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About the project

The project involved upgrading about 24 kilometres of the Tasman Highway from just south of St Patricks River to Minstone Road, Scottsdale.

We will improve safety and the current road alignment by widening the road, sealing the road shoulders and providing passing opportunities.

This $120 million-upgrade was jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmania Governments.

Reopening of the Sideling

The Sideling was damaged in the extreme rain event that hit north-east Tasmania in October 2022 and was closed by Tasmania Police to keep road users safe. It has now been restored.

This project improves:

  • travel time reliability for commercial operators and the travelling public between Bridport, Scottsdale and Launceston
  • safety for heavy vehicles and general road users by providing wider lanes and sealed shoulders
  • road alignments by widening corners
  • the driving experience and access for local road users, freight operators and tourists.

Click play below to see how we worked on repairing the Sideling.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project engagement consultant on the details below.

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


For further information about the current roadworks being undertaken as part of Stage 1, Section 1, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, Lucy Bennett on 0408 074 592 or email