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The Registrar of Motor Vehicles (RMV) on behalf of the Department of State Growth (Department) invites applications for accreditation to provide vehicle modification certification services. The Services comprise the certification of vehicle modifications to relevant vehicle standards or standards approved by the RMV or National Heavy Vehicle Regulator in accordance with the Vehicle Modification Certification Manual (VMCM).

A Deed Poll and Instrument of Accreditation are created for each business, if approved by the RMV.

The RMV may exercise its discretion in the following circumstances (not limited to):

  • Appropriate client services across the full range of required engineering certifications and,
  • appropriate service delivery options across all regions within Tasmania.

Provision of Services

The Application process assesses the suitability of a business to be offered a contract to operate as an accredited provider of vehicle modification services.

After being awarded an agreement, approved persons within that business can certify modifications made to light and/or heavy vehicles.

For additional information regarding the accreditation model and the application process please refer to our Application for Accreditation booklet or email

Application for Accreditation – Provision of Vehicle Modification Certification Services (PDF 242.9 KB)

Can you please ensure that you attach your application and supporting documents before you submit your application.

Applicant Details

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Personal information protection statement

You are providing personal information to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, who will manage that information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and relevant provisions of the Act. The personal information collected here will be used by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles for driver licensing and vehicle registration purposes, and related purposes under the Act and associated laws, including for national identity.

The Registrar of Motor Vehicles may also use the information for related purposes, or disclose it to third parties in circumstances allowed for by law. You have the right to access your personal information by request to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles and you may be charged a fee for this service.