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Transport Tasmania – Road Projects

This privacy policy explains how we handle the information we receive about you when you engage with our projects through the Transport Tasmania website, the project team, or the Engage with the Department of State Growth platform.

The Department of State Growth is committed to protecting your privacy. Any personal information about you that we collect, handle, store or disclose through those services will be managed in accordance with this statement and the Personal Information Protection Act 2004.


For the purposes of interpreting this statement please refer to the below definitions:

  • Contractors means third party individuals or companies who provide goods or services to the department, including the department’s construction contractors and stakeholder engagement consultants.
  • Personal information means information that identifies you or can easily be combined with other information we hold to identify you.

What information is being collected?

The department may collect your personal information if you engage with us about our road projects.
This basic personal information includes your name and contact details.

Alongside personal information, we may also collect information about your engagement with a State Roads project. In most cases, we will collect information about you directly from you including:

  • when you use our website
  • when we receive solicited or unsolicited communications from you, including on social media, letters, emails and text messages
  • when we conduct community information sessions, door knock campaigns and other engagement activities
  • in any submissions, survey responses and other material we receive through our consultation activities
  • when we receive and investigate complaints, enquiries or information requests
  • when we engage with landowners, residents or businesses about the acquisition or occupation of land
  • when you otherwise deal with us.


We respect your choice to remain anonymous, and you may interact with us anonymously where it is lawful and practicable for you to do so. However, sometimes it may not be possible for us to provide information or perform other functions unless we can identify you. During your interaction with us, you will be informed when you are reaching a stage where we will be collecting information from you. At this stage you will be given the opportunity to opt out or proceed.

How and why are we collecting this information?

The primary reason for collection of your personal information is to improve the quality of our projects and our engagement with stakeholders. Basic personal information may be used to respond to your communications, distribute communications material and produce internal reports.

By using Engage with the Department of State Growth and the Transport Tasmania website, you consent to the collection of basic personal information and engagement information you have supplied through your interaction with our projects.

Both personal and engagement information is collected by the department and our contractors. Depending on who is collecting the information, your information may be shared with employees, contractors, public sector organisations, Ministers and Cabinet Committees, and others who need access to it as part of their duties, or who were otherwise permitted access by law. When this information is collected, we and/or our contractors will record the information into a secure database which is managed by the department.

Occasionally, we may collect your information indirectly from third parties who act on your behalf, or who work with us, including Councils and other agencies or bodies. We may also collect your information indirectly by collecting information from whole of government resources, such as property information from the Land Information System Tasmania (LIST).

Further information

For further information about how we manage personal and other information collected in relation to our road projects, please contact us at

You also have a right to access any personal information we hold, and you may ask us to update or correct your personal information.