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About the project

Efficient transport significantly contributes to Tasmania’s economic development. It’s important that we provide our freight industry and heavy vehicle operators with adequate, efficient, and safe rest areas.

The Heavy Vehicle Driver Rest Area (HVDRA) Project improves rest area infrastructure to support drivers as part of effective risk management programs of the transport industry.

Providing HVDRAs in key locations will allow heavy vehicle drivers to:

  • take mandatory rest breaks across the state
  • better manage fatigue on Tasmanian freight routes
  • check load security.

We have been working closely with the Tasmanian Transport Association and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator to identify HVDRAs. Sites were identified in the Tasmanian Heavy Vehicle Driver Rest Area Strategy.

To date, four HVDRAs have been built in the following locations:

  • Howth (partially complete)
  • Pontville
  • Brighton
  • Longford

HVDRAs are being delivered in two ways. Firstly, a dedicated program of HVDRAs is currently being planned for at the following locations:

  • Westbury, Bass Highway
  • Kings Meadows
  • East Tamar Highway/Bridport Road
  • Murchison Highway, Fossey River
  • Detention River, Bass Highway

HVDRAs are also being constructed at strategic locations where road upgrades are taking place. Currently, a HVDRA is being considered for Old Surrey Road, Massey Green.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project team, details below.

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


For more information about the program of HVDRAs, please contact Pitt and Sherry consultation at