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The Department of State Growth has completed upgrades to the Bass Highway at Leith at the Short Street and Braddons Lookout Road intersections.

The upgrades align with contemporary road standards by separating right-turning traffic and improving visibility for vehicles turning right on to the Bass Highway.

The completed upgrades include:

  • chevron line marking to separate turning traffic (turning left into Braddons Lookout Road or Short Street) from Bass Highway traffic
  • a median island to separate right turning traffic into and out of Braddons Lookout Road or Short Street, from Bass Highway traffic
  • minor widening of the highway at the junctions, to accommodate the chevron line-marking and installation of median island


We installed the new lighting in early May 2024.


If you would like to find out more information and you have accessibility requirements, please contact the project team on the details below.

You can find out more about Transport Services' commitment to accessibility on our website here:


If you have any questions regarding this work, please email