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The National Harmonisation of Temporary Traffic Management Practice project aims to harmonise temporary traffic management practice through:

  • the development and provision of improved technical guidance
  • harmonised training environments for practitioners
  • a registration framework for organisations to deliver temporary traffic management services
  • a national approach to recognised new and innovative devices and solutions.

2Traffic Management Training Framework Survey

The Department of State Growth developed a short survey to collect information from the traffic management industry on the requirements of people taking the new National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management (NTFTTM) in Tasmania.

The survey is mainly multiple choice, with an option to provide feedback on the course experience if you have completed a course.

No personal information is required, and no identifying information will be captured.

As we progress further into 2024, further information will be asked of industry to provide to plan for the ongoing transition periods.

This will be a mixture of surveys, online and in person forums.

The survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated.

If you have any questions about the survey, the training framework or traffic management practice in general, please contact

3The National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management

Tasmania will implement the National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management (NTFTTM) in 2024.

From 1 January 2024, the NTFTTM will be the only traffic management training framework delivered in Tasmania.

All relevant information can be found in the Tasmanian Guide to Traffic Control for Works on Roads.

If you have any questions or require further information on the NTFTTM, please contact the department by email:

4Approved Training Providers (ATPs)

Only Approved Training Providers (ATPs) can deliver the NTFTTM in Tasmania from 2024

Please visit the Austroads website to see the full list of ATPs in Tasmania.

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can apply for Approved Training Provider (ATP) status with the department at any time.

RTOs who are interested in applying for ATP status with the department can email to start the process and for more information.

More information on the framework, ATP requirements and more can be sought from the RTO Framework Tasmania – Temporary Traffic Management Training (PDF 604.7 KB) and the Austroads website.

Non practitioner training

Non practitioner training guidelines have been developed for Tasmania. Please see the Theory Only Course Information Guidelines (PDF 168.6 KB) for more information.


The Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (the AGTTM) was released in December 2019.

The AGTTM was adopted in Tasmania on 1, January 2021 and can be found on the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management

In addition to implementation of the AGTTM, organisations must comply with:


What traffic management training do I need to do?

From 1 January 2024, the Austroads National Training Framework for Temporary Traffic Management (NTFTTM) is the only temporary traffic management training accepted in Tasmania for new entrants and refresher training.

Who is delivering the NTFTTM?

Only an Approved Training Provider (ATP) can deliver the NTFTTM.

A list of ATPs in Tasmania can be found here:

Temporary traffic management training delivered by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that is not an ATP is not recognised in Tasmania, and other jurisdictions that have adopted the NTFTTM (South Australia, Northern Territory, and Victoria).

I am currently working as a traffic management professional. Do I need to do the training from the start?

Existing traffic management professionals in a traffic controller, implementer or designer role are able to complete a Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) process to transfer their current training to the equivalent NTFTTM course.

RPL may not be suitable for all current traffic management professionals, and you should seek advice from an ATP on the RPL process.

Information on RPL can be found here:

I am a currently working as a traffic management professional. How long do I have to complete the NTFTTM?

Tasmania is currently in a transition period starting from 1 January 2024.

Details on the transition period can be found in the Tasmanian Guide to Traffic Control for Works on Roads.

At a minimum, the first transition group have until 31 December 2024 to complete a RPL or training process.

If you are unable to determine your situation during the transition period, please contact and someone will contact you to discuss.

I am currently working as a traffic management professional in Tasmania. Am I able to work across both TTM Category 1 and 2 roads during the transition phase?

During the transition phase, current traffic management workers can practice on both TTM Category 1 and 2 roads. However, upon conclusion of the applicable transition phase, they must be qualified to work on all applicable TTM Categories.

For example:

A Traffic Controller (TC) who last completed traffic management training in 2023 and is currently working on TTM Category 1 and 2 roads, can continue to work on both TTM Category roads until 31 December 2025. By that date, they will need to have the relevant NTFTTM courses completed in TTM Category 1 and 2 (e.g., TC1 and TC2).

If you are unable to determine your situation during the transition period, please contact and someone will contact you to discuss.

How long does a NTFTTM course take?

All courses vary depending on the course, practical completion requirements and more. Generally, learners can expect to spend two days (minimum) completing a course.

For example, a Traffic Controller (TC) and Traffic Management Implementer (TMI) combination course is a three-day course. Two days theory/classroom and one day in a simulated training environment.

I have a traffic management qualification from another jurisdiction. Am I able to work in Tasmania?

People with traffic management qualifications from other jurisdictions are able to work in Tasmania, but they must meet the requirements of transition to the NTFTTM.

For example, an individual that holds a traffic management qualification in Victoria that was issued in 2022 can work in Tasmania but must complete the equivalent NTFTTM course before July 2025.

If an individual has completed a NTFTTM course in another jurisdiction, they can work in Tasmania without completing any additional requirements.

If you are unable to determine your situation during the transition period, please contact and someone will contact you to discuss.

What is practical training?

Following successful theory training, learners will be required to obtain practical experience and successfully complete a final practical assessment prior to receiving a Statement of Attainment.

The practical training requirements are different for traffic controllers, implementers, and designers.

Information on practical training can be found in the Austroads Fact Sheet: Practical Training.

How long do I have to complete practical training?

You must complete practical training within six months of completing the theoretical component.

Do I need to find my own practical experience?

ATPs are required to have partnerships with a traffic management company that can provide the practical training environment to learners.

However, if you are already working for a traffic management company, or have your own arrangement, you can discuss options for your practical experience with your ATP.

How much does a course cost?

ATPs set their own prices for NTFTTM courses. Due to the increase in material, resources, and process, the price of courses has increased from what they have traditionally cost.

Contact us

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the department by emailing

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