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About the project

The Department of State Growth, in consultation with the Central Highlands Council, is investigating options to design and construct a new Ouse River Bridge on Bashan Road after the collapse of the existing bridge in March 2024.

The existing bridge is currently being removed.

A new Ouse River Bridge at Waddamana would provide improved all-weather service for all road users including freight and heavy vehicles.

The project also involves investigating immediate upgrades to the existing ford in order to improve access across the Ouse River at the project site.

When constructed, the replacement Ouse River Bridge at Waddamana will provide:

  • improved safety for all road users
  • better connectivity for all road users including freight and heavy vehicles
  • improved network reliability


This map shows the location of the Ouse River Bridge.

Ouse River Bridge map May 2024


Removal of the old bridge is underway. We are currently working from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. We expect work to be complete on Friday, 28 June 2024.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project engagement consultant on the details below.

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


To learn more about the project, please email