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About the project

The Blackman River Bridge, located on Main Street at the northern end of the Tunbridge township, has been closed to traffic since 2019.

Upgrades to the bridge have now been approved by the Department of State Growth, in conjunction with Northern Midlands Council, Southern Midlands Council, and the Tasmanian Heritage Council.

The repairs to the bridge have been designed to respect its historical and community significance. As part of these repair works, the convict-built sandstone piers will also be repaired and strengthened.

Once the bridge is repaired, a load limit may be applied to ensure the structure does not become over-stressed.


Works were planned to start in early 2024.


This project is funded by the Tasmanian Government.


Q. Will I be able to use the bridge during repair works?

A. No. The bridge will remain closed to all traffic (including pedestrians) during repair works.

Q. Will all vehicles be able to use the bridge once it is repaired?

A. No. Once the bridge is repaired, a load limit may be applied to ensure the structure does not become overstressed.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project engagement consultants (details below).

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact our Stakeholder and Community Engagement consultants, Sarah Casey on 0467 040 234, Campbell Walker on 0482 166 711 or email