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About the project

The project will deliver improved road user safety for motorcyclists and other road users along the 40km section of the Channel Highway from south of Margate through to Verona Sands. It will deliver additional road signage including:

  • speed advisory signage
  • the adjustment of concealed road signage
  • side road signage
  • changes in road topography signage.

There will also be the installation of new barriers with underrun protection and additional underrun protection to existing barriers on some corners.


Construction will start on Monday, 22 April 2024 and will take about six weeks.

There will be some temporary traffic changes to ensure the safety of workers and road users. A reduced speed limit will be in place during work hours and this may affect travel times.

Road users should allow up to 10 minutes extra travel time during this work. Please keep to speed limits and follow the directions of traffic controllers and signs.

Project location

The proposed works area covers 39.2 km of the Channel Highway from south of Margate to Verona Sands.

Channel Highway safety improvements map April 2024


If you have any questions regarding these works, please email the project team at or phone Stakeholder Engagement Consultant Adrian Smith on 0417 529 826.