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About the project

This project includes the Algona Road Roundabout intersection with the Channel Highway through to the Groningen Road overpass, including the intersections with Summerleas Road and the Huon Highway.

The project is currently in the development stage, and final designs have been completed.

The project will deliver:

  • a grade separated bypass of the Algona Road roundabout
  • full duplication of the Kingston Bypass between Algona Road and the Southern Outlet
  • a shared use path for pedestrians and cyclists connecting Huntingfield Avenue to Hollyhock Drive, well as other pedestrian and cycling crossings and connections.

The benefits of the project to the community include:

  • enhanced road safety for all road users
  • improved travel time predictability.


Detailed designs have now been completed and will be shared with the community in July 2024.

These designs do have some environmental impact, and how we manage that will be assessed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.  A submission has been made to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Construction is expected to begin in 2025.

Community consultation

Two rounds of public consultation on the proposals were held in December 2021 and June-July 2022.

We have used the feedback received to develop the design options and create the following reports:

View the Round One Feedback Consultation Summary Report (April 2022)

View the Round Two Feedback Consultation Summary Report (June 2023)


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project engagement consultants (details below).

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


If you have any questions about this project, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Specialist via email or phone on 0422 068 247.