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12023-24 Successful Applications

Number of successful applications:                24

Tasmanian Government funding awarded:   $2,622,660

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment

Tasmanian Government funding awarded

City of Hobart

Battery Square, Battery Point

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Hobart

Liverpool Crescent and Frederick Street, West Hobart

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Launceston

Basin Road, West Launceston

Traffic Calming (Speed Reducing)


City of Launceston

Prossers Forest Road, Ravenswood

Pedestrian Crossing (Unsignalled)


Derwent Valley Council

Montagu Street, New Norfolk

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Middle Road, Miandetta

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

River Rd, Ambleside

Shared Paths


Dorset Council

King Street and George Street, Scottsdale. Main Street, Bridport

Pedestrian Crossing (Unsignalled)


Glamorgan Spring Bay Council

Swanwick Road, Coles Bay

Footpath (Sealed)


Glenorchy City Council

Abbotsfield Road, Claremont

Pedestrian Refuges


Glenorchy City Council

Bayswater Road, Moonah

Bicycle Facilities


Glenorchy City Council

Bowden Street, Glenorchy

Bicycle Facilities


Glenorchy City Council

King George V Avenue, Glenorchy

Pedestrian Refuges


Huon Valley Council

Huon Highway, Huonville

Pedestrian Ramps


Huon Valley Council

Mary Street, Cygnet

Pedestrian Crossing (Unsignalled)


Huon Valley Council

Main Street, Huonville

Other: street light


Kingborough Council

Channel Highway, Snug

Shared paths


Latrobe Council

Hawley Esplanade, Hawley Beach

Shared Paths


Northern Midlands Council

Bridge Street, Campbell Town

Pedestrian Crossing (Unsignalled)


Sorell Council

Penna Road, Midway Point

Pedestrian Refuges


Southern Midlands Council

Climie Street, Campania

Other: Pedestrian Rail Crossing


Southern Midlands Council

Reeve Street (western side), Campania

Footpath (Sealed)


Southern Midlands Council

Reeve Street, (eastern side), Campania

Footpath (Sealed)


West Coast Council

Murchison Highway, Roseberry

Pedestrian Refuges


22022-23 Successful Applications

Round 1

Number of successful applications: 15

Tasmanian Government funding awarded: $1,405,456

Total value of works: $1,903,543

Local government area


Primary treatment type

Funding awarded

Central Coast Council

Main Road, Penguin

Pedestrian crossing (unsignalled)


City of Clarence

Ploughman Road

Pedestrian refuge island (including kerb ramps)


City of Hobart

Hamilton Street

Pedestrian ramps


City of Hobart

New Town Road

Electronic signage


City of Launceston

Blaydon Street

Pedestrian refuges


City of Launceston

Dowling Street

Pedestrian refuges


City of Launceston

Glen Dhu Street

Pedestrian crossing (unsignalled)


City of Launceston

Hoblers Bridge Road

Pedestrian refuges


Devonport City Council

Sheffield Road

Pedestrian crossing (unsignalled)


Glenorchy City Council

Main Road

Pedestrian refuges


Glenorchy City Council

Main Road

Footpath (sealed)


Glenorchy City Council

Sunderland Street

Pedestrian crossing (unsignalled)


Kingborough Council

Channel Highway

Shared paths


Northern Midlands Council

Seccombe Street

Traffic calming (speed reducing)


Sorell Council

Carlton River Road

Footpath (sealed)


32021-22 Successful Applications

No rounds for the VRUP were held in 2021-22.

42020-21 Successful Applications

Round 1

Number of Successful Applications: 20

Tasmanian Government Funding Awarded: $831 941

Total Value of Works: $1 295 593

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Break O’Day Council

Grant Street

Electronic Speed Signs


Circular Head Council

Emmett Street

Parking Areas


Circular Head Council

Loosemores Road / Mawbanna Road Junction
Barcoo Road / Montagu Road Junction
Poilinna Road / Trowutta Road Junction
Fairview Road / Bass Highway Junction
Huetts Road / Trowutta Road Junction

Junction Upgrade


City of Clarence

Lincoln Street

Pedestrian Crossing


City of Hobart

Pedder Street

Pedestrian Crossing


City of Hobart

Andrew Street

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Hobart

Harding Street

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Launceston

Norwich Street

Junction upgrade


Derwent Valley Council

Hobart Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Mersey Main Road

Basic Right Turn Facility


Devonport City Council

Mersey Main Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Steele Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Kentish Council

Grandview Drive



Meander Valley Council

Tower Hill Street



Meander Valley Council

Alveston Drive



Meander Valley Council

East Barrack Street



Northern Midlands Council

Queen Street/High Street

Parking Areas


Waratah-Wynyard Council

Exhibition Link

Pedestrian Crossing


Waratah-Wynyard Council

Jackson Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Waratah-Wynyard Council

Goldie Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Round 2

Number of Successful Applications: 26

Australian Government Funding Awarded: $1 761 380

Tasmanian Government Funding Awarded: $1 413 380

Total Funding Awarded: $3 174 761

Total Value of Works: $4 173 374

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Burnie City Council

The Boulevard

Traffic Calming


Central Coast Council

South Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Circular Head Council

Main Road



City of Clarence

Leslie Street

Pedestrian Crossing


Devonport City Council

Clearys Gates Road



Devonport City Council

Harding Street

Kerb Bulbing


George Town Council

Augusta Road

Electronic Speed Signs


Glenorchy City Council

Anglesea Street



City of Hobart

Boa Vista Road

Kerb Bulbing


City of Hobart

Kemp Street

Traffic Calming


City of Hobart

Harrington Street

Traffic Signals


City of Hobart

Vermont Road

Shared Paths


City of Hobart

Westbury Road

Pedestrian refuges


City of Hobart

Opossum Road

Electronic Speed Signs


City of Hobart

Steele Street, Archer Street, Harold Street and Smith Street

Shared Paths


City of Launceston

Parker Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Huon Valley Council

Hillwood Jetty Road

Shared Paths


Kingborough Council

Bowden Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Latrobe Council

Lymington Road



Latrobe Council

Beach Road

Shared Paths


City of Launceston

Hawley Esplanade

Shared Paths


City of Launceston

Moriarty Road



Northern Midlands Council

Wellington St

Guard Posts


Sorell Council

Carlton Beach Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Sorell Council

Arthur Street & Taylor Drive



West Tamar Council


Pedestrian Crossing


Round 3

Number of Successful Applications: 18

Australian Government Funding Awarded: $908 676

Tasmanian Government Funding Awarded: $1 033 676

Total Funding Awarded: $1 942 351

Total Value of Works: $2 179 611

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Circular Head Council

Havelock Street

Pedestrian Ramps


City of Hobart

New town Road

Pedestrian Crossing


City of Hobart

Gladstone Street

Pedestrian Ramps


City of Hobart

Salamanca Place

Pavement Widening


City of Hobart

Princes Street

Pedestrian Crossing


City of Hobart

Anglesea Street

Footpath (Sealed)


Devonport City Council

Best Street, Forbes Street, Steele Street, Nixon Street, Don Road

Bicycle Facilities


George Town Council

Anne Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Glenorchy City Council

Harbord Road

Footpath (Sealed)


Glenorchy City Council

Hull Street

Parking Areas


Glenorchy City Council

Main Road

Shared Paths


Meander Valley Council

Alveston Drive

Bicycle path - On-road


Meander Valley Council

Mace Street

Traffic Calming


Sorell Council

First Avenue

Pedestrian Refuges


Sorell Council

Pennington Drive, Weston Hill Road, Dubs & Co Drive, Station Lane

Shared paths


Sorell Council

The Circle

Shared Paths


Sorell Council

Main Road

Bicycle path - Off-road


Southern Midlands Council

Reeve Street



52019-20 Successful Applications

Number of Successful Applications: 14

Total Funding Awarded: $523,360

Total Value of Works: $740,300

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Brighton Council

Hurst Street

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Hobart

Bromby Street

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Hobart

Wellwood Street

Pedestrian Crossing


City of Hobart

Woodcutters Road

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Launceston

Claremont Street

Pedestrian Crossing


City of Launceston

Connaught Crescent

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Launceston

Howick Street

Bicycle path - On-road


City of Launceston

Dowling Street

Bicycle path - On-road


Devonport City Council

Lovett Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Middle Road

Pedestrian Refuges


George Town Council

Macquarie Street

Pedestrian Crossing


Sorell Council

Bay Road

Traffic Calming


Sorell Council

Carlton Beach Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Sorell Council

Weston Hill Road

Pedestrian Refuges


62018-19 Successful Applications

Number of Successful Applications: 15

Total Funding Awarded: $609,085

Total Value of Works: $1,885,255

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Central Coast Council

South Road

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Hobart

Aberdeen Street



City of Hobart

Forster Street

Line Marking


City of Hobart

Huon Road

Guard Rails


City of Launceston

Lyttleton Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Steele Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Valley Road

Kerb Outstands


Glenorchy City Council

Albert Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Glenorchy City Council

Main Road

Traffic Signals


Kentish Council

Henry Street

Pedestrian refuges


King Island Council

Main Street

Pedestrian Crossing


Latrobe Council

Wilmot Street

Kerb Outstands


Sorell Council

Intersection, Carlton Beach Road, Carlton River Road



Sorell Council

Lewisham Scenic Drive



Sorell Council

Penna Road

Traffic Islands


72017-18 Successful Applications

Number of Successful Applications: 15

Total Funding Awarded: $594,339

Total Value of Works: $756,613

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Burnie City Council

Mooreville Road – between West Mooreville Road & Malonga Drive

Pedestrian Crossing


City of Clarence

Tasman Highway

Shared paths


City of Hobart

McCann Crescent

Kerb Bulbing


City of Hobart

Tangara Road

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Launceston

Tamar Street

Pedestrian Crossing


Devonport City Council

Forbes Street

Pedestrian Crossing


Devonport City Council

Forth Road

Pedestrian Crossing


Flinders Council

Thule Road



Glenorchy City Council

Peltro Street

Traffic Signals


Huon Valley Council

Huon Highway



Northern Midlands Council

Fairtlough & Frederick Streets

Traffic Islands


Sorell Council

Arthur Highway: between Delmore Rd & Forcett Pittstop Service Station/store



Sorell Council

Forcett Street

Pedestrian refuges


Sorell Council

Penna Road

Traffic Islands


Sorell Council

Tasman Highway

Pedestrian refuges


82016-17 Successful Applications

Number of Successful Applications: 10

Total Funding Awarded: $638,945

Total Value of Works: $1,025,756

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Burnie City Council

Wiseman Street

Traffic Calming


Central Coast Council

Beach Road

Shared Paths


Devonport City Council

William Street

Pedestrian Crossing


Dorset Council

King Street (Tasman Highway)

Improved Visibility


Glenorchy City Council

Main Road

Bicycle path - On-road


Huon Valley Council

Glen Huon Road



Huon Valley Council

Huon Highway/Palmers Road



Northern Midlands Council

Drummond Street



Sorell Council

Old Forcett Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Sorell Council

Parsonage Place

Pedestrian Refuges


92015-16 Successful Applications

Number of Successful Applications: 9

Total Funding Awarded: $454,000

Total Value of Works: $750,000

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Central Coast Council

Main Road

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Clarence

Rosny Hill Road

Shared Paths


City of Launceston

St Leonards Road

On-road bicycle lane


City of Launceston

Elphin Road

On-road bicycle lane


City of Launceston

Hobart Road

Pedestrian Crossing (Signalised)


Devonport City Council

Tarleton Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Forbes Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

William Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Sorell Council

Cole Street

Pedestrian Refuges


102014-15 Successful Applications

Number of Successful Applications: 12

Total Funding Awarded: $674,670

Total Value of Works: $1,031,440

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

City of Hobart

Augusta Road

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Launceston

Tasman Highway

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Launceston

John Lees Drive

Shared path


Devonport City Council

Don Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Don Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Stony Rise Road

Shared Paths


Glenorchy City Council

Hopkins Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Glenorchy City Council

Main Road (Claremont)

On-road bicycle lane


Latrobe Council

Torquay Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Northern Midlands Council

Elizabeth Street

Pedestrian Refuges


Sorell Council

Main Road (Sorell)

Pedestrian Refuges


West Tamar Council

Top Road & Gardners Road

Traffic Calming


112013-14 Successful Applications

Number of Successful Applications: 14

Total Funding Awarded: $757,300

Total Value of Works: $1,156,965

Local Government Area


Primary Treatment Type

Funding Awarded

Brighton Council

Brighton Road

Shared Paths


Central Coast Council

Crescent Street

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Hobart

Cascade Road

Pedestrian Refuges


City of Hobart

Anglesea Street

Pedestrian Crossing


Derwent Valley Council

Humphrey Street



Devonport City Council

River Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Devonport City Council

Stony Rise Road

Shared Paths


Glenorchy City Council

Claremont Link Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Huon Valley Council

Wilmot Road

Shared path


Latrobe Council

Port Sorell Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Northern Midlands Council

Tannery Road



Sorell Council

Carlton Beach Road

Pedestrian Refuges


Tasman Council

Main Road

Pedestrian Refuges


West Tamar Council

Reatta Road

Pedestrian Refuges
