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About the project

This project will improve the driver experience, overall safety, and travel time reliability along sections of the popular Great Eastern Drive, one of Tasmania’s five self-drive touring journeys to encourage visitors and Tasmanians to explore the regional parts of our State.

The project is underway. Some upgrades have been completed, some are being constructed, and some projects are scheduled to start work over the next few years.

1Current projects

Apsley and Lisdillon packages of works

Current works on the Great Eastern Drive include the Apsley and Lisdillon packages of works.

The Apsley package covers the section of Tasman Highway from Bicheno to Coles Bay Road turn-off, and a corner improvement north of Glen Gala. The upgrades include widening, the east coast’s first southbound overtaking lane, and realignment of corners that have high crash statistics.

The Lisdillon package of works will look at road realignment and road widening on two sections of the Tasman Highway near Lisdillon, being:

  • A section of about 1.3 km located just to the north of Triabunna.
  • 13 km of road between Ponty Pool and Rocky Hills to the north of Little Swanport.


If you have any questions regarding the Apsley package of works, please contact Suzi Watral on 0411 621 170 or

If you have any questions regarding the Lisdillon package of works, please contact Lucy Bennett on 0408 074 592, or

2Completed works

Progress on this project has included a number of treatments over recent years. These include the following:

Dianas Basin to St Helens - completed in July 2022

We have made improvements to the Tasman Highway between Dianas Basin and St Helens.

The works include road widening, improvements to the condition and alignment of the road, and two new dedicated overtaking facilities (one in each direction).

These upgrades will improve safety for all road users, improve travel time reliability and enhance the driver and visitor experience.

The design plans for the section between Dianas Basin and St Helens were on display to the public in August 2020. You can read a summary of the consultation here: Public Consultation Summary Report - Great Eastern Drive, Basin Creek to St Helens

You can also view the plans here:  Roll Plan - Tasman Highway, Basin Creek to St Helens Upgrade

South of Bicheno - completed in July 2022

We made junction improvement works on the Tasman Highway, just South of Bicheno, near the waste transfer station.

These safety upgrades included widening the road and adding right turn facilities.

Junction upgrades - completed in 2020-21

The following turn treatment and junction upgrades were among those completed in 2020-2021:

  • Rosedale Road turn treatment
  • Freycinet Vineyard turn treatment
  • Spring Vale Vineyard turn treatment
  • East Coast Nature World turn treatment
  • Louisville Road junction
  • Pontypool Road junction
  • Saltworks Road turn treatment
  • Cressy Beach turn treatment
  • Pondering Frog turn treatment
  • Swan River Road turn treatment
  • Raspins Beach junction
  • Piermont turn treatment.

Work completed in 2019-20

Over three stages, works completed in 2019-20 included:

  • improvements to the Coles Bay Road Left Turn Junction
  • dedicated right turn lanes at Basin Creek and Flagstaff Road.
  • installation of a northbound overtaking lane at Cranbrook (north of Glen Gala Road)
  • four junction upgrades in the Beaumaris Beach area to:
    • Beaumaris Beach
    • Dark Hollow Creek
    • Freshwater Street
    • Skyline Drive.
  • Improvements to the pull over area at Four Mile Creek.
  • Road widening and safety treatments, at junctions and entries to popular tourism experiences including at:
    • Mariposa Beach
    • Hughes Point Lookout
    • Burgess Street in Bicheno
    • Kelvedon Beach
    • Rocky Hills Road Junction
    • Rocky Hills Turn Out
    • Avalon Junction
    • Ironhouse Brewery access.

Work completed in 2018-19

The first stage of works started in late 2018 and were completed in May 2019.

Works included:

  • installation of a northbound overtaking lane at Cranbrook (north of Glen Gala Road)
  • four junction upgrades in the Beaumaris Beach area to:
    Beaumaris Beach
    Dark Hollow Creek
    Freshwater Street
    Skyline Drive
  • Improvements to the pull over area at Four Mile Creek.


For further information about the Great Eastern Drive road projects, please contact Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, Suzi Watral, on 0411 621 170 or by email at