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1Why are we making this support available?

The New Drivers' Program is designed to help the taxi industry to recruit Tasmanians to become taxi drivers. The financial support through a grant is intended to cover the costs associated with entry into the industry as a taxi driver.

2How much is available under the grant and over what time?

The fund is limited to a total of $60 000.

The third round will distribute funds not allocated in the first and second round.  If the funding limit is reached before 30 June 2024, no further applications will be accepted.

3How much support is available?

Taxi networks and operators can apply for grants based on the number of new drivers they think can be reasonably identified up to ten (10) new drivers. The value of the grant will be between $600 for one new driver, and $6 000 for ten new drivers to cover the costs of entry into the taxi industry:

  • a National Police Certificate
  • registration for Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP)
  • a medical assessment undertaken in accordance with the Commercial Medical Assessment of Fitness to Drive Standards, and
  • a certified completion of the taxi training course.

4Is there anything that I should consider before applying for the grant?

The things to consider when applying for the grant include:

  • how your taxi network or service meets the eligibility criteria
  • whether there is supporting evidence showing that your taxi network or service meets the eligibility criteria in full and can substantiate all claims.

5What are the eligibility criteria for the taxi network and operator?

The taxi network or operator must:

  • have an ABN
  • be registered for GST if the business has a GST turnover (gross income from all businesses minus GST) of $75 000 per year or more
  • be operating in Tasmania, and
  • if a taxi operator, hold passenger transport service operator accreditation.

If deemed eligible and offered a grant, recipients will be required to agree to:

  • Provide evidence of new drivers being given at least one shift after obtaining their ancillary certificate (taxi).
  • not charge the new taxi driver any direct or indirect costs or charges in connection with making or lodging the application for the grant.

6Once I am confident that I meet all the criteria, how do I apply?

To commence the process, submit an online SmartyGrants application on the Stategrowth website, initial SmartyGrants Application Eligibility Form along with all supporting evidence against the eligibility criteria must be lodged.

The evidence which supports eligibility to be lodged is:

Eligibility Criteria



A copy of a document from the tax office showing the ABN.

Registration for GST

A copy of a document from the tax office showing registration for GST.

Be operating in Tasmania

A copy of a taxi licence leased, operated or owned by the network or service.

Accredited to provide a passenger transport service (operator) only

A copy of the operator's accreditation certificate.

If you are unable to access the online SmartyGrants website, you need to contact the Passenger Transport Team.

You must also provide your bank account details to be paid the grant amount. The bank account must be in the same name of the taxi network or service.

7What format does the evidence need to be in?

All documents must be uploaded online via SmartyGrants and be valid, current, legible and in a standard format (e.g., PDF or JPEG).

8What is SmartyGrants?

The Department of State Growth uses an online grants management system called Smartygrants. This system is easy to use and accessible via mobile phones, tablets, laptops and personal computers. The on-line platform accepts applications for the period that the program is open. It also allows us to send you notifications throughout the grant application and funding process.

9How will my application be assessed?

Applications will be assessed against each of the eligibility criteria, and an optimum distribution of new taxi drivers between taxi services, and taxi areas.

Applicants must satisfy all criteria with supporting evidence to be eligible for funding and applications will be assessed when each round closes.

Applications which do not contain evidence relating to the eligibility criteria will not be accepted.

10How do I acquit the grant?

You can acquit the grant at any time up until 30 June 2024.

You will need:

  • an acquittal form (available in the SmartyGrants portal)
  • evidence that confirms the number of new drivers
  • name and driver licence number of each new driver
  • evidence that drivers have been given at least one shift after obtaining their ancillary certificate (taxi)
  • confirmation of the type of taxi the driver normally drives (wheelchair-accessible or standard taxi)
  • digital copies of valid invoices or receipts for costs
  • a completed form provided by State Growth that confirms the new driver has been reimbursed the costs of obtaining their ancillary certificate

11If my application is assessed as ineligible, can I ask for the assessment to be appealed?

The Department of State Growth may reconsider a decision if the applicant can demonstrate a conflict of interest or error in process.

All requests must be in writing and should be addressed to the Director Passenger Transport. Your request must be received within 28 days from the date notified of your decision.

12Will there be any auditing or compliance requirements if I receive a grant?

All successful applicants may be subject to a range of compliance and probity processes, including an independent audit to confirm the requirements of the grant have been met. As part of this process, applicants are required to answer any enquiries from the department and/or an independent auditor, and to permit inspections and access to business records relating to the engagement of drivers and the Driver Register kept in accordance with the Accreditation Standards as approved under s16 of the Passenger Transport Services Act.

Applicants found to include false or misleading information may be referred to the relevant law enforcement agency.

If your taxi network or service:

  • changes,
  • does not complete the activities or tasks required under the funding agreement,
  • does not use any or all of the funding provided, or
  • the information provided to us is found to be false or misleading,

you will be required to return some or all of the funds to the Department.

13Will my business and personal details be kept confidential?

Your personal information will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004. This information may be assessed by the individual to who it related, on request to the department. A fee for this service may be charged.

The department may also:

  1. Use information received in applications for any other departmental business (such as monitoring compliance under the Passenger Transport Services Act)
  2. Use information received in applications and during the performance of the project for reporting.
  3. The following also applies to successful applicants:
    • Despite any confidentiality or intellectual property right subsisting in the grant funding agreement or deed, a party may publish all or any part of the grant funding agreement or deed without reference to another party.
    • Nothing in the Guidelines derogates from a party's obligations under the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tasmania) or the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).