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1About the permit

The permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of the Roads and Jetties Act 1935. The permit authorises the Permit Holder and/or their Contractor or Agent, to carry out the works described, subject to the conditions specified. A permit will only be issued in the name of the title holder of the property.

2What we consider

We will consider a lot of factors when assessing your application.

  • The strategic importance of the road you want to access.
  • Whether the road has been proclaimed Limited Access. If it has, you will not be able to get a new access, and will only be able to change an existing access in certain circumstances.
  • The speed limit.
  • How many people use the road each day.
  • Sight distances. You may be able to improve these through trimming or removing trees and plants on your property.
  • The intended use of the land. If you intend to develop the land and will need a Council planning permit to do this (for example, if you are building a house), you will need to get that permit before applying for your Access Works Permit.
  • The types and numbers of vehicles that will be using the proposed access.
  • Whether the proposed change will cause a major disruption to public transport operations or access.

3Traffic control

Traffic control at work sites may be required to maintain a safe workplace for workers and to safely guide road users through work sites.

More information can be found on the Tasmanian Guide - Traffic Control for Works on Roads webpage.

4Applications online

Before starting the online application all necessary documents must be available for uploading.

Mandatory Documents:

  • A site plan or drawing, showing the detailed location of the proposed access
  • Copy of the complete Land Title
  • If the applicant is not the title holder a Declaration signed by the title holder is required

Please note the application will only be able to be submitted when the mandatory documents are uploaded. For the best experience, we recommend using Chrome, Edge, or Safari.

Apply online

Applications must be received by the Department of State Growth at least 20 business days before your expected start date for works, to allow enough time to assess your application.

Where applications are submitted less than five business days before the intended start date for works, applicants may be asked to nominate a new start date that allows enough time to assess the application before the assessment process starts.

No works are to be undertaken until a written permit has been issued.


If you have any questions please call us on (03) 6166 3369.