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About the project

On 16 November 2023, the Australian Government released the findings of a nationwide infrastructure project review.

Unfortunately, as a result of the review, the Australian Government funding was withdrawn from the Old Surrey Road/Massy-Greene Drive Upgrade project.


The Old Surrey Road/Massy-Greene Upgrade project comprised 14 distinct project elements, including a road exchange with the Burnie City Council, that would see Mount Street being returned to local community ownership, and the Massy-Greene truck route being handed over to the department.

Additional project elements included bridge strengthening, construction of a truck rest area, new intersection treatments and upgrades, and resurfacing of various local roads.

The Tasmanian Government allocated some of the remaining State funding to complete the designs for four project elements:

  • Emu Bay Bridge strengthening
  • Massy-Greene Truck Rest area
  • Old Surrey Road Rail Bridge strengthening
  • Bridge Barrier upgrades on Old Surrey Road Rail bridge.

These four designs are currently unfunded for construction.


We consulted with key stakeholders and property owners who could be affected by this project to discuss the project and produce early concept designs.

You can view the comments that were submitted on our interactive map:

Feedback provided in the consultation process will be preserved for consideration in future decision-making.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project team on the details below.


For further information about the project, please email