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The Registrar of Motor Vehicles will consider reports of unsafe vehicles.

All reports received will be treated confidentially – your personal information will not be disclosed unless you consent or it is required or authorised by law.

You can only report a vehicle which is registered in Tasmania.

Registration Number: *
Make and model: *
Region: *
Street and suburb where the vehicle was observed:*
Time and Date observed: *

Upload images (optional):

Images must be clear and vehicle identifiers (eg. number plate, make, model, colour) visible

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5

Your details

Name: *
Residential address street, suburb, postcode: *
Contact Number: *
Email: *

Reason for report

Details of defect/s (actual condition must be stated e.g. vehicle blows smoke, windscreen broken):


Personal Information Protection Statement

You are providing personal information to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, who will manage that information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and relevant provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999. The personal information collected here will be used by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles for driver licensing and vehicle registration purposes, and related purposes under the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 and associated laws, including for national identity matching and verification purposes. Failure to provide this information may result in your application not being processed, or records not being properly maintained. The Registrar of Motor Vehicles may also use the information for related purposes, or disclose it to third parties in circumstances allowed for by law. You have the right to access your personal information by request to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles and you may be charged a fee for this service.

Contact and Assistance

Completed paper forms can be submitted by email to

Mailing address:

Registar of Motor Vehicles
GPO Box 1002