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Towaway zones on Macquarie Street

We have the authority to tow away vehicles that are parked in clearway zones on Macquarie Street, Hobart. This is to improve travel time reliability through Hobart’s CBD.

  • A clearway is a section of road where parking and stopping is not allowed at the times shown on the clearway sign.
  • If you park in a clearway zone in Macquarie Street during the restricted times, your vehicle will be towed away.

We also have authority to tow away vehicles that are parked in No Stopping zones, or other areas where parking is not allowed.

  • If you park in a No Stopping zone on Macquarie Street (on the even-numbered, right-hand side of Macquarie Street between the Southern Outlet and Molle Street) at any time, your vehicle will be towed away.

Macquarie and Davey Streets Bus Improvements

As part of the Macquarie and Davey Streets Bus Improvements, we have extended the clearway on Macquarie Street from Gore Street to Molle Street (previously from Denison Lane to Molle Street). We have also permanently removed parking on the even-numbered, right-hand side of Macquarie Street between the Southern Outlet and Molle Street to allow for a traffic lane. Further information on this project can be found at:

Collecting your vehicle

Vehicles that are towed from clearways or No Stopping zones are taken to the department’s contractor impound lot in Mornington. To organise collection of your car you will need to call the Contractor on 1300 310 487.

The impound lot’s hours of operation are 7:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Your vehicle can be collected once the towing fee has been paid and if you have proof of identification (such as your driver’s licence).

If you do not pay for the removal of your vehicle, your vehicle will be stored for up to 60 days. After that time if the fee has not been paid your vehicle may be sold to cover the costs of towing and storage.

Please note that storage over two days will attract additional fees of $60 per day.


The towing fee is $382.62 per vehicle towed, plus $60 per day for vehicle storage beyond the initial two-day period.

It is important to note that the City of Hobart or the police can still issue fines for vehicles illegally parked in clearways. If a fine has been issued, this does not make the vehicle exempt from being towed.

1When did the tow-aways start?

The tow away policy started on 14 October 2019. There is a program to warn people parking in clearways before towing operations begin.

2Where does towing apply?

Vehicles parked illegally in the clearways on Macquarie Street during the restricted times may be towed. There are two clearways on Macquarie Street, both on the left hand side of the street. One runs between Gore Street and Molle Street, and the second runs between Barrack and Harrington Streets.

Vehicles parked in the No Stopping zone on Macquarie Street (on the even-numbered, right-hand side of Macquarie Street between the Southern Outlet and Molle Street) may also be towed at any time.

3How will I know the clearway times?

Signs will show the clearway times and remind you that if you illegally park your car in these zones, it can be towed away.

4How will I know that my car has been towed and not stolen?

The Department of State Growth is authorised to remove your illegally parked vehicle during clearway operating hours. If you have parked illegally in a clearway and your car is gone when you return check the clearway signs and call our contractor on 1300 310 487 to check.

5What do I do if my car is towed?

If your car has been towed, call 1300 310 487. Your car will have been taken to our contractor’s impound lot in Mornington. By calling the number you can arrange to collect your car.

To retrieve your car you will need to:

  • go to the impound lot in Mornington
  • provide proof of identity
  • pay the associated release fee.

You must call the number before going to the impound yard to collect your vehicle.

6Where is the impound lot located?

The impound lot is located in Mornington and you can arrange to collect your vehicle from the impound lot from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

7What costs apply to retrieve my vehicle?

To retrieve your vehicle, you will be required to pay the towing cost recovery fee. This fee is $382.62 per vehicle, and covers the cost of towing and administration costs.

It is important to note that the City of Hobart or Tasmania Police can still issue fines for vehicles illegally parked in restricted areas and if a fine has been issued, this does not make the vehicle exempt from being towed. When you collect your vehicle from the Stornaway towing compound you may find your vehicle has also been fined.

8What if i can't pay the release fee?

To retrieve your vehicle, you must provide proof of identity and pay the release fee. If you are unable to pay at the time of collection the attendant will talk you through the process. Only in exceptional circumstances will your car be released without you paying the fee.

9What if I think my car should not have been towed?

If you think your car wasn’t illegally parked you can lodge a request for review with the Department. This can be done by emailing and you will need to provide evidence to support your request.

Please note the release fee will not be refunded in circumstances where the clearway signs have been misread.

10What if my car was damaged during towing?

The towing contractor is responsible for the care of vehicles towed. If you believe that your car was damaged during towing please contact them on 1300 310 487.

11What if I refuse to pay the costs of the removal?

If you do not pay for the removal of your vehicle, your vehicle will be stored for up to sixty days. After that time if the fee has not been paid your vehicle may be sold to cover the costs of towing and storage.

12How can towing help ease congestion?

Vehicles stopped in clearways impact the flow of traffic and safety of other road users by causing a blockage to the flow of traffic. Removing vehicles that are illegally stopped in these zones will help traffic move safely and efficiently, especially during the busiest times of day.

13I thought towing already applied to clearways in the city?

Previously, you may have received a fine for parking in a clearway in the CBD by the City of Hobart or Tasmania Police, but towing has not been enforced until now. Towing has been introduced as part of the Tasmanian Government’s plan to improve traffic flow.

It is important to note that the City of Hobart or the police can still issue fines for vehicles illegally parked in clearways and if a fine has been issued, this does not make the vehicle exempt from being towed.

14Why not just continue to fine people and not tow them away?

To keep traffic flowing freely it is important that these areas operate effectively. Clearways allow cars and buses to keep moving and avoid delays during peak times. Just one vehicle parked in a clearway can significantly disrupt traffic flow, cause delays for emergency services and public transport, and cause frustration for hundreds of drivers.

To make it fair for all road users, vehicles parked in these restricted areas will be towed to ensure our roads can operate the way they are designed to.