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The Department of State Growth is investigating options for freight traffic and safety improvements on Bridport Road between Bridport and Bell Bay.

The project will help us identify a priority list of safety and freight focussed upgrades that will bring immediate benefit to all road users.

We are currently in the investigations stage of the project. The project team is completing preliminary investigations to identify the main priority projects on this section of the road.

Future priority upgrades may include turning lanes at junctions to separate turning traffic from through traffic, and passing lanes at locations where the travel speed for slow moving vehicles is at its lowest.

1Community consultation

Community consultation has now been completed for this project.

We are currently analysing feedback received. We apologise for the delay in publishing the consultation and feedback report.

For more details, please email

If you have accessibility requirements to allow you to participate fully, please call the project team on 03 6210 0662 or email


The road passes through nearby localities of Lefroy, Pipers River and Pipers Brook, and is situated on the traditional lands of the Northern clans, the Leenerrerter and Pyemmairrenerpairrener people.

An aerial map of Bridport


The Australian Government has committed $16 million towards the project with an additional $4 million in funding committed by the Tasmanian Government.


How far has the project progressed?

We are currently in the investigations stage of the project. The project team are completing preliminary investigations to identify the main priority projects on this section of the road.

Will the project require land acquisition?

Some partial land acquisition may be required. As the design progresses, we will identify the need for any land acquisition and discuss with the respective landowners.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project team (details below).

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


For more information about this project, please email or call the project team on 03 6210 0662.