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About the project

We are building the Campbell Town North upgrade in two sections to improve safety between Campbell Town and Epping Forest.

Section A - Begins at Epping Forest and continue south for 10km towards Campbell Town. This section is complete.
Section B - Will then continue for 9.8 km to Campbell Town.

The town centres of Campbell Town, Cleveland and Epping Forest will not be upgraded as part of this project due to their reduced speed limits, heritage restrictions and the proximity of buildings to the highway.

Works will include road widening, junction improvement, extending sealed shoulders, additional overtaking lanes, and installing a flexible safety barrier.

The safety improvements will reduce the risk of head-on and loss of control crashes and achieve a minimum 3 star AusRAP safety rating for the Midland Highway.

Traffic changes

Speed limits through the project site will be reduced to 40 km/hr where required.

Please allow up to an extra 45 minutes travel time if you are passing through all three current Midland Highway project sites.

2Community consultation

In June 2020, we consulted with the community with concept proposals for these sections. Following their feedback, changes were made to the designs, including additional overtaking lanes and turn facilities.

The updated designs were then made available for the public to view and provide feedback in May 2021. The feedback from this round of consultation was considered in the final designs.


For more information about the project, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, Lucy Bennett, on 0408 074 592 or by email,