warning sign when sign not required VOR 71(2) 146.25 0 D430 663 0.75
Use/cause or permit the use of exempt vehicle or combination without warning light illuminated as required VOR 71(3) 341.25 0 D460 664 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of accompanying pilot vehicle without warning light illuminated as required VOR 71(4) 341.25 0 D465 665 1.75
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination displaying warning light when light not required VOR 72(1) 146.25 0 D435 666 0.75
Use/cause or permit the use of pilot vehicle that does not comply with requirements VOR 72(1) 243.75 0 D450 667 1.25
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination without accompanying pilot vehicle when pilot vehicle required VOR 72(2) 438.75 0 D470 668 2.25
Fail to carry permit in motor vehicle if motor vehicle or combination is operating under permit VOR 74 146.25 0 V580 669 0.75
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination in breach of road sign mass limit (exceeding mass by not more than 1 tonne) VOR 75(3)(a) 146.25 0 D440 670 0.75
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination in breach of road sign mass limit (exceeding mass between 1 and 2 tonnes) VOR 75(3)(a) 292.5 0 D455 671 1.5
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination in breach of road sign mass limit (exceeding mass between 2 and 3 tonnes) VOR 75(3)(a) 487.5 0 D480 672 2.5
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination in breach of road sign mass limit (exceeding mass between 3 and 4 tonnes) VOR 75(3)(a) 633.75 0 D485 673 3.25
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination in breach of road sign mass limit (exceeding mass between 4 and 5 tonnes) VOR 75(3)(a) 828.75 0 D490 674 4.25
Use/cause or permit the use of vehicle or combination in breach of road sign dimension limit VOR 75(3)(b) 438.75 0 D475 675 2.25
Use motor vehicle for providing driving instruction for reward without certificate of roadworthiness in force VT 14(4) 243.75 0 E486 457 1.25
Permit use of motor vehicle for providing driving instruction for reward without certificate of roadworthiness in force VT 14(4) 243.75 0 E487 458 1.25
Use vehicle not fitted with dual controls as required for providing driving instruction for reward VT 14(4) 341.25 0 E488 459 1.75
Permit use of vehicle not fitted with dual controls as required for providing driving instruction for reward VT 14(4) 341.25 0 E489 460 1.75
Use vehicle subject of major vehicle defect notice (other than one imposing total prohibition on use) after time allowed for compliance has passed (when notice not complied with) DLVR 121(1) 243.75 3 E813 1.25
Use vehicle subject of minor vehicle defect notice after time allowed for compliance has passed (when notice not complied with) DLVR 121(2) 195 1 E814 1
Use vehicle with minor vehicle defect notice contrary to a condition of the notice DLVR 121(3) 195 1 E815 1
Use vehicle with major vehicle defect notice contrary to a condition of the notice (other than total prohibition on use) DLVR 121(3) 243.75 3 E816 1.25
Permit use of vehicle subject of minor vehicle defect notice after time allowed for compliance has passed (when notice not complied with) DLVR 121(5) 243.75 0 E817 1.25
Permit use of vehicle with minor vehicle defect notice contrary to a condition of the notice DLVR 121(5) 243.75 0 E818 1.25
Permit use of vehicle subject of major vehicle defect notice (other than one imposing total prohibition on use) after time allowed for compliance has passed (when notice not complied with) DLVR 121(5) 438.75 0 E819 2.25
Permit use of vehicle with major vehicle defect notice contrary to a condition of the notice (other than total prohibition on use) DLVR 121(5) 438.75 0 E820 2.25
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of applicable second or third edition ADR VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 19(1) or 20(1) 195 0 E516 676 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - modification requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 27 195 0 E517 677 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - steering requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 28 243.75 0 E521 678 1.25
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - turning requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 29 195 0 E526 679 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - unloaded mass over 450 kg without ability to travel backwards/forwards VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 30 146.25 0 E531 680 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - object not designed/built/fitted to/maintained on light vehicle in way that minimises likelihood of injury to person VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 31(1) 195 0 E535 681 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - driver's viewing and light vehicle control requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 32 243.75 0 E546 682 1.25
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - without seating securely attached VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 33 243.75 0 E551 683 1.25
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - mudguards requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 34 146.25 0 E556 684 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - oil, grease, fuel, brake fluid or hydraulic fluid dripping onto street surface VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 35 146.25 0 E540 685 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - horn/alarm/other device requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 36 146.25 0 E561 686 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - rear vision mirror requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 37, 38 or 39 195 0 E566 687 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - automatic transmission requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 40 195 0 E571 688 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - diesel engine without device fitted preventing engine starting accidentally/inadvertently VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 41 146.25 0 E576 689 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - bonnet securing device requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 42 195 0 E581 690 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - electrical wiring requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 43 195 0 E586 691 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - television receiver/visual display unit requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 44 195 0 E591 692 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - requirement to fit windscreen VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 45 195 0 E593 693 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - windscreen/window/interior partition requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 46 195 0 E596 694 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - window tinting requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 47 146.25 0 E601 695 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - windscreen wiper/washer requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 48 146.25 0 E606 696 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - wheel and tyre requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 49, 50, 51,52, 53, 54, 55 or 56 195 0 E611 697 1
Use or cause/permit use of motor bike in contravention of vehicle standards - steering gear and hand grips/handlebar requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 57 195 0 E615 698 1
Use or cause/permit use of motor bike in contravention of vehicle standards - foot rests for driver/passenger requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 58 195 0 E620 699 1
Use or cause/permit use of motor bike in contravention of vehicle standards - chain guard requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 59 195 0 E625 700 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - vehicle and engine identification number requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 60 146.25 0 E631 701 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - white or silver band requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 61 146.25 0 E636 702 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - axle configuration requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 62 146.25 0 E656 703 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - with light (other than high-beam headlight) not fitted/adjusted to provide necessary amount of light, without dazzling driver VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 64 195 0 E664 704 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - requirement for lights to be a matching pair VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 65 195 0 E671 705 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - headlight requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 or 72 195 0 E676 706 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - parking light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 73 195 0 E681 707 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - daytime running light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 74 195 0 E686 708 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - tail light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 75, 76, 77, or 78 195 0 E691 709 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - number plate light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 79 146.25 0 E696 710 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - front and rear clearance light/external cabin light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 80, 81 or 82 195 0 E701 711 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - side marker light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 83, 84 or 85 195 0 E706 712 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - brake light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 87 or 88 195 0 E711 713 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - reversing light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 89 146.25 0 E716 714 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - direction indicator light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 90, 91, 92 or 93 195 0 E721 715 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - front fog light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 94 146.25 0 E726 716 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - rear fog light requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 95 146.25 0 E731 717 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - reflector requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards Division 14, 15, 16 or 17 of Part 8 195 0 E736 718 1
Use or cause/permit use of bus mainly used for carrying schoolchildren in contravention of vehicle standards - warning light/warning sign requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards Division 18 of Part 8 243.75 0 E740 719 1.25
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - flashing light/other light or reflector requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 107 195 0 E746 720 1
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - mechanical signalling device or turn signal requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 109, 110 or 111 195 0 E756 721 1
Use or cause/permit use of light vehicle or light combination in contravention of vehicle standards - braking system requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards Part 9 243.75 0 E761 722 1.25
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - light motor vehicle powered by petrol engine built/fitted so as not to prevent crank case gases escaping VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 124 146.25 0 E766 723 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - light motor vehicle propelled by internal combustion engine emitting more than allowable visible emissions VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 125 146.25 0 E771 724 0.75
Use, or cause or permit the use of, light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - certain light motor vehicle powered by diesel engine emitting more than allowable emissions. VSR 4(1)(a) as regards to 126 146.25 0 E806 725 0.75
Use, or cause or permit the use of, light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - exhaust outlet requirements for motor trike or bus VSR 4(1)(a) as regards to 129 146.25 0 E807 726 0.75
Use, or cause or permit the use of, light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - light motor vehicle powered by internal combustion engine not fitted with effective silencing device through which all exhaust from the engine passes VSR 4(1)(a)as regards to 132 146.25 0 E808 726A 0.75
Use, or cause or permit the use of, light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - stationary noise emission requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards to 134, 134A, 134B, 134C 146.25 0 E809 727 0.75
Use or cause/permit use of light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - LPG fuel system requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards 135 195 0 E791 728 1
Use, or cause or permit the use of, light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - hydrogen fuel system requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards to 135A 195 0 E811 728A 1
Use, or cause or permit the use of, light motor vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards - electric propulsion system requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards to 135B 195 0 E812 728B 1
Use or cause/permit use of motor vehicle/trailer in light combination in contravention of vehicle standards - coupling requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards Part 12 243.75 0 E801 729 1.25
Use or cause/permit use of bus (used for carrying passengers) in contravention of vehicle standards - bus construction and fitting requirements VSR 4(1)(a) as regards Part 13 or 96(2) 243.75 0 E805 730 1.25
Use or cause/permit use of vehicle or combination in an unsafe and unroadworthy condition VSR 4(1)(b) 780 0 E500 731 4
Use or cause/permit use of vehicle or combination with unclean or obscured light, reflector, sign, writing, colouring or band VSR 4(1)(c) 146.25 0 E505 732 0.75
Failure to comply with notice (Individual) (PTSA) PTSA 23(7) 975 PT97 5
Failure to comply with notice (Body Corporate) (PTSA) PTSA 23(7) 1950 PT98 10
Accredited operator fail to comply with accreditation condition - Individual PTSA 29(1) 975 PT10 5
Accredited operator fail to comply with accreditation condition - Body Corporate PTSA 29(1) 1950 PT11 10
Responsible person fail to comply with accreditation condition - Individual PTSA 29(2) 975 PT12 5
Responsible person fail to comply with accreditation condition - Body Corporate PTSA 29(2) 1950 PT13 10
Accredited operator fail to provide information to Commission - Individual PTSA 32(2) 975 PT14 5
Accredited operator fail to provide information to Commission - Body Corporate PTSA 32(2) 1950 PT15 10
Responsible person fail to provide information to the Commission - Individual PTSA 32(3) 975 PT16 5
Responsible person fail to provide information to the Commission - Body Corporate PTSA 32(3) 1950 PT17 10
Accredited operator fail to notify serious offence - Individual PTSA 33(1) 975 PT18 5
Accredited operator fail to notify serious offence - Body Corporate PTSA 33(1) 1950 PT19 10
Responsible person fail to notify serious offence - Individual PTSA 33(2) 975 PT20 5
Responsible person fail to notify serious offence - Body Corporate PTSA 33(2) 1950 PT21 10
Accredited operator fail to notify change of responsible person - Individual PTSA 33(3) 975 PT22 5
Accredited operator fail to notify change of responsible person - Body Corporate PTSA 33(3) 1950 PT23 10
Accredited operator fail to notify accident or incident - Individual PTSA 33M(1) 975 PT24 5
Accredited operator fail to notify accident or incident - Body Corporate PTSA 33M(1) 1950 PT25 10
Accredited operator fail to notify a finding - Individual PTSA 33M(2) 975 PT26 5
Accredited operator fail to notify a finding - Body Corporate PTSA 33M(2) 1950 PT27 10
Failure to comply with condition of authorisation - Individual PTSA 41 341.25 PT99 1.75
Affiliated operator fail to notify ceasing to be affiliated operator - Individual PTSA 60A(1) 975 PT28 5
Affiliated operator fail to notify ceasing to be affiliated operator - Body Corporate PTSA 60A(1) 1950 PT29 10
Booking service provider or affiliate operator fail to keep records as required - Individual PTSA 60A(3) 975 PT30 5
Booking service provider or affiliate operator fail to keep records as required - Body Corporate PTSA 60A(3) 1950 PT31 10
Fail to comply with improvement notice - Individual PTSA 61A(5) 975 PT32 5
Fail to comply with improvement notice - Body Corporate PTSA 61A(5) 1950 PT33 10
Driver fail to comply with officer direction - Individual PTSA 61D(2) 975 PT34 5
Driver fail to comply with officer direction - Body Corporate PTSA 61D(2) 1950 PT35 10
Accredited operator fail to comply with officer direction - Individual PTSA 61D(5) 975 PT36 5
Accredited operator fail to comply with officer direction - Body Corporate PTSA 61D(5) 1950 PT37 10
Failure to comply with conditions of authorisation - Body Corporate PTSA 64(6) 341.25 P300 1.75
Fail to display evidence of accreditation - Individual PTSR 9 195 PT38 1
Fail to display evidence of accreditation - Body Corporate PTSR 9 585 PT39 3
Fail to provide authorised service PTSR 16 292.5 PT42 1.5
Exceed maximum operational capacity - Individual PTSR 15(1) 292.5 PT43 1.5
Exceed maximum operational capacity - Body Corporate PTSR 15(1) 877.5 P301 4.5
Fail to display maximum operational capacity - Individual PTSR 15(2) 292.5 PT44 1.5
Fail to display maximum operational capacity - Body Corporate PTSR 15(2) 877.5 P302 4.5
Person fail to comply with duty imposed with the regulations - Individual PTSR 16 292.5 PT45 1.5
Person fail to comply with duty imposed with the regulations - Body Corporate PTSR 16 877.5 PT46 4.5
Operator fail to comply with duty to ensure compliant vehicle - Individual PTSR 16 | 17(1) 292.5 P303 1.5
Operator fail to comply with duty to ensure compliant vehicle - Body Corporate PTSR 16 | 17(1) 877.5 P304 4.5
Operator fail to comply with duty to ensure compliant equipment - Individual PTSR 16 | 17(2) 292.5 P305 1.5
Operator fail to comply with duty to ensure compliant equipment - Body Corporate PTSR 16 | 17(2) 877.5 P306 4.5
Operator fail to produce document - Individual PTSR 16 | 17(4) 292.5 P307 1.5
Operator fail to produce document - Body Corporate PTSR 16 | 17(4) 877.5 P308 4.5
Operator fail to ensure wheelchair accessible taxi met hirings - Individual PTSR 16 | 17(6) 292.5 P309 1.5
Operator fail to ensure wheelchair accessible taxi met hirings - Body Corporate PTSR 16 | 17(6) 877.5 P310 4.5
Driver behave in an offensive manner PTSR 16 | 17(8) 292.5 P311 1.5
Driver interfere with the comfort or the safety of passenger PTSR 16 | 17(8) 292.5 P312 1.5
Driver fail to give assistance to a passenger, including passenger in a wheelchair PTSR 16 | 18(a) 292.5 P313 1.5
Driver discriminate against a passenger with assistance animal PTSR 16 | 18(b) 292.5 P314 1.5
Driver allow passenger to obstruct PTSR 16 | 18(c) 292.5 P315 1.5
Driver fail to ensure luggage appropriately stored PTSR 16 | 18(e) 292.5 P316 1.5
Driver fail to drive without ancillary certificate or like authority PTSR 16 | 18(f) 292.5 P317 1.5
Taxi driver charge fare without passenger PTSR 16 | 18(g) 292.5 P318 1.5
Driver of small passenger vehicle, other than taxi, without fare agreement in advance PTSR 16 | 18(h) 292.5 P319 1.5
Driver of small passenger vehicle, not showing label, notice or sign PTSR 16 | 18(2)(b) 292.5 P320 1.5
Driver of small passenger vehicle fail to produce document required for inspection PTSR 16 | 18(2)(c) 292.5 P321 1.5
Taxi driver hire taxi out of area PTSR 16 | 18(2)(d) 292.5 P322 1.5
Taxi driver fail to stand taxi appropriately in taxi zone PTSR 16 | 18(2)(e) 292.5 P323 1.5
Taxi driver leave taxi unattended in taxi zone PTSR 16 | 18(3)(a) 292.5 P324 1.5
Taxi driver prevent another taxi leave taxi zone PTSR 16 | 18(3)(b) 292.5 P325 1.5
Taxi driver require person to hire taxi in the foremost space within taxi zone PTSR 16 | 18(3)(c) 292.5 P326 1.5
Taxi driver operate taxi without equipment installed PTSR 16 | 18(3)(d) 292.5 P327 1.5
Taxi driver not to start taximeter at the start of the hire PTSR 16 | 18(3)(e) 292.5 P328 1.5
Taxi driver not restrain wheelchair PTSR 16 | 18(3)(g) 292.5 P329 1.5
Taxi driver to permit another to travel without consent PTSR 16 | 18(3)(h) 292.5 P330 1.5
Taxi driver not take route nominated by passenger PTSR 16 | 18(3)(j) 292.5 P331 1.5
Taxi driver to operate taxi while taximeter is displaying incorrect fare PTSR 16 | 18(3)(k) 292.5 P332 1.5
Taxi driver charge fare more than displayed on taximeter PTSR 16 | 18(3)(l) 292.5 P333 1.5
Taxi driver charge fare at concession rate without evidence PTSR 16 | 18(3)(m) 292.5 P334 1.5
Taxi driver to unlawfully stop taximeter PTSR 16 | 18(3)(n)(i) 292.5 P335 1.5
Taxi driver fail to reset taximeter at end of hire PTSR 16 | 18(3)(n)(ii) 292.5 P336 1.5
Operator fail to display condition of travel - Individual PTSR 28(4) 292.5 PT47 1.5
Operator fail to display condition of travel - Body Corporate 28(4) 877.5 P342 4.5
Refusal of hire by driver of taxi PTSR 19(1) 292.5 P337 1.5
Refusal of hire by driver of regular passenger transport service PTSR 19(2) 292.5 PT48 1.5
Driver of wheelchair-accessible taxi fail to give priority to a person in a wheelchair PTSR 20 292.5 P338 1.5
Fail to set down passenger at nominated place PTSR 16 292.5 PT49 1.5
Driver of vehicle providing passenger service operate unsafe vehicle - Individual PTSR 15(2) 292.5 PT52 1.5
Driver of vehicle providing passenger service operate unsafe vehicle - Body Corporate PTSR 15(2) 877.5 PT53 4.5
Passenger endanger safety PTSR 24(3)(a) 243.75 PT54 1.25
Passenger threaten or intimate PTSR 24(3)(b) 243.75 PT55 1.25
Passenger wilfully obbstruct or hinder another PTSR 24(3)(c) 243.75 PT56 1.25
Passenger wilfully disturb PTSR 24(3)(d) 243.75 PT57 1.25
Passenger soil, damage or deface PTSR 24(3)(e) 243.75 PT58 1.25
Passenger behave in an offensive or indecent manner PTSR 24(3)(f) 243.75 PT59 1.25
Passenger use inappropriate language PTSR 24(3)(g) 243.75 PT60 1.25
Passenger throw item PTSR 24(3)(h) 243.75 PT61 1.25
Passenger smokes PTSR 24(4)(a) 195 PT62 1
Passenger consume alcohol PTSR 24(4)(b) 195 PT63 1
Passenger with alcohol PTSR 24(4)(c) 195 PT64 1
Passenger litters PTSR 24(4)(d) 195 PT65 1
Passenger with animal unpermitted by law PTSR 24(4)(e) 195 PT66 1
Passenger with feet on seat PTSR 24(4)(f) 195 PT67 1
Passenger spits on vehicle PTSR 24(4)(g) 195 PT68 1
Passenger play instrument PTSR 24(4)(h) 195 PT69 1
Passenger busk PTSR 24(4)(i) 195 PT70 1
Passenger refuse to vacate seat PTSR 24(5) 195 PT71 1
Passenger eat or drink PTSR 24(7)(a) 97.5 PT72 0.5
Passenger occupy more than one seat PTSR 24(7)(b) 97.5 PT73 0.5
Passenger sell or distribute anything PTSR 24(7)(c) 97.5 PT74 0.5
Passenger display sign PTSR 24(7)(d) 97.5 PT75 0.5
Passenger affix something to vehicle PTSR 24(7)(e) 97.5 PT76 0.5
Passenger fail to comply with direction PTSR 23 331.5 PT77 1.7
Passenger fail to pay fare PTSR 18(1) 195 PT78 1
Passenger fail to provide evidence that fare paid PTSR 22(3) 292.5 P339 1.5
Passenger fail to provide evidence that hold concession PTSR 22(4) 292.5 P340 1.5
Passenger travelling when disallowed PTSR 24(2) 292.5 P341 1.5
Passenger fail to comply with request of authorised officer PTSR 23 331.5 PT79 1.7
Driver allow passenger to obstruct an entrance/exit PTSR 19(a) 195 PT80 1
Driver allow passenger to obstruct another PTSR 19(b) 195 PT81 1
Driver allow unsafe freight PTSR 20(a) 195 PT82 1
Driver allow freight to obstruct PTSR 20(b) 195 PT83 1
Driver place unreasonable risk by standing or parking PTSR 21(a) 292.5 PT84 1.5
Driver disrupts movement of traffic PTSR 21(b) 292.5 PT85 1.5
Person interfere with passenger transport service vehicle PTSR 25(1) 292.5 PT86 1.5
Person interfere with equipment installed in passenger transport vehicle PTSR 25(2) 292.5 PT87 1.5
Operator of licence must ensure that device or system does not interfere with equipment - Individual PTSR 25(3) 292.5 PT88 1.5
Operator of licence must ensure that device or system that interferes with equipment - Body Corporate PTSR 25(3) 877.5 PT89 4.5
Person must not install device or system that interferes with equipment PTSR 25(4) 292.5 PT90 1.5
Operator fail to display licence plate - Individual PTSR 26(1)(a) 292.5 PT91 1.5
Operator fail to display licence plate - Body Corporate PTSR 26(1)(a) 877.5 PT92 4.5
Operator place licence plate on wrong vehicle - Individual PTSR 26(1)(b) 292.5 PT93 1.5
Operator place licence plate on wrong vehicle - Body Corporate PTSR 26(1)(b) 877.5 PT94 4.5
Operator wrongfully remove licence plate - Individual PTSR 26(1)(c) 292.5 PT95 1.5
Operator wrongfully remove licence plate - Body Corporate PTSR 26(1)(c) 877.5 PT96 4.5
Driver fail to keep a copy of PBS vehicle approval while driving HVNL 25A(1) 377 0 H320
Relevant party fail to ensure driver complies with 25A(1) HVNL 25A(2) 377 0 H321
Contravene a Heavy Vehicle Standard HVNL 60(1)(a) 377 0 H200 H1
Contravene a Heavy Vehicle Standard - Speed Limiter HVNL 60(1)(b) 758 0 H201 H1
Failure to comply with notice HVNL 79(2) 502 0 H202 H2
Person contravening a condition of vehicle standards exemption HVNL 81(1) 502 0 H203 H3
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle in contravention of vehicle standards exemption HVNL 81(2) 502 0 H204 H4
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle in a way that contravenes vehicle standards exemption HVNL 81(3) 502 0 H205 H5
Failure to comply with condition of vehicle standards exemption HVNL 82(2) 377 0 H206 H6
Third party liable for Driver's breach of section 82(2) - vehicle standards exemption HVNL 82(3) 377 0 H207 H7
Failure to carry copy of vehicle standards exemptions permit HVNL 83(1) 377 0 H208 H8
Failure to return copy of vehicle standards exemptions permit as required HVNL 83(2) 377 0 H209 H9
Third party liable for Driver's breach of section 83(1) - fail to carry exemptions permit HVNL 83(3) 377 0 H210 H10
Modifying heavy vehicle without approval HVNL 85(1) 377 0 H211 H11
Use or permit the use of unlawfully modified heavy vehicle HVNL 85(2) 377 0 H212 H12
Approved Vehicle Examiner - Fail to comply with requirements HVNL 86(2) 377 0 H213 H13
Tamper with a plate or label fitted or affixed to a heavy vehicle under section 86(2) or 87(3) HVNL 87A(1) 377 0 H296
Use or permit the use of an unsafe heavy vehicle HVNL 89(1) 758 0 H214 H14
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle with no emission control system fitted HVNL 90(1) 377 0 H215 H15
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle with incorrectly operating emission control system HVNL 90(2) 377 0 H216 H16
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle where operating emission control system causes failure to comply with a heavy vehicle standard HVNL 90(3) 377 0 H217 H17
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle displaying incorrect warning sign HVNL 92(2) 377 0 H218 H18
Drive heavy vehicle in breach of mass requirements - minor risk breach HVNL 96(1) 502 0 H275
Drive heavy vehicle in breach of mass requirements - substantial risk breach HVNL 96(1) 758 0 H308
Drive heavy vehicle in breach of dimension requirements - Vehicle has no goods or passengers HVNL 102(1)(a) 377 0 H277 H20
Drive heavy vehicle in breach of dimension requirements - minor risk breach HVNL 102(1)(b) 377 0 H309
Drive heavy vehicle in breach of dimension requirements - substantial risk breach HVNL 102(1)(b) 377 0 H310
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle, with rear projection without specified warning signals HVNL 109(2) 377 0 H280 H21
Drive heavy vehicle in breach of load requirements - minor risk breach HVNL 111(1) 377 0 H311
Drive heavy vehicle in breach of load requirements - substantial risk breach HVNL 111(1) 631 0 H312
Permit another person to drive heavy vehicle in breach of mass requirements - minor risk breach HVNL 96(1) 502 0 H313
Permit another person to drive heavy vehicle in breach of mass requirements - substantial risk breach HVNL 96(1) 758 0 H314
Permit another person to drive heavy vehicle in breach of dimension requirements - Vehicle has no goods or passengers HVNL 102(1)(a) 377 0 H315
Permit another person to drive heavy vehicle in breach of dimension requirements - minor risk breach HVNL 102(1)(b) 377 0 H316
Permit another person to drive heavy vehicle in breach of dimension requirements - substantial risk breach HVNL 102(1)(b) 631 0 H317
Permit another person to drive heavy vehicle in breach of load requirements - minor risk breach HVNL 111(1) 377 0 H318
Permit another person to drive heavy vehicle in breach of load requirements - substantial risk breach HVNL 111(1) 631 0 H319
Driver or operator of heavy vehicle contravene condition of mass or dimension exemption HVNL 129(1) 758 0 H283 H23
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle in contravention of condition of mass or dimension exemption HVNL 129(2) 758 0 H284 H24
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle in a way that contravenes mass or dimension exemption HVNL 129(3) 758 0 H285 H25
Driver of pilot or escort vehicle breach condition of mass or dimension exemption HVNL 130(2) 758 0 H286 H26
Driver of pilot vehicle accompany heavy vehicle breaching mass or dimension exemption - incorrect route HVNL 131(1)(a) 758 0 H288 H28
Driver of pilot vehicle accompany heavy vehicle breaching mass or dimension exemption - incorrect time HVNL 131(1)(b) 758 0 H289 H28
Driver of pilot vehicle accompany heavy vehicle breaching mass or dimension exemption - not enough escort vehicles HVNL 131(1)(c) 758 0 H290 H28
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to comply with condition of mass or dimension exemption (notice) HVNL 132(2) 377 0 H291 H29
Relevant third party liable for Driver's breach of section 132(2) - mass or dimensions exemption (notice) HVNL 132(3) 377 0 H292 H30
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to carry mass or dimension exemption permit HVNL 133(1) 377 0 H293 H31
Driver of Class 1 or Class 3 heavy vehicle fail to return permit HVNL 133(2) 502 0 H294 H32
Relevant party liable for Driver's breach of section 133(1) - fail to carry permit HVNL 133(3) 377 0 H295 H33
Heavy Vehicle incorrectly display dimension exemption warning sign HVNL 134(1) 377 0 H221 H34
Pilot Vehicle incorrectly display dimension exemption warning sign HVNL 134(2) 377 0 H222 H35
Use or permit the use of Class 2 heavy vehicle without authorisation HVNL 137 758 0 H223 H36
Driver or operator of Class 2 heavy vehicle breach a condition of authorised use HVNL 150(1) 758 0 H224 H37
Driver of Class 2 heavy vehicle fail to comply with condition of heavy vehicle authorisation (notice) HVNL 151(2) 377 0 H225 H38
Relevant party liable for Driver's breach of section 151(2) - Class 2 heavy vehicle authorisation (notice) HVNL 151(3) 377 0 H226 H39
Driver of Class 2 heavy vehicle fail to carry authorisation permit HVNL 152(1) 377 0 H227 H40
Driver of Class 2 heavy vehicle fail to return authorisation permit HVNL 152(2) 502 0 H228 H41
Relevant party liable for Driver's breach of section 152(1) - fail to carry permit HVNL 152(3) 377 0 H229 H42
Use/Permit restricted access vehicle on road unless the road is one on which the vehicle is allowed to be used under a mass or demension authority applying to the vehicle HVNL 153A(1) 758 0 H297
Fail to return mass or dimension permit as required by Regulator HVNL 181(3) 502 0 H232 H45
Driver of heavy vehicle tow more than 1 vehicle HVNL 184(1) 377 0 H233 H47
Fail to securely couple trailer to vehicle HVNL 185(1) 758 0 H234 H48
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle combination components of coupling are not compatible HVNL 185(2) 758 0 H235 H49
Fail to provide driver or operator of heavy vehicle with container weight declaration HVNL 190(1) 758 0 H236 H50
Heavy vehicle operator fail to provide driver with container weight declaration HVNL 191(1) 758 0 H237 H51
Heavy vehicle operator fail to provide carrier with container weight declaration HVNL 191(3) 758 0 H238 H52
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to carry freight container weight declaration HVNL 192(1) 758 0 H239 H53
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to make available freight container weight declaration HVNL 192(2) 377 0 H240 H54
Operator of heavy vehicle fail to attach accreditation label to vehicle as required HVNL 466(2A) 377 0 H303
Drive heavy vehicle if vehicle's accreditation label is not attached to vehicle as required HVNL 466(2B) 377 0 H304
Fail to comply with conditions of BFM or AFM accreditation HVNL 467 758 0 H241 H109
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to carry required accreditation documents HVNL 468(1) 377 0 H242 H110
Operator liable for Driver's breach of section 468(2) - Fail to carry accreditation documents HVNL 468(3) 377 0 H243 H111
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to return accreditation to documents to operator HVNL 469(2) 502 0 H244 H112
Operator of accreditted heavy vehicle fail to inform driver of AFM hours HVNL 470(3) 758 0 H245 H113
Operator of accreditted heavy vehicle fail to comply with notice HVNL 470(8) 377 0 H246 H114
Operator of accreditted heavy vehicle fail to give notice of change in accreditation HVNL 502(2) 758 0 H247 H115
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to return documents following change in accreditation HVNL 502(3) 502 0 H248 H116
Fail to comply with notice to return accreditation certificate HVNL 476(2) 758 0 H249 H117
Authorised Officer fail to return identity card as required HVNL 488 502 0 H250 H118
Fail to obey direction to stop heavy vehicle HVNL 513(4) 758 0 H251 H119
Fail to obey direction of authorised officer - heavy vehicle HVNL 514(3) 758 0 H252 H120
Fail to obey direction to move heavy vehicle onto device HVNL 516(3) 758 0 H253 H121
Fail to obey direction to move heavy vehicle causing harm HVNL 517(4) 758 0 H254 H122
Fail to produce heavy vehicle for inspection as required HVNL 522(5) 758 0 H255 H123
Fail to leave heavy vehicle as directed by Authorised Officer HVNL 524(5) 758 0 H256 H124
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to provide operator with vehicle defect notice within 14 days HVNL 526(4) 377 0 H257 H125
Remove or deface defective vehicle label HVNL 528(3) 377 0 H258 H126
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle contrary to vehicle defect notice (Minor Defect Notice) HVNL 529(a) 758 1 H900 H127
Use or permit the use of heavy vehicle contrary to vehicle defect notice (Major Defect Notice) HVNL 529(a) 758 3 H901 H127
Driver of a heavy vehicle for which a self-clearing defect notice is issued fail to give the notice to the operator as required HVNL 529(b) 377 0 H902
Use or permit to be used a heavy vehicle in contravention of a self-clearing defect notice HVNL 529(b) 377 0 H903
Fail to comply with a direction given under s533 HVNL 533(7) 1182 0 MAX H259 H128
Fail to comply with a direction given under s534 HVNL 534(5) 1182 0 MAX H260 H129
Fail to provide name, address and date of birth HVNL 567(4) 377 0 H261 H130
Fail to comply with a requirement made under section 568(2) to produce drivers licence HVNL 568(3)(a) 758 0 H908
Fail to comply with a requirement made under section 568(2) to produce a document, device or other thing (work diary) HVNL 568(3)(b) 758 0 H909
Fail to comply with a requirement made under section 568(2) to produce a document, device or other thing (other document, device or other thing required to be carried under HVNL) HVNL 568(3)(b) 377 0 H910
Driver fail to certify documents as required HVNL 568(7) 377 0 H263 H132
Responsible person fail to produce documents as required HVNL 569(2) 758 0 H264 H133
Responsible person fail to certify documents as required HVNL 569(7) 377 0 H265 H134
Use or permit the use of HML heavy vehicle without required Intelligent Access HVNR (MDL) 16(2) 377 0 H271 H136
Driver or operator of HML heavy vehicle contravene condition of permit HVNR (MDL) 28 377 0 H272 H137
Fail to return HML permit HVNR (MDL) 34(2) 502 0 H273 H138
Drive Fatigue - regulated heavy vehicle whilst impaired by fatigue HVNL 228(1) 0 3 H053 154C
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (severe risk breach) HVNL 250(1) 1260 3 * H904
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (critical risk breach) HVNL 250(1) 0 4 H055 154E
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (severe risk breach) HVNL 251(1) 1260 3 * H905
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (critical risk breach) HVNL 251(1) 0 4 H057 154G
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (severe risk breach) HVNL 254(1) 1260 3 * H906
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (critical risk breach) HVNL 254(1) 0 4 H059 154I
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (severe risk breach) HVNL 256(1) 502 3 * H907
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (critical risk breach) HVNL 256(1) 0 4 H061 154K
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of AFM hours (severe risk breach) HVNL 258(1) 0 3 H062 154L
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of AFM hours (critical risk breach) HVNL 258(1) 0 4 H063 154M
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of exemption hours (severe risk breach) HVNL 260(1) 0 3 H064 154N
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of exemption hours (critical risk breach) HVNL 260(1) 0 4 H065 154O
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (minor risk breach) HVNL 250(1) 502 0 H066
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (Substantial risk breach) HVNL 250(1) 758 0 H067
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (minor risk breach) HVNL 251(1) 502 0 H068
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of standard hours (substantial risk breach) HVNL 251(1) 758 0 H069
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (minor risk breach) HVNL 254(1) 502 0 H070
Solo driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (substantial risk breach) HVNL 254(1) 758 0 H071
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (minor risk breach) HVNL 256(1) 502 0 H072
Two-up driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of BFM hours (substantial risk breach) HVNL 256(1) 758 0 H073
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of AFM hours (minor risk breach) HVNL 258(1) 502 0 H074
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of AFM hours (substantial risk breach) HVNL 258(1) 758 0 H075
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of exemption hours (minor risk breach) HVNL 260(1) 502 0 H076
Driver of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle in breach of exemption hours (substantial risk breach) HVNL 260(1) 758 0 H077
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Driving After Changing From 1 Work And Rest Hours Option To A Different Work And Rest Hours Option Without Complying With New Work/Rest Requirements Or Having A Relevant Rest Break HVNL 263(1) 502 0 H088
Person Failing Comply With A Notice From Regulator, Within 7 Days After The Notice Is Given To The Person Or, If A Longer Period Is Stated In The Notice, Within The Longer Period, To Return Work And Rest Hours Exemption (Permit) HVNL 284(2) 758 0 H089
Contravening A Condition Of A Work And Rest Hours Exemption HVNL 286(1) 758 0 H090
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Who Is Operating Under A Work And Rest Hours Exemption (Notice) Failing To Comply With The Condition That The Exemption Must Be Kept In The Driver'S Possession HVNL 287(2) 377 0 H091
Relevant Party Liable For A Driver Who Breaches Section 287(2) HVNL 287(3) 377 0 H092
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Who Is Driving The Vehicle Under A Work And Rest Hours Exemption (Permit) Failing To Keep A Copy Of The Permit For The Exemption In The Driver'S Possession HVNL 288(1) 377 0 H093
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Who Is Operating Under A Work And Rest Hours Exemption (Permit) Failing, As Soon As Reasonably Practicable, To Return The Copy To The Relevant Party When Required HVNL 288(2) 502 0 H094
Relevant Party Liable For Driver Committing An Offence Against Section 288(1) HVNL 288(3) 377 0 H095
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Keep A Work Diary; And Failing To Ensure It Records The Required Information And Failing To Ensure It Is In The Driver'S Possession While The Driver Is Driving The Vehicle. HVNL 293(1) 758 0 H096
Driver Failing To Record The Required Information In The Driver'S Work Diary In The Manner And At The Time Prescribed By The National Regulations HVNL 296(1) 189 0 H097
Driver Failing To Record Required Information From National Regulations Immediately After Starting Work On A Day HVNL 297(2) 758 0 H098
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Record The Odometer Reading In The Manner Prescribed By The National Regulations If And When Required To Do So By The National Regulations HVNL 298(1) 189 0 H099
Driver Who Is A Party To A Two-Up Driving Arrangement, Failing To, At The Request Of The Other Driver Who Is A Party To The Arrangement, Provide The Prescribed Details Relating To The Two-Up Driving Arrangement HVNL 299 377 0 H100
Driver Failing To Record Information In A Written Work Diary According To The Law HVNL 301 189 0 H101
Driver Failing To Record Information In An Electronic Work Diary According To The Law HVNL 302 189 0 H102
Driver Failing To Record Time In The Driver'S Work Diary According To The Time Zone In The Place Where The Driver'S Base Is, Rather Than The Time Zone In The Place Where The Driver Is HVNL 303 189 0 H103
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Record Required Information In A Supplementary Record During Any Period In Which The Driver Is Unable To Use The Driver'S Work Diary Because Of Circumstances Mentioned S. 304(A)Or(B). HVNL 305(1) 758 0 H104
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Record Required Information In A Supplementary Record HVNL 305(2) 377 0 H105
Driver Failing To Record Time In The Supplementary Record According To The Time Zone In The Place Where The Driver'S Base Is, Rather Than The Time Zone In The Place Where The Driver Is. HVNL 305(3) 189 0 H106
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Driver Failing To Notify The Regulator, In The Approved Form, That Their Written Work Diary Has Been Filled Up, Destroyed, Lost Or Stolen - Within 2 Business Days After The Driver Becomes Aware HVNL 306 377 0 H107
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Notify The Regulator, In The Approved Form, That Their Electronic Work Diary Has Been Filled Up, Destroyed, Lost Or Stolen Or Is Not In Working Order, Within 2 Business Days HVNL 307(2) 377 0 H108
Record Keeper fail to notify Regulator if electronic work diary filled HVNL 307(3) 377 0 * H298
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle, If A Lost Or Stolen Written Work Diary Is Found By Or Returned To Driver, Failing To Take Required Action HVNL 308(1) 377 0 H109
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Inform The Driver'S Record Keeper If Electronic Work Diary Has Been Filled Up, Destroyed, Lost Or Stolen, Or Malfunctioning HVNL 309(2) 377 0 H110
Intelligent Access Reporting Entity For Approved Intelligent Transport System Failing To Inform Driver'S Record Keeper When Becoming Aware, Or Suspects, That Approved Electronic Recording System Is Malfunctioning/Has Malfunctioned HVNL 310(2) 758 0 H111
Record keeper fail to notify Regulator in the approved form that electronic diary has been destroyed, lost or stolen HVNL 312(3) 758 0 * H299
Standard Hours Driver'S Record Keeper Failing To Record Required Information In Section 319(1) And Keep Copy Of Payment Records Relating To The Driver HVNL 319(1) 758 0 H112
Driver fail to record information mentioned in section 319(1)(iii) to (vi) for that day within 24 hours after the driver stops working HVNL 319A(2)(a) 377 0 * H322
Driver fail to give the information mentioned in section 319(1) for that day to each person who was a record keeper for the driver on that day. HVNL 319A(2)(b) 377 0 * H323
Bfm Hours, Afm Hours Or Exemption Hours Drivers' Record Keeper Failing To Record Required Information In Section 321(1) And Keep Copy Of Payment Records Relating To The Driver HVNL 321(1) 758 0 H113
Record Keeper Liable For Driver Operating Under Bfm Hours Or Afm Hours Failing To Record Required Information Under Section 321(3) HVNL 321(3) 758 0 H114
Driver Failing, Within 21 Days After The Day On Which The Driver Drove The Vehicle, To Give A Copy Of The Work Diary Entry Recording The Information To Each Person Who Was A Record Keeper For The Driver On That Day HVNL 322(2) 377 0 H115
Record keeper must give information from electronic work diary HVNL 324(2) 377 * H324
Driver Failing To, Before Driving A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle For A New Record Keeper, To Give The New Record Keeper A Copy Of Information Recorded In A Work Diary In 28 Days Before The Change, Relating To That 28-Day Period HVNL 323(2) 377 0 H116
Record keeper fail to give record to driver if requested HVNL 324A(2) 189 0 * H300
Record Keeper Of The Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Keep A Record Required To Be Made Or Kept Under Part 6.4 Division 3, Or A Copy Of The Record, For 3 Years HVNL 341(1) 758 0 H117
Record Keeper Of The Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Keep A Record Required To Be Made Or Kept Under Part 6.4 Division 8 Or 8A, Or A Copy Of The Record, For 3 Years HVNL 341(2) 758 0 H118
Record Keeper Of The Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Failing To Keep A Record Required To Be Made Or Kept At The Driver'S Record Location In A Way That It Is Readily Available To An Authorised Officer To Access HVNL 341(3) 377 0 H119
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Acting As Own Record Keeper, Failing To Keep A Required Record In A Way That It Is Readily Available To An Authorised Officer To Access Within 21 Days HVNL 341(4) 377 0 H120
Record keeper failing to keep a record in a way that ensures it is (a) readable and resonably capable of being understood; and (b) capable of being used as evidence. HVNL 341(5) 758 * H325
Fail to comply with conditions and manufacturer's instructions (if any) in relation to the way information must be recorded in the work diary HVNL 341(7)(a) 189 0 * H301
Holder Of An Electronic Recording System Approval From Regulator Failing To Comply With Direction From Regulator Under Section 354(2) HVNL 354(3) 711 0 This years doc states 377(3). Is title also still accurate if leg reference should be updated from 354(3) to 377(2) H121
Failure Of Person, Who Receives A Notice Of Amendment Under Section 354(3), To Give A Copy Of The Notice To Relevant Persons HVNL 354(5) 711 0 This years doc states 377(3). Is title also still accurate if leg reference should be updated from 354(5) to 377(3) H122
Holder Of An Electronic Recording System Approval From Regulator Failing To Remove Any Electronic Work Diary Label, Once Notified By The Regulator That Approval Has Been Cancelled HVNL 355(2) 758 0 H123
Holder Of An Electronic Recording System Approval From Regulator Failing To , Once Notified By The Regulator That Approval Has Been Cancelled, To Give Each Person To Whom It Has Supplied A Device Notice That Approval Has Been Cancelled HVNL 355(4) 758 0 H124
Person So Notified Under Section 355(4) Failing To Give Notice To Each Other Person To Whom They Have Supplied A Device That Approval Has Been Cancelled HVNL 355(6) 758 0 H126
Person Failing To Comply With A Notice From Regulator Requiring The Person To Return Their Work Diary Exemption (Permit) To The Regulator Within 7 Days Or, If A Longer Period Is Stated In The Notice, Within The Longer Period HVNL 373(2) 758 0 H127
Person Contravening A Condition Of A Work Diary Exemption HVNL 375 758 0 H128
Driver Of The Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Who Is Operating Under The Work Diary Exemption (Notice) Failing To Comply With The Condition HVNL 376(2) 377 0 H129
Relevant Party Liable For An Offence Committed Against Section 376(2) Involving The Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle HVNL 376(3) 377 0 H130
Driver Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Who Is Operating Under A Work Diary Exemption (Permit) Failing To Keep The Permit Or A Copy Of The Permit In The Driver'S Possession. HVNL 377 377 0 H131
Person Failing To Comply With A Notice From Regulator, Requiring The Person To Return Permit For Exemption To The Regulator Within 7 Days After The Notice Is Given Or, If A Longer Period Is Stated In The Notice, Within The Longer Period HVNL 392(2) 758 0 H132
Person Contravening A Condition Of A Fatigue Record Keeping Exemption HVNL 395 758 0 H133
Owner Of A Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle Required By The National Regulations To Be Fitted With An Odometer Failing To Maintain The Odometer In Accordance With The Requirements Prescribed By The National Regulations HVNL 396(2) 758 0 H134
Employer Or Operator Driving, Or Permitting Another Person To Drive, The Fatigue-Regulated Heavy Vehicle If The Owner Of The Vehicle Has Not Complied With Section 398 HVNL 399(2) 758 0 H135
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to provide operator with vehicle defect notice amendment/withdrawal HVNL 531(4) 377 0 H302
Driver of heavy vehicle fail to change forms of work diary in accordance with S18A HVNL 18A(1) 189 0 H307