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About the projects

The Bass Highway between Wynyard and Marrawah is a key link for freight, tourism and people movement between the far north west of Tasmania and the key ports of Burnie and Devonport and further to Launceston and Hobart.

A strategy has been completed in consultation with stakeholders and the community. It incorporated a review of current and future road demand, and the highway’s current performance. From this strategy we have prioritised projects for implementation.

The proposed projects for implementation include new overtaking lanes, junction upgrades and safety improvements, to make the road safer, improve travel time, and support growth by providing a quality transport corridor.

1About the Strategy

The Bass Highway - Wynyard to Marrawah Corridor Strategy is an evidence-based plan to address current and future transport needs, with a prioritised list of improvement projects for the next 20 years.

The top priorities identified include:

  • four new overtaking lanes
  • 10 sections of road to be realigned, with potential for realigning an additional five sections
  • 15 junction upgrades with plans for upgrading an additional 51 junctions
  • up to 60 km of shoulder widening with 25 km identified as a high priority.

View maps of the improvements projects below.

2Current projects

Works to pause on Tollymore Road over winter

Roadworks on Tollymore Road have paused during winter. We plan to resume work in late September, weather permitting.

Activity at several roadwork sites around the state are scaled back or paused over winter, as a number of construction activities are dependent on warmer temperatures or dry weather conditions.

Wherever appropriate, speed limits will be increased through roadwork sites. However, where necessary, speed limits will remain reduced even where there are no workers present to keep everyone safe as they travel through the site.

Dunn Street Junction Upgrade

The Crayfish Creek section of the project will include drainage improvements to Dunn Street, line marking, signage renewal and upgrades, vegetation removal, and upgrades to the bus stop on the northern side of the highway.

Traffic changes

We have started working on Tuesday, 11 April 2023, and should be finished by July 2023, weather permitting.

We will be working between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday.

There will be some temporary traffic changes to ensure the safety of workers and road users. Single lane closures on Dunn Street and a reduced speed limit on the highway.

Please allow up to eight minutes extra travel time.

Dunn Street junction improvement - Concept Design plan

East of Tollymore Road realignment and junction upgrade

The East of Tollymore Road Realignment project will improve the section of the Bass Highway between Baulds Road and Tollymore Road in Table Cape.

This project involves realigning the highway to improve sub-standard curves, and safety upgrades to the junction of the Bass Highway and Tollymore Road.

Tollymore Road realignment – Concept Design plan

Traffic changes

We have started working on Monday, 23 May 2022 and will be completed by early 2024.

We will be working between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm from Monday to Friday.

There will be a reduced speed limit and lane closures during our work. Please allow up to eight minutes extra travel time.

Morris Road Realignment

The Morris Road realignment project project will upgrade the section of the Bass Highway between Boat Harbour Siding Road at Boat Harbour and Broomhalls Road at Sisters Creek.

Works included the realignment of the highway to improve sub-standard curves and safety upgrades to the junction of the Bass Highway and Morris Road.

Morris Road Realignment – Concept Design plan

*Please note that all of these plans are at concept level and the final design may differ slightly.

Traffic changes

We have started working on Monday, 16 May 2022 and will be completed by late 2023.

We will be working between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm from Monday to Friday.

There will be a reduced speed limit and single lane closures during our work. Please allow up to five minutes extra travel time.

Togari Safety Improvements

The Togari Safety Improvements project will improve the Bass Highway at Togari, between Paceys Road / Parks Road and Salmon River Road.

Works include shoulder widening and pavement rehabilitation between Paceys Road and Salmon River Road, and safety upgrades to the junctions of the Bass Highway with Paceys Road, Parks Road and Salmon River Road.

The project also includes replacement of the Montagu River Bridge.

Salmon River Road to Park/Paceys Road – Concept Design plan

Traffic changes

We have started construction on Monday, 29 November 2021 and will be completed by April 2023.

We will be working between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm from Monday to Friday.

There will be a reduced speed limit and lane closure during this work.  Please allow up to fifteen minutes extra travel time.

4Community engagement

Previously, we asked the community to tell us their concerns or make suggestions about this section of the highway. The consultation period closed on Friday, 7 June 2019. We received 239 pieces of feedback from the community, through comments left on our online interactive map and Facebook page, completed feedback forms, emails and phone calls.

The working group included representatives from Waratah-Wynyard and Circular Head Councils, Cradle Coast Authority, Tasmanian Transport Association, RACT and the Department of State Growth.

We have completed a report collating all the feedback received during the consultation period, and our response to that feedback: Consultation and Feedback Report - Bass Highway Wynyard to Marrawah

No results were found


For further information about these projects, please email