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We are strengthening bridges and roads around Tasmania to make sure they stay safe and efficient for heavy vehicles and the broader community as part of the Freight Capacity Upgrade Program (FCUP).

About the project

We have identified a section of Cradle Mountain Road that requires repair and strengthening works.

The site will cover 4.2km of Cradle Mountain Road.

Once the design is finalised, we will reach out to members of the community who are directly affected.

Cradle Mountain FCUP map Jan 2024


This work is due to begin in 2025.

About the Freight Capacity Upgrade Program

FCUP supports the productivity of freight vehicles by improving the roads and bridges they travel on day to day. Repairing and strengthening these sections of road will:

  • improve freight productivity
  • improve efficiency and network reliability
  • improve road safety for all road users
  • reduce maintenance costs.


The Australian and Tasmanian Governments have committed combined funding of $100 million towards the FCUP program.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project team (details below).

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


For more information about the Freight Capacity Upgrade project, please contact Lesley Turner on 0447 965 624 or email