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We are doing a planning study for the East Derwent Highway between Bridgewater and the Bowen Bridge to investigate opportunities for upgrades and to make sure the highway can meet the future transport needs of this growing region.

About the project

This section of the East Derwent Highway is a critical link for traffic movement in the Greater Hobart region.

The project will produce a strategic assessment of the 13.5 kilometre section of the East Derwent Highway from the Midland Highway intersection at Bridgewater to the eastern end of the Bowen Bridge. The study area is shown in the map below.

Our project team will:

  • identify and investigate opportunities for road improvements along the corridor that meet the expected needs of local communities and future growth in the region
  • engage with a range of stakeholders including visitors, businesses, local communities and all road users to better understand the types of traffic using the road, the local environment and road user experiences
  • prioritise future improvements to enable a safe and reliable journey for all road users, based on existing performance, safety, future needs of the corridor and consultation feedback.

No construction works are currently planned or underway as part of the development of the planning study.

East Derwent Highway study area

East Derwent Highway study map 2023

Community consultation

Community consultation for this project ended in August 2023. We are currently analysing feedback received. We apologise for the delay in publishing the consultation and feedback report.

View the online interactive map here


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project engagement consultant (details below).

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


For further information on this project, please call our Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, Rodney Lester, on 6165 0443 or email