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About the project

The Department of State Growth released the Bass Highway – Wynyard to Marrawah Corridor Strategy in 2022.

This strategy was developed in conjunction with an engineering assessment of the road corridor and consultation with the community.

It identifies key issues and opportunities for improvement of the Bass Highway corridor between Wynyard and Marrawah.

A prioritised list of corridor improvement projects has been developed from the strategy to meet the expected strategic function of the road corridor over the next 20 years.

Project upgrades identified as part of the strategy include:

  • four new overtaking lanes
  • 10 sections of road to be realigned, with potential for realigning an additional five sections
  • 15 junction upgrades with potential for upgrading an additional 51 junctions
  • up to 60 km of shoulder widening, with 25 km identified as a high priority.

Project benefits

The East of Tollymore Road Realignment project will improve the section of highway between Baulds Road and Tollymore Road in Table Cape. It involves realignment of the highway to improve sub-standard curves, and safety upgrades to the junction of the Bass Highway and Tollymore Road.

The project will:

  • create a safer driving environment for all road users
  • improve travel times
  • support growth by providing a quality transport corridor.


The project is in the Waratah Wynyard Local Government area, in the Legislative Council electorate of Murchison and the House of Assembly area of Braddon.

The project (as shown in Figure 1) is located approximately 8 kilometres north-west of Wynyard on the Bass Highway. The project has a length of approximately 1,060 metres.

Below is a map of the local area showing the specific project location: Bass Highway, between Baulds Road and Tollymore Road, Table Cape.

Bass Highway between Baulds Road and Tollymore Road, Table Cape

Figure 1: Solid black line illustrates where the works occur.

Traffic changes

Construction started in May 2022 and we expect to complete the project in May 2024, weather permitting.

We will be working between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday. We will let you know in advance if we need to work outside these times.

There will be some temporary traffic changes to ensure the safety of workers and road users. Lane closures and a reduced speed limit will be in place during work hours and may affect travel times.

Road users should allow up to 8 minutes extra travel time during this work. Please follow the directions of traffic controllers and signs, and keep to speed limits.