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A conveyance allowance contributes toward the cost of transporting a student from home, to school or the closest bus stop servicing that school.

There are two types of payment:

Private Car Travel contributes toward the cost of using a private car to transport a student from home to school or a bus stop servicing that school. It recognises that it is not practical to run a school bus service close to every child’s home in regional Tasmania.

Air Travel contributes toward the cost of using air travel to transport a student from home, on a Bass Strait Island, to an educationally appropriate school on mainland Tasmania or Australia.

1Who is eligible?

Private Car Travel

A student must:

  • be aged between five and 18 in the year you apply
  • be enrolled full time (includes kindergarten)
  • be enrolled at a school recognised by the Department of Education
  • live outside an area with an urban bus service
  • live more than five kilometres from the nearest government intake area school, educationally appropriate school or bus stop servicing the school.

Note: If a student lives within 5 kilometres of a bus stop but 5 or more kilometres from the nearest appropriate school and is unable to catch a bus due to a medical condition or disability, you can still apply for conveyance allowance.

Air Travel

A student must:

  • be aged between five and 18 in the year you apply
  • be enrolled full time (includes kindergarten)
  • be enrolled at a school recognised by the Department of Education
  • live on a Bass Strait Island
  • be in grade 11 or 12 OR need to attend an educationally appropriate school on mainland Tasmania or Australia.

2When to apply

A new application is required each year. If we receive your application between:

  • 1 January and 15 May: your application will be assessed for the whole year.
  • 16 May and 15 November: your application will be assessed for term 3 and term 4.

3Prepare to apply

Applications must be made by a parent or legal guardian (even if the student is over 16).

In the case of shared parental responsibility, where the parents/legal guardians live separately, please email or call 1300 135 513.

Prepare to apply

You will need:

  • applicant and student details
  • supporting documents
  • travel details
  • bank account details

Applicant and student details

You will need to supply names, dates of birth, contact details, and school details.

Supporting documents

You will need to supply supporting documentation.

Please have your documents ready to upload (PDF or image files only) when you apply.

The following is required for each student:

Proof of full time enrolment (if student is enrolled at more than one school, please provide proof of enrolment for each school)

  • Document: Certificate of enrolment
  • Author: School Principal or Enrolments Officer
  • Format: PDF or image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .gif, .png, .pdf, .zip). Word and handwritten documents will not be accepted.
  • Must contain:
    • date (within the current year)
    • student’s full name
    • student’s date of birth
    • student’s home address
    • confirmation of enrolment including grade, days attending, and start date
    • contact details of school representative.
    • signature of school representative.
If your student meets the below criteria, please provide the additional supporting documents listed:

Student is unable to catch a bus due to a disability or medical condition.

  • Document: Current medical report or certificate
  • Author: Medical practitioner or specialist
  • Format: PDF or image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .gif, .png, .pdf, .zip). Word and handwritten documents will not be accepted.
  • Must contain:
    • date (within the current year)
    • student’s full name
    • medical opinion of practitioner or specialist which confirms the nature of the student's disability or medical condition and how it prevents the student from taking a bus
    • contact details of the medical practitioner or specialist
    • signature of the medical practitioner or specialist.

Student attends an educationally appropriate school for faith-based education

  • Document: Letter confirming student’s participation outside of school hours in faith-based instruction (eg. church) of the same denomination as the school of enrolment.
  • Author: Church leader/pastoral care provider
  • Format: PDF or image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .gif, .png, .pdf, .zip). Word and handwritten documents will not be accepted.
  • Must contain:
    • date (within the current year)
    • student’s name
    • confirmation of the student's participation outside of school hours, in faith-based instruction (eg. church) of the same denomination as the school of enrolment
    • contact details of church leader/pastoral care provider
    • signature of church leader/pastoral care provider.

Travel details

You will need to provide the student’s travel details both to and from school during a week, including:

  • starting location and time
  • destination and time of arrival
  • finishing location and time
  • distances travelled between home and drop off/pick up location

We will cross-check the information you have provided.

Bank account details

You will need to provide the BSB and bank account number of the account where you would like to receive payments.

4Start application

What if I can't use the online form?

Use one of these paper forms to apply:

Conveyance Allowance for Private Car Travel 

Conveyance Allowance for Air Travel


How much is the payment for private car travel?

The payment is calculated individually for each eligible family.

It is calculated by: number of days in each term distance travelled x conveyance allowance rate.

The distance travelled is the most direct route on public roads from the student’s residential address to the nearest:

  • government intake area school, or bus stop servicing that school or
  • educationally appropriate school, or bus stop servicing that school.

Conveyance allowance is not paid for:

  • any travel taken after dropping off your student at a bus stop or school when you do not return directly to your home
  • travel taken before collecting your student from a bus stop or school when you have not travelled directly from your home
  • school holidays.

If your student does not attend school for a significant number days, the amount of conveyance allowance you receive may be reduced.

How much is the payment for air travel?

The payment is equivalent to nine capped return flights and an allowance for associated ground travel per return trip in a school year.

If your student does not attend school for a significant number days, the amount of conveyance allowance you receive may be reduced.

When are payments made?

Conveyance allowance is paid in two payments, the:

  • first is made in June
  • second is made in December.

What cross checks are made before making a payment?

An application is initially assessed to determine if each student listed in the application meets the eligibility criteria.

To ensure each student continues to be eligible for Conveyance Allowance and the correct amount is paid, any of the following may be checked before a payment is made:

  • the student’s enrolment and attendance at school
  • the student’s home address listed on the application matches Department of Education records
  • the student’s participation in travel provided by school
  • information that is in the public domain
  • Department of Education Learning Services records
  • information that is available to the Department of State Growth
  • information contained in the register of driver licensing and vehicle registration.

If applying for the private car conveyance allowance, we may also check the:

  • student’s travel to and from school on the days indicated in the application
  • most direct route on public roads
  • student’s Bus Pass usage.

Please note: these checks may result in payment reductions or overpayment recovery.

6Update your details

If you update your details, please notify us within seven days. Your eligibility or payment amounts may change.

What if I can't use the online form?

Use the paper Update Details for Conveyance Allowance Form to update your:

  • email address
  • contact phone number
  • bank account.

For any other changes, complete a new application.

7Appeal a decision you disagree with

If your application has been rejected and you disagree with the decision you can request a review.

Write a letter detailing why you disagree and if possible, more information that supports your application.

Send this letter to either:



Manager Regulations and Concessions
Passenger Transport
Department of State Growth
GPO Box 1242
Hobart TAS 7001

We will write to you to let you know the outcome of the review.



Phone: 1300 135 513