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The SRRP aims to improve road safety outcomes in Tasmania by:

  • Reducing the number of head-on and run-off-road crashes that occur on rural and regional roads.
  • Enabling local government to undertake corridor-based infrastructure treatments to improve road safety on rural, non-State-Government-owned roads.

If you are a community member and have identified a rural or regional road safety issue in your local government area, please contact your local government to share your suggestions. You can find contact information for your local government at Find your local council | LGA Tasmania

New Grant Round

The 2023-24 round of the SRRP is now closed. See links below for a list of successful applications.

To manage a SRRP application please visit the SRRP on SmartyGrants.

For more information on using SmartyGrants please visit Application Support and Supporting Materials and Reference Documents.

Contact us

The SRRP is administered by the Department of State Growth’s Road Safety Branch.

If you would like to discuss an application, or the program generally, please email: