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About the project

The Mornington Traffic Solution Study identifies opportunities for improving safety and the movement of traffic at the roundabout and in the surrounding area for all road users, including cars, trucks, cyclists, and pedestrians.

The planning study:

  • investigates the current and future performance levels of the road network, looking at transport efficiency and management, as well as road user safety
  • considers stakeholder and community feedback and ideas
  • identifies and assesses the performance of different improvement options for their ability to improve safety and meet future demand.

Project location

Map showing the project location


The Australian and Tasmanian governments have committed a total of $100 million to make improvements in this area.

Next steps

The Tasmanian Government is currently working with the Australian Government to determine the improvements that will be made with the available funding.

The Department of State Growth will then start developing designs for the improvements.  As part of the design process, the department will carry out further public consultation to provide further information on the improvements being developed and seek feedback to help inform the design process.

Additional project information will be provided here as it becomes available.

You can view the feedback provided by the community here.